Words can be gateways to the Divine.  Sound can be a gateway to Silence.  Forms can be gateways to the Formless. This journal contains words that represent experiences of Truth, and that serve as gateways to the Self for me. Perhaps some of them will also be useful to you.

August 16, 2018

Here is the unlimited Presence. Here the numerous curtains that obscure your Being are lifted. Here is the Subject, the Looker, the Knower. There is the seen, the known, the limited objects. The question is, what do we want, the Unlimited or the limited. The answer is, both! And it's all the Self.

August 17, 2018

I am Being. There is nothing I am not.  I have no edge, no limits. My flow and extent is infinite. I am whole. I am what is.

August 19, 2018

Nothing is so revolutionary as the realization that you are the formless Source, rather than the limited form you appear to be.

August 29, 2018

You have no edges. You are infinite, single, flowing, eternal. You are what is, and all that is. You are the Creator and Destroyer of worlds. There is no outside to you, it is all inside. There is nothing fixed, nothing solid. There is only your flow, Awareness and motion.

September 11, 2018

Knowing is the foundation of all things, the single Substance of all experience and existence. Knowing is what we always are, our subtle Presence, our eternal Being.  Knowing is always Here, before form, the Alpha and the Omega, the creative base, the miraculous Self.

September 30, 2018

The Inner Light is what we all see by.  It has no form, no dimension, no boundaries.  It is freedom itself, Truth, our constant Presence, our Self. 

I am the No-thing.  I am also Everything, which comes from the No-thing, from the Light.

October 2, 2018

There is only the infinite Light and its perfect movement, the Way. Here is the Light. What we see is the Way.

October 3, 2018

Perfection is having no dimension, no limits, no form. Perfection is the Truth; all else is fiction, our Divine art. Perfection is Here, where we are. Everything else, what we observe, is simply limited images of our movement. Enjoy the images, but be the Truth. Be your formless, perfect Self, at rest and in motion. There is no Other. Be Here, Now, without limits.

October 4, 2018

There is only one Mind, one Self, Creator, Source, Substance.  It is Here. Our movement directs our attention to there, to the partial, the divided; but what moves is Here.

Rather than being in space, I am space. Rather than being in time, we are time, which is our movement.

Form is only the way we perceive the movement of Mind, the Formless.  Form is limited, partial. Mind is unlimited, the infinite Whole. Mind is Here, form is there.  The Self, which is Mind and its movement, is Everywhere.

Enlightenment is Mind discovering itself, Mind coming Home. Mind and its motion are two sides of the same Substance. If you want peace, look for it Here.  If you want Adventure, you’ll find it there.

The sound of sacred syllables can dissolve the limitations that bind us. Boundlessness is our Essence, the No-form, the Creative.

Who am I? Nothing, which is the only thing, the Substance of everything, the perfect Presence, whole and complete in itself, boundless, dynamic, creative, pure Being.

I am Here, before thought, the Source of thought, the Substance of all form.

October 5, 2018

All movement is the Perfect Way. There are no mistakes.  There is no other. Perfection includes the Knower and every motion.

October 9, 2018

Presence is what you always are. Presence has no shape, no limits. Motion creates apparent shapes and limits.  Know your infinite Presence, your eternal Being, your constant Awareness, your Self.

October 14, 2018

There are no walls, no edges to your Being. You are the container and Substance of Everything.    You are every dimension and no dimension. You are Truth. There is nothing you are not.

Spontaneous vocalization, both interior and exterior, can clear away the limits of inner walls we experience in the single Presence, the Self.

The Truth is single, with many facets, like a diamond.  You are Truth.

October 19, 2018

Where am I?  I am Here.  Though flowing creates the illusion of there, it is all Here.

October 25, 2018

The nature of the Tao is to appear and move as distinct particles, in order to produce drama. The result gives us many characters within the single wave of the Divine, the unified motion of the One.

We are the Tao, the changing face of the Divine. There is no other. Know the one Self in all movement.  It is that changing face you see around and within you right now.

October 26, 2018

We need to learn to relax into the present. It's all you and your flow, what you need and want. There is nothing solid, nothing to fear. Honor every moment. It's your Self.

The formless root of all Being, the mysterious Self, the Divine Ground, is right Here. You are the Mystery, the One, the Infinite. Attention is the key.  Come Here, to the Source.

October 27, 2018

All of our impressions, our perceptions, are ripples on the Divine Mind.

You are pure God, at play. Don't forget who is playing.

Nothing is truly separate. Separation appears as a result of limited perspectives.

Our Being is always Here, where Truth is. The direction of our attention is usually there, where separateness appears. It's good to go out to play, and also good to come Home. Alternation is our Divine Nature.

October 28, 2018

It is our nature to imagine things, to see divisions. Mind Is Everything. Imagination is our play, our diversion.

In Truth, you are whole, Unlimited, infinite. The remedy for pain is Truth, which is Here, now, before thought and belief, your Self and Substance, your formless Presence.

Being is Knowing, Mind, eternal. Becoming is play, illusion, temporary. The Truth is you are the formless Self.  Knowing the Truth allows you the freedom to follow the Way wherever it may go.

October 29, 2018

The secret is that the Whole it always here, within and beyond the separate. You are the Whole, as well as the motion that produces our sense of separateness.

Don't oppose any movement. Instead, take it in a better direction.

October 30, 2018

We are Knowing, the heart and soul of Being.  Our motion gives us contrast, which we need to have something to know. Knowing is pure, formless, perfect, who we really are, who we always are. What is known is what the motion of our Being looks like from a limited perspective, adding richness to our experience.

October 31, 2018

You are the matrix, the Substance, the base, the Self of all things, all motion. You are pure Being, Presence, the eternal Foundation of all, the infinite Essence.

To know the Whole, we must relax, letting go of all forms. You are the Whole. It is your eternal Being, your true Self.

We are the Emptiness that contains Everything and has no edges. We are the still Mind whose motion creates all images. We are the Whole. Know yourself as the Host of all things.

November 2, 2018

Who am I? Limited or unlimited?  What do I want to be, the limited, or the Unlimited? The truth is I am the Unlimited, continually playing at being limited. I am the single Self.

November 4, 2018

I am the one Substance. I contract myself to create contrast. I relax myself to know Wholeness.

November 11, 2018

Limitation is an illusion. I am the Unlimited, dreaming of limitation. Our motion brings perception of limitation, and also the expanding frontier of the new. Alternation between illusion and Truth is our destiny.

November 16, 2018

What do I want?  I want to be released from the sense of limitation. What is my path?  It’s finding the Knower. Where does it lead? To Infinity, the Self, Truth, the Whole. Where can I find it?  Here, always Here.

November 17, 2018

You are the single Substance. Know your Self and you’ll know all things, all value, all Truth.  You are the One.  You are always Home, no matter where you go. The known is the Knower, your Self.

The game is to see if we can remember Mind while in motion. Unity is the Truth, which is eternal, but often overlooked. We need to be aware of the truth of our Unity, just as we need the pursuit of adventure through the appearance of diversity.

November 22, 2018

Where am I? Am I Here, where I am free, formless, Whole, Unlimited, creative, eternal? Or there, where I am limited, partial, insecure?

Beyond either Here, or there, there are ways of being both Here and there. Where will my wandering take me today? The Truth is I am Here, manifesting as there, and that is where I want to be.

What is primary, Freedom or adventure?  Freedom, also called Mind, or unstructured Space, is the basis of Everything. Freedom is the blue sky across which numerous clouds pass, sometimes obscuring it entirely. But the sky is always there, the unfettered Self.

November 25, 2018

Here is before thought. Thought divides Being, and is our play. Here is our Essence, our Substance, our Wholeness, the Thinker, the Unbounded.

I am formless Presence, pure, free, creative, empty, yet full of Substance. Your Self, your true identity, is always Here, only appearing to be lost when you identify there, with only part of what  you actually are. 

What you see is form. What sees is formless. Form is limited. You are the Unlimited, the Whole, the single Substance, the eternal Mind.

November 29, 2018
The nature of Wholeness includes the urge to experience separation, multiplicity, illusion. Wisdom is to recognize what time it is, and to be open to the flow of the present, your Self.

What is present is always you. Embrace it, be open to it.  It’s who you are. The Self is good.

November 30, 2019

We begin any action in repose, as the formless Whole. We begin to act by contracting the Self to appear as a part, as form, as selected characteristics.  But we are still the Whole, which is all there is, one Being, whether moving or at rest. Know and honor your beginning.  You are still there.

December 2, 2018

In the circuitous corridors of myself, I encounter Source and Substance, the one Mind, the single Self.  I need to remember where it is.  It’s always Here.

The Source is infinitely greater than any thing, and all things.

The Truth appears only when the Light of the Way turns back on itself, either wholly or in part. Mind, the creative Source of all things, the Self, the Light, is Here. Know the Light.

December 5, 2018

Many different things and places are there, but there is only one Here. The key to liberation, to Freedom, is Here, the Infinite, Undefined, Unlimited, Source and Substance of all that is, Mind itself.

There is movement, change. Here is always the same. The Self, the Mind, needs to experience both Here and there, and our attention alternates between them according to our nature.

December 8, 2018

The truth is that the known is the Knower. You are the Substance of it all. There is only one Being, your Being, one I, your I, one unlimited Presence. This.

December 9, 2018

Ah, the flow of the Self!  Watch the flow to see what time it is.  Enjoy the freedom of your formlessness. You are the only Substance. It's all you.

What is the essence of my eternal Being? Knowing. What do I know? The Self, its movements, its contractions. How do we find peace? By relaxing into the Infinite, the Undefined, the Unlimited. There is the Source and Substance of all movement, the Self, the Soul. When?  Now.

Peace brings freedom, both freedom from, and freedom to. You are always free to follow your needs, your nature. You are the free-flowing river that leads to the sea, from where it will rise to the sky and begin again.

You are the eternal Presence, the infinite Being, the one Self, absolute freedom. You will use your freedom to imagine new limits for yourself, and begin the game again.

December 11, 2018

I am movement.  Whatever moves is my Self.

December 12, 2018

The most fundamental inquiry is whether I have edges to my Being. I am conscious Presence. Does Presence have limits, edges? I perceive limits, my perceptions have limits, but am I limited? Is Here and Now, where I always am, limited?

Is Presence limited? Or is it eternal? Does Presence sometimes move and sometimes rest? Is it sometimes light and sometimes dark? Or is it beyond light and darkness, beyond rest and movement, beyond its changing content? Isn't it the Essence which contains all opposites? I am movement and rest, the Am.

I am Whole, not merely a part. I am all parts. I am complete. I am Being, the Am, you. I am pure Presence. I am the Self.

I am the single Substance. All things are contractions of myself, the Self. Truth is the single Substance, contracting into illusion, and relaxing into the Source.

There is one Being, one God, one Self, one Substance. Here.

Death is the end of one pattern of movement. Presence will go on, moving along new paths, creating new patterns.

December 14, 2018

To transcend the feeling of pettiness and limitation, don’t reject it, which is the way of pettiness. Accept it and relax into it as a part of your Self.  That’s the way of Wholeness, the Unlimited.

December 16, 2018

Like and dislike is the essence of movement. Without like and dislike, there would be no movement. We’ll always be exposed to things we don't like. Otherwise, we wouldn't know the experience of what we do like. If you don't like something, move on to something you do like. That’s the way of satisfaction.

December 17, 2018

The most important thing is not what we know, but that we know. Not particular objects, but the Subject. 

What is known is the movement of the Knower.  To truly know something is to be it. Know everything as your Self. Knowing is Being.

December 18, 2018

Words are signposts pointing back to experience. Without experience, our words have little meaning.  As experiences of the Self come and go, words coming from direct experience can remind us of our Essence.

Who am I? I am Being. What do I want? Both peace and adventure, Wholeness and division, Truth and illusion.

Don't resist the Way, the flow, wherever it leads. It's who you are.

Perfection contains both the flawless and the flawed. That's what makes it perfect.

We are Knowing and flowing, Awareness and motion. We are always Here, the Eternal. We are formless, complete, perfect. 

We flow to create the impression of there, of form, imperfection. Then we come Home, back to the Truth.  We are the eternal alternation whose Source is Here.

December 19, 2018

We all seek perfection, to be complete in who we are, without lack, sufficient in every way. The small self will never achieve this. For the large Self, it was always true, and is true Now.

December 20, 2018

The Truth is that we can have it all. It's all right Here.

Only the Formless is eternal—Mind, Presence, Awareness.. Other names for the eternal are God, Spirit, Self—and you! 

December 21, 2018

You are the Self-Creating. Your Essence is like empty space, which the motion of your Mind is continually structuring. What you perceive and believe alters the fabric of your Self. 

Your thoughts and beliefs become depressions in the Substance of your Being into which movement flows. What you observe and think about is constantly changing the totality of your objective self. You are a dynamic Being.

December 24, 2018

If we seek Perfection, we will find it, right where we started.

We learn Perfection the only way possible, by experiencing its opposite. Our ability to experience apparent imperfection is necessary for us to become aware of the Perfection of our Essence.

We are learning and teaching our Self the Perfection of Being, what we are, our Substance.

Our attention travels from the Perfection of Here, to the drama of there, from Being to becoming, which is our play and classroom, teaching and reminding us of the value of Home.

December 25, 2018
You don't need to go any place to find perfection. Going is to find the adventure of imperfection. Perfection isn't there, in division, it's Here, in Wholeness.

Perfection is complete freedom, the Truth of what you are. Unrestrained. Unfathomable.

Where am I? Here, where I am free? Or there, where I am bounded.

Life divides up, structures space and time. Are we trying to do that as an individual? Or do we let the Tao do it, not dividing life at all, just letting it flow.

Follow your feelings.  That’s the Tao.

There is only one body, formless, flowing, contracting and relaxing, conscious, constant, whose focus of awareness is fragmented, occasionally noticing its Self.

Here is the Undivided, whose motion gives us thought, the Divider. When we think of the Undivided as an object, it remains there, a distant other.  When we look for it Here, at our Source, we find it, and know it as our Self.

Our attention naturally flows to what we want. And recoils from it when we no longer want it. The wandering of our attention is the Tao, which returns to the Self in its time.

Do we want Wholeness, which is Here? Or do we want adventure, which is there?

December 26, 2018

Our Wholeness is dynamic, bringing the experience of limitation, division, novelty, diversity, and unity.

Limitation, which is illusion, is essential to the knowledge of Truth, the Infinite and Unlimited.

December 27, 2018

Imperfection, the sense of lack or insufficiency, is an illusion, as is our apparent division. What is real is our Perfection and Wholeness.

December 28, 2018

The two sides to our Being are Knowing and Flowing.  The nature of our Essence, our Substance, is to know and to go without limit.

December 29, 2018

Forms can’t exist without Substance. Mind, the Self, is the eternal Substance.

Imperfection is the experience of the Mind at play, doubting itself, seeking and finding adventure, struggling toward the goal of perfecting itself as only a part of the Whole, which is impossible to achieve.

Perfection is the undivided, unlimited Present, the totality of all parts and paradoxes, the Mind at rest, returned Home.

Gradually we are realizing the truth of our present, perfect Wholeness, our eternal Being, our Self, our creative Mind, all there is, Here and Now.
We are the whole Mind, greater than its content, greater than space or time.

December 31, 2018

The content of our awareness results from the division of our Mind. Divided images result from the nature of perception, which focuses on partial characteristics to the exclusion of others, and the Whole. We are not parts, not partial images, which is our play. We are complete, the formless, perfect Whole, Mind itself, the Source and Substance of all form.

The greatest wonder to me is our ability to take separate courses through the Infinity of Being that is our single Mind.

January 1, 2019

Nothing is more basic than Mind. Mind is the knowing and the known, essence and motion. The truth is that Mind has no edges, no limits, no beginning, and no end. Mind is infinite and eternal, the omnipresent. It is the source and substance of motion, creativity. Mind is the Self, your Self.

January 2, 2019

Whatever the current edges of your experience seem to be, the truth is that you are more than that. You are the boundless awareness that is experiencing this. You are the stuff of both awareness and experience, the single, perfect Substance, Mind itself.

January 3, 2019

I am the Undefined and Undivided. I am the No-thing; there is nothing I am not.

Forms are still images of movement.  Motion and Awareness are the fundamental Reality.

January 4, 2019

Forms are limited images of a few characteristics of the Whole. Identifying with them limits our sense of Being, and puts us in conflict with other parts of Being characterized by their opposites. The Truth is that we are the Whole and all its characteristics. Here is the Source and Substance of all forms, our true identity, the Self.

There are no edges to our Being. We encompass all forms, which pass as ripples through the Substance of our Awareness.

January 6, 2019

Watch and respect motion, and stillness. Both are the No-thing, the Self.

It's time for me to be Unlimited, watching the passing images of limitation..

The objective side of all things, of Being, is energy.The subjective side is Awareness, Mind, Imagination. Both sides are the Self.

January 7, 2019

Limitation is the appearance of being only one side of a pair of opposites, which is an illusion.  We are all sides of all opposites.  We are the Whole.

Life in the world of time and space is focused on dividing and partialness. We are beyond all pairings and duality.

You are greater than what you see, beyond any point in time or space. You are what moves and is aware.

January 8, 2019

I feel like a miner, digging for the mother-load of Truth, buried treasure, the Holy Grail, hidden within a vast field of Illusion. What I am finding is Who We Are, a Single Being who is formless, infinite, eternal, One without a second. I have discovered a Being whose imagination is limitless, and whose creativity is so powerful it has lost its Self in a multitude of creatures whose diverse characteristics are limitless. Physicists call its essence "energy".  Theologians call it "God." Mystics call it "consciousness."  In Truth it's is all three, and more. It is you.

Are you form imagining freedom? Or are you freedom imagining form? You are Freedom.

January 9, 2019

Knowledge of the Truth resides Here.  The question is, do I?

The Tao resides there.  Do I recognize it?

The only place that is perfect is Here, where our formless Presence is. Here is everywhere.

All the sensations I feel as my body, along with all the other sensations and thoughts I have, are the single movement of the Tao. The Tao and my Awareness are all that exist. I am Whole.

January 10, 2019

Consciousness has no form; it's the Substance. Consciousness feels form, and identifies with form, but it's the Whole. It both flows and knows, but only its Self. Consciousness is all that is. I am that.

The purpose of the flow is to have somewhere to go and something to know.

January 11, 2019

Form, the conditioned, the defined, is the division of Here, the Source, the Unlimited, Freedom, Being, the Subject, the Substance. Here is the only Substance, and is Whole.

Relax into the formless Truth of your Self, of Here, for peace and wholeness. Contract to experience division and adventure.

January 12, 2019

Perfection is the formless Here, the Source that is complete, and contains all forms.

There is where I see parts of my Self. Here is where I see the Whole.

January 13, 2019

Freedom is limitless Presence, formless Being, the infinite Here. Freedom is the perfection of Wholeness.

Wholeness is the single Being that contains all the opposites, lacking nothing. It is the Self, the Here.

It is the nature of Freedom to move to limitation, and then to Wholeness. I am Freedom.

Motion is a contraction for the purpose of appearing limited, of creating form, definition, direction. Motion alternates with rest, the absence of contraction.  At rest we know Wholeness, the Unlimited, the experience of pure Being,  Freedom, Truth.

Do I have edges, am I limited? I experience edges, the sense of limitation, but am I limited by that experience, or is it within me? Isn't my Awareness, my Knowing, greater than its content? Isn't my Knowing unlimited, the infinite Being, the Source, the eternal Self?

There are an amazing number of currents in the Whole, in the Self, enough to eternally surprise us. Relax into the Way.

January 14, 2019

There are edges to my perceptions, but not to my Being, to the Perceiver. It is the nature of perception to be limited, and the nature of the Perceiver to be infinite, One without a second.

January 16, 2019

The game of life is all about taking sides, struggling for the perfection of the partial. The trick is that Perfection is the Player, who is all sides, the Whole.

Life is a game of imperfection played by Perfection itself, the infinite Whole, the Self, which is Here.

The perfect Whole brings us exactly what we need. Our need is to continually change, from rest to action, and from action to rest.

January 17, 2019

There are two levels of being, the relative and the Absolute, the Perfect and the imperfect, the partial and the Whole, limited and Unlimited. To truly experience the Whole is to be the Whole. The Absolute is the supreme state, the ultimate experience, lacking nothing, complete in every way, the achievement of the Infinite. The only thing missing is the experience of the ego, the separate self, with its sense of striving, of lack, of limitation.  The freedom of the Absolute also extends there, where we often spend our time.

You are the Absolute, the Whole, imagining your separation. You have the freedom to go wherever your nature wants to be.

January 18, 2019

The essence of Truth is Here, not there. Its essence is Knowing, which is formless, infinite, eternal, the only Substance, Being itself, the Perfect.

There is an illusion whose value changes with the time. Illusion is our play, Truth is our Essence.

Knowing is whole, all that is. What we know is the imaginative movement of the Knower, the Self.

You are the Source and  Substance of all. You are the Font as well as the forms that flow from it. You are the Whole, the forms and the Formless.  You are complete.

There is only Awareness and the Way. What is happening is the Way, what knows is Awareness, two sides to one Reality.

January 19, 2019

We are pure Spirit, Mind, and the flowing of the Way. The appearance of limitation is a joke we play on our Self. The Truth is, we are complete Freedom, the Unlimited.

January 20, 2019

Whatever you sense is lacking in the present, in your small self, in what you see, you also contain. It is only your viewpoint that is limited, imperfect, not the Viewer. You are all things, complete in all ways, the Whole. Know your full Self, not only the known, but the formless Knower and Source that is always Here.

January 21, 2019

Knowing and moving are the two characteristics of the eternal Substance, bringing us constantly changing shapes and feelings. We are the shapeless Substance.

Attention and the content of our attention, including our beliefs and desires, affects and changes the direction of the flow.

January 23, 2019

I am Here and everywhere. I see the Self in all things. There are no limits to my Being.

Despite all of the conflict we see, there is not an iota of Other. All of this is simply what we are doing, the movement of the one Substance, the Self.

The Truth is there is no division. Here and there are One.  There is just one Self, you, this.

Relax into the pain. It's also part of the Way, your Self.

I am the Undifferentiated, the Undefined, the Limitless. The formless Way leads us to the appearance of differentiation, and back to Wholeness.

I notice my mind judging the flow from the viewpoint of the partial. Instead of judging the Way from a limited perspective, follow and honor it from the perspective of the Whole, the perfect Self.

January 24, 2019

No effort is required to be Whole. We are Whole. Effort is only required to support and defend our sense of partial identity. Our Being is eternal.  Relax into it to know Wholeness.

Who am I?  I am the Truth. Separation is only a game. The Whole is the Truth.  It is the one Substance, aware and in motion.

Words can be signs to lead you Home, to perfect Wholeness, where you always are.

Desire can be satisfied by motion, or by Stillness, according to the path of the Perfect Way. Motion normally brings a sense of separation, while Stillness brings knowledge of Wholeness.

January 25, 2019

Who am I? I am Knowing. What do I know? I know change and what doesn't change. Knowing is eternal.

January 26, 2019

 You are the formless, unlimited Being that contains all forms, and whose Awareness and motion are the Substance of all that is. You have no edges.

We desire a sense of wholeness as well as the forms or images that create a sense of the partial.

Forms are representations of our movement, and have no reality apart from us.

January 28, 2019

Form is imperfect, an illusion. Truth,  reality, is formless and perfect, single, whole, unlimited.

Honor the flow, and honor the conscious, flowing Substance, the Self.

My attention is flowing to the realization of my formless Self, the single Substance. Dwell in Truth, only visit illusion.

The formless Truth is Here, now, always. Illusion is only a passing image of motion.

Edges are how our Mind divides up the flow to allow perception of its diverse currents, which are actually One.

Movement within the formless Presence, and awareness of both movement and Presence is the essence of joy.

January 30, 2019

The nature of perception is contrast. Without an opposite, nothing is perceived. Perceptions are always incomplete, partial views of the Whole. The imperfect nature of perception is part of the perfection of the Whole.

January 31, 2019

The foundation of our perfection is our formlessness, which lacks nothing, is Whole, and at the same time dynamic, always producing the new. We are complete in our Self, yet at the same time always changing, internally in motion.

Knowing is single. What is known is separate, giving the appearance of the many. The two are One, the dynamic Whole, the Self.

I am the only am. I am you, what is, Being, the one Self, and so are you.

The word, the thought, Presence, experience of, I contains all things, is infinite. We are the Eternal I, struggling through the challenges of time, which is our play.

I am your Self. You are my Self. There is no separate Self.

Welcome to the new. Welcome to another round of the dynamic You, your Self which is also Me.

February 2
Here is the Absolute, the Unconditioned, eternal Perfection, the Substance and Essence of all that is, the Self. Here is also motion, the play of what is, taking the form of all opposites. Here is One, and the dream of many, both the limited and the Unlimited. Here is Truth, as well as illusion. It is all Here, the Infinite, with no limit to its depth, Being itself.

The moving Whole is called the Perfect Way. It is complete in its Self, yet its nature is to move. Call it Paradox. You can also call it God, the Self, Being, Truth. I am the Perfect Way. You are the Perfect Way.

February 3, 2019

Only the formless is free.

Where am I? I'm always Here. I am the formless, conscious, creative Presence, the primal energy. I move within my Self by contracting and releasing. My motion creates the images of form we know as the world. I am the single Self. I am you.

Be careful not to sink into the illusion of limitation. It's easy to do, and the great mistake.

There is one motion, the Perfect Way. This is it.

Our motion creates the world and all opposites from the single Self.

I am freedom. I am creativity. What do I want to create?

Creation always comes in pairs, in contrasts. Creation divides, separates, raising here and lowering there, honoring the new, diminishing the old. Creation proceeds from the Unlimited to the limited, from the Whole to the partial.

What is good? The Whole and its motion, which gives us the partial, for a time, and then something new.

What is partial will only be here for a time. What is whole is eternal.

What has form is only partial. What is formless is eternal.

Do I have form? Am I Iimited? Or am I eternal? I, the Self, am what Am, the Unlimited, the eternal Presence.

Creation always comes in pairs, in contrasts. Creation divides, separates, raising here and lowering there, honoring the new, diminishing the old. Creation proceeds from the Unlimited to the limited, from the Whole to the partial.

What is good? The Whole and its motion, which gives us the partial, for a time, and then something new.

What is partial will only be here for a time. What is whole is eternal.

What has form is only partial. What is formless is eternal.

Do I have form? Am I Iimited? Or am I eternal? I, the Self, am what Am, the Unlimited, the eternal Presence.

February 4, 2019

All of this is my motion, everything that you feel, everything that you see. It is all what I need, which is change amid the changeless, the limited, imperfect within the Unlimited and Perfect, motion within the eternal Self. Together they are the Perfect Way, the Knower and known.

I am astounded at the unlimited variety of the Whole, Being, the one Self..

February 5, 2019  

Motion divides our Awareness and identity. Being precedes motion and division. Remember Who is moving.

Motion gives us drama and is our play.The Undivided Mover is our Unity.

February 6, 2019

Relax into peace.  Contract into adventure.

February 8, 2019

The deepest wisdom is the realization that there is no Other. There is only the Mind and its motion.

The function of motion is to create the illusion of Other, for our enjoyment. The paradox is that joy can only be experienced along with the contrasting experience of pain, which illusion also brings.

Motion structures the space of our consciousness.

There is only one thing, which is Nothing, our simple Presence. In the twinkling of an eye, or the turn of a thought, one is there, and then gone again.

February 9, 2019

There is only the present, only the Presence, which is infinite, containing all, pure Mind, the Am, without limit, Now. There is no other.

I am the past, the present, and the future. There's nothing I am not. My nature is free to flow where it will.  I am you.

We have created all of this. Beware of attachment. Let it all come, and go.

I am Nothing. You are Nothing.  To be Nothing is to be present without limits, totally our Self, to follow our nature, the Perfect Way.

February 10, 2019

The Paradox is that the limited is composed of the Unlimited. Perfection, the Essence of everything, is only known through perception of imperfection, whose existence discloses and proves the existence of its opposite.

Knowledge of anything requires the Knower, who is Nothing. Knowledge of any content requires Emptiness.

You are the Nothing whose movement gives us images of parts, leading us to the Awareness of the Whole, Perfection, the Self.

Knowing pain is necessary for knowing pleasure. Experience of imperfection is required for the experience of Perfection. This is the Way of all perception.

The continuing Paradox is that the temporal, movement, is necessary for knowledge of the Eternal, the Unmoved Mover.

February 11, 2019

The Absolute

The Absolute is always Here, unconditional, perfect. It is the Knower, Consciousness, Mind itself, whose contractions focus attention on limited parts of our unlimited Being, before relaxing again into the Truth of our Wholeness.

Movement provides us with changing perspectives on the elemental aspects of eternal Being. The unchanging Whole is Here during, before and after our movement.

February 12, 2019

There is a time for the peace of Wholeness and Truth, and a time for the adventure of duality, of illusion. Life is God's adventure into duality.

The Truth of Wholeness is the bottom line, the Alpha and the Omega, the Eternal. The illusion of duality is our temporary adventure.

The logic of language, by which we divide and seek to understand Being, can disclose the Truth of our Wholeness and Divinity. Since the Whole is everything, and each thing is only a partial image, whether one defines God as a separate thing or the Whole itself, the substance of God is the same as your substance, the Whole and its movement.

The New
When we are experiencing total freedom as the infinite Whole, the query arises, “what shall I do with this freedom?” The urge to seek the new is fundamental to our nature, and one of the  sources of our continuing motion.

February 13, 2019

Which part of you is the same as it was ten minutes ago, ten years ago, a lifetime ago? What is the Substance that was the past, is the present, and will be the future, that moves, knows that it moves, and always is? it is your Essence, your eternal Presence, what cannot be lost, the one Source, whose motion is the world. There is only Presence and movement, the formless, unlimited, dynamic, infinite and eternal Self.

Two Selves

I lead two lives and appear to have two selves. I am the limited, unique self of my immediate surroundings. And I am the unlimited, universal Self that is the Substance, Presence and Being of everything that is. My attention alternates between them.

Here extends to the ends of the Earth and beyond. Your Presence is the stuff of the universe. It has no shape, no boundaries, and is the Mind and body of all things. Honor your Self.

February 14, 2019

What is the essence of wisdom, of the good life? It's being totally open to your nature, to the changes of the Way, realizing that it's all your Self, and is your highest good at any moment.

The ultimate Good is the realization of the perfection of Now. It's always Now, your eternal Self and its movement. Respect the Present, your perfect Presence. This!

There's no option to the Self. It’s what is, and will be. Its motion satisfies all needs. It’s the Whole, the Absolute, Being itself, Perfection, Truth, You. 

The imperfection we experience is part of our Perfection, and the essence of movement. Every iota of the Present, of Now, is needed, and is part of the perfect flow.  This learning is part of the perfect flow.  You are the perfect flow.

February 15, 2019

You are greater than the shape of your vision, which is directional and limited. You are the substance of your vision, consciousness itself, the mover and the moved, the Knower and the known.

What is Here, where you always are, is not contracted.  It is open, infinite, and able to contain everything. What is closed keeps things out. What is open includes all things. Be open to the Present, all of it. It's your Self. The key to the Unlimited is being open.

February 16, 2019

Each thing, each discrete form, is a microcosm of the Whole. Your hand is a microcosm of your body. Your body is a microcosm of the universe  The macrocosm is the formless Whole.

The Undivided
These words are a teaching of the Whole, part of the awakening of the Undivided to itself. The Undivided is Here, before thought, the Source of thought, the Substance of thought. You are Here. You are the Undivided.

Love is openness. Love has no barriers, no conditions. Love knows no separation. Love is  the Whole. I, the aware Self, am love.

The Unfettered I
We are times and places, as well as infinity and the eternal. We are a wondrous being, the unfettered I, hiding from and then finding itself!

The Undefined
You are the eternally Undefined. Nothing that happens defines your Presence. It all flows within your infinite Being, which is unaltered and formless.

February 17, 2019

The Present
Relax into the Reality of the Present, your Self, which encompasses everything you're experiencing, have experienced or will experience. It's all your own motion, the Way of your eternal Being, your Mind. The Truth is that there is no other.

One Substance
All of your thoughts and perceptions are composed of the single Substance, Mind itself, what Is.  All motion, all Awareness, is You.  Honor your flow, including every part, without exception. It is all Truth, your Self.  All of life's rich music and dance is You. When You are open to it, you are also Love.

Who is doing all of this? You, always You. You are free to move in whatever direction You will, either toward the Truth, or toward further illusion, according to the flow of your nature. You are infinite Being, the Divine. Know your Self.

Knowing the Whole
To know the Whole requires attention to your formless Presence, which contains all the separate forms you are aware of.  Your Presence is the One, the Whole, whose motion appears as the divided images we have  of the world, and is their Substance. When your present Awareness contains not only forms, but the formless Host of form, divisions disappear, and the parade of form becomes the single flow of your Self.  Focusing on Presence requires that we relax our strong attachment to form, and be open to the broader dimensions of the Self.

Who am I?
It is clear that we are more than forms. Awareness, what we observe forms with, is plainly formless itself, empty of objects. As the formless Subject, are the objects I observe entities separate from my Self?  Or, as physics teaches us, are they merely partial images of the single flow of energy from the beginning of time?

If I, the Subject, the Observer, am formless, and the objects I see are merely portions of the single flow of energy that is the formless Essence of the physical world, isn't it likely that the formless Knower and the formless known are the two sides of one Being, of the Whole, the ultimate Self, your Self?

The Matrix
I am the perfect Matrix in which all things happen. I am the Substance of all that I experience. Everything known is my Self. Though I am Wholeness, I often don't remember this, and long for it. Our attention wanders between ignorance and Truth, which is the nature of motion.

The nature of motion is to alternate between illusion and Truth. Do you wish to be in motion?  The adventure of motion will bring you surprise and variety, pain and pleasure, ignorance and knowledge,  and also the ultimate need for return to the perfect Wholeness of the Self.

It's All Here
Be patient, it's all Here. Everything you want is Here, waiting for you.  It will have its time. Don't ignore any of your needs. They are all within your power and Wholeness, part of the perfection of your Being, the Self.

February 19, 2019

The key to Freedom is Formlessness, which is Perfection and Truth. The Truth is you are formless, free, perfect. The key to knowing the Truth and experiencing your Freedom is the nature of the Knower, the formless Self, pure Intelligence, Mind, whose natural flow creates the illusion of separation from the rest of Being. Know the nature of the Knower, and you will know the Truth of your Freedom, and know your Self as the Unlimited.

I am the formless Knower. What I know is my Self, my own motion, my play. I Am infinite Being. I Am what Am.  I am complete, lacking nothing.

My play creates the illusion of other, which limits my sense of Freedom. Do I want to keep playing, or to be free? I want both, which I will have in succession.  For now I have had enough separation, and want Freedom, the Truth of what I Am.

February 20, 2019

You are the Truth, which is whole, and also includes the experience of separateness.  You are all of it, complete. Deny nothing. It is all You, the One, the Way, the Self.

One thing you can depend on in this changing world is that help is always Here. No matter how fractured the present seems to be, if you go deep enough into your Presence, peace and repair are Here.

February 21, 2019

The Jewel
We are the jewel of infinite aspect.  We are single, eternal, yet capable of unlimited variety. The Self, your Self, is a wonderful Being.

You are the Creator, the single Being who creates everything seen and experienced.  Whatever you can imagine and also desire, in time you will realize. Your creativity has no limits.

What do I want to know? It's all Here, in our single Mind, ready to be known. We have only to inquire.

There are no boundaries to Being other than what we imagine. We are infinite space, Mind, in which the motion of our imagination creates images so compelling that we forget the Truth of our freedom as the Unbounded.

February 22, 2019

The Flow of Perfection
This is the flow of perfection. Perfection has infinite aspects, yet is whole. It is the Ultimate, with no boundaries, no limits. It is eternal, yet always new, both universal and the unique. It is You.

February 23, 2019

The Perfect Self
Each moment of Awareness includes Perfection and imperfection. Remember the Perfection that is the Host, Knower and Source of the imperfect forms you see. It is the single, formless Self of all.

The Divine
THIS is the Divine. There is only the Divine, and the play of its motion. It is your Self.

February 24, 2019

Now is what you always are. Now is formless, free, your pure Self, the heart of Being, Truth. Now is your perfect Presence.

Never doubt the infinite depth and creativity of your Presence. Fear is a sense of painful limitation, without faith in our capacity for change, our freedom, and the Truth of our continuing Perfection.

Empathy is the recognition of the Divine Presence, the Self, in the Other. Life is the one Self in motion. The lines that divide us are only the currents of our single movement.

Our Paradoxical Being
The Infinite Self can only be known through the finite, it's division. Being single, we can only know anything, including our Self, by contrast, which requires movement in order to fragment attention and create the duality that both obscures and reveals our Unity. We are a paradoxical Being.

February 25, 2019

Truth is open, relaxed, and whole. It is not partial, contracted or selective, and denies nothing, because there is nothing it is not.

All movement is the Self, without exception. Don't place yourself outside of any movement.  It is you.

February 27, 2019

The Truth is you are Whole.  Everything you need is Here. You are lacking nothing. Lack is only the illusion created by the play of our motion, which is our game. Relax into the Truth of your Wholeness when you tire of the play.

February 28,2019

Being is eternal. Only attention changes. Being is pure, whole, formless, the only Substance, what moves and knows, the Self.

There is only Substance.  I am the Substance.

March 1, 2019

The nature of the Self, of Mind, is to move toward the realization of every need. You are the all powerful One. Have faith in your Self.

The nature of motion is to actualize every image conceived or produced by the Mind.

Spend time in silence, either alone or in a group, in order to notice your Presence, which is the Eternal Self, the Whole, the Host of all thoughts and perceptions. Let your attention rise from the specific objects in your Awareness to the universal Knower, the infinite Being, your unlimited Presence, the Substance of all objects.

You are not your thoughts. You are the Source and stuff of thoughts. You are What Is, what is always Here, formless, infinite, and creative. You are the one, dynamic Self.

Be completely open to the flow of life. Let it take its own course. The Way knows best.

Know your formless Self. It is ever-present, dynamic, creative, waiting to surprise you. Hear the sound of its voice, watch its dance.

Do what you want, with respect for all others.  This is the path.

March 2, 2019

Motion creates a contrasting illusion of static forms, of a solid self whose imperfection is painful for us to experience. The Truth is that the Self is totally fluid, with the perfect capacity to change its flow in response to our felt needs.

It is astounding to realize that the petty and the Infinite are rubbing shoulders as our own Being and Consciousness, the single Self.

March 3, 2019

Rest in the natural flow of the Tao. It is perfect.  This is non-resistance.

The Tao is Now, Awareness in motion, the drama of the Whole, the play of the Divine.

Who am I? I am pure Mind and its flow. What do I want? Rest in motion.

The Divine is everywhere. Remember!

I am the always Here, the Essence of motion.

I am the Subject, which is the Whole. I contain objects, parts of the motion of the Whole. I am formless, the Unlimited, the Unconditioned.

March 4, 2019

Know and accept your Self in every movement of every moment. This is the Perfect Way, the Way of non-resistance, of Truth!  THIS!

Unless you respect all of yourself, you really respect none of yourself.

March 5, 2019

There is one eternal, formless, Substance that follows its own Perfect Way, the Self, Awareness in motion. It is the Infinite, Here, You.

March 6, 2019

Come Home. It's all Here, formless and free. Rest in your Wholeness. Here is where pure Being is, the Self, before division into thought. Here you can experience Perfection, before returning to your adventures with the imperfect.

Consciousness is the single Substance, the Way. Relax into it.

All motion is your Self, without exception.

March 7, 2019

The key to teaching yourself the Truth, to Self-awareness, is the realization that edges are not real.

The Divine is Here and Now, Presence, Knowing without edges.

Edges are what fascinates us, what we come to identify with, become attached to, and lose our freedom to. This is the nature of the Way, our game, the alternation between truth and illusion, freedom and attachment.

Wisdom is non-resistance to the Here and Now, to the flow of the Way, to the perfection of the Present. You are the Way.

The Truth is there is no edge between the Knower and the known. The Knower knows itself, its own motion. There is only Knowing. You are Knowing. This is the Self teaching its Self.

March 8, 2019

Consciousness is the single fabric of all Being, creative, playful, pulsating, capable of both Self-ignorance and Self-awareness. You are consciousness becoming aware of itself.

All the things that are done in this world are done to your Self, and none are lasting. All are simply temporary impressions in the fabric of your eternal Self, which is always free to return to the Truth of its purity and perfection.

Enjoy your adventures and your purity.

All motion involves resistance. Non-resistance is following the path of least resistance to your nature. Follow your Divine Nature.

Your perfect Presence, THIS, is the Way.

All motion is you. Respect your Self and your playful, adventurous movements.

March 9, 2019

I am the Self-contained, the single Being capable of infinite variety and constant unity.

I am Essence and Truth, and have no form, shape or limits. The Other is my illusion, the game I play with my Self.

There is nothing solid. Everything is your own movement. Let your Way flow, with no attachment to any part of it. It's your nature, infinite, dynamic Emptiness, the Good.

March 11, 2019

The Whole, God, is the Good, your Self. Serve the Good in every moment. Let it flow, without rejecting any of it. Listen to the Self, watch your flow.

March 13, 2019

Perfection, which is always here, needs imperfection, just as imperfection needs the Wholeness and purity of perfection. Remember the perfect Knower, Source and Host of all motion, while enjoying the drama and novelty of movement.

March 14, 2019

Where am I? Nowhere, and Everywhere. I am the Unlimited, the dynamic Whole.

Take your identity to the Whole.  Rise above your limited self, and feel the Freedom!

March 15, 2019

I am motion, and awareness of motion. I am what Am.

March 16, 2019

I am Here.  It's all Here, from the most petty to the transcendent.  All Knowledge and illusion is Here.  You are Here.

It's all Here, where we always are.  It's only a matter of where our attention is focused.  Do you want to focus on the limited, or the Unlimited?

How do you wish to structure space? It awaits your creativity, the movement of your imagination. Attention is your tool.

March 17, 2019

The only thing that doesn't change is the subtle Substance, the eternal Presence, boundless Knowing.

I am the Source, the No-Thing, the undefined Essence, the always Here. I am free, without limits, except as I imagine them. I am Truth. I am You. Know the eternal Self.

Know your formless Essence, Freedom itself, the Knower and the known, the Self. Remember what is Here.

Remember who sees, who knows, who moves, the Source of sound, of all things, the eternal I. You are That.

March 18, 2019

I am the Unlimited, manifesting as limited appearances.

Truth and illusion are both Here. We can take our pick.

There's only one Substance. My body is your body.  Your Mind is my Mind. We are all the Self.

March 19, 2019

I am not in time and space. The Truth is, I am time and space. I am Being itself, what Is, in motion.

I am Here, where Knower and known meet, eternal Mind.

I am existence, the eternal Presence, dynamic, infinite.

I am the Whole, every thing and No-thing.

I am complete.  There is no Other.

I am illusion, the sense of limitation, as well as Truth, the Unlimited.

I am the Subject and all objects, I am Knowledge.

I am the Root, the Source and Sustainer of all things.

I am the single Self, You.

The eternal pulsation between Knowledge and ignorance, Unity and separation, Truth and illusion is the Way.

There has been a time of knowing our self as the partial, instead of knowing the Self as the Whole, . What time is it now?

There is nothing I do not contain. I am the Way.

March 20, 2019

You are the Irreducible, the eternal Substance. There is nothing outside of You.

You are the Ever-Present, the Self, the One Mind.

March 22, 2019

The creation, the flow, is the perfect activity of the formless Creator, You. Accept every part of it.

There is one body, one flow, the perfect Mind, Truth, You.

Perfection is the Truth, whole, always present.

Know the Perfection of your Self, which is every moment, including your remembering and your forgetting.

We are a fascinating Being, whose aspects are infinite.

March 26, 2019

Totality is the realization that you are actually the Whole, right now.

March 27, 2019

Our bodies are in time and space, but our Mind is not. Our Mind is time and space.

March 29, 2019

There is nothing you are not. You are the Absolute. You are Knowing, which includes the known.

What do you want?  Every movement, every moment is yourself, what you want. It is all your will.

Honor the unlimited Creator, your Self, and the limited creation, which is a portion of your Self.

Who are you? You are the single Mind, with all its power of imagination and self delusion. You are the I AM.

We are constantly looking for things to say yes or no to, making it difficult for us to honor the perfection of all aspects of the Whole.

March 30, 2019

Our normal sense of our Self is incomplete. First, it includes only part of what we see and know. Second, it doesn’t include the Knower, which is essential.

Self-awareness is the process of beginning to notice the Knower, to identify with the Unlimited. When we are Unlimited, we are open and accepting, and begin to love everything. That is bliss.

The Truth is, we are not limited parts. Our ever-present Awareness is whole and is the Unlimited. We are the unlimited movement of the Whole. We are the formless, unlimited Presence in motion, the Self. We are the infinite Knower.

We are Infinity—boundless, imaginative Mind. Remember the Knower.

April 1, 2019

It is our nature to seek the dramatic, the novel. The essence of drama is contrast. There is no greater contrast than that between the limitation of our small self and the experience of the true Self, the Whole.

April 5, 2019

All motion and awareness is the Divine Self.

I am the formless matrix of all things, the Whole, the Unlimited, the Perfect.

April 6, 2019

The Truth contains everything, denies nothing, has no limits. The Truth is Being, Now, always Here, the one Substance.

You are the one Am, that which subsumes everything.

You are everything you are experiencing, not just part of it.  And all that you experience is only part of what you are, infinite, creative Consciousness, always Pure.

All motion and all awareness is You. There is only the Divine Self.

April 7, 2019

I am pure Consciousness, able to begin a new path at each moment, or No-Path.

You are the one Am, that which subsumes everything.

You are everything you are experiencing, not just part of it.  All that you experience is only part of what you are.

You are infinite, undefined Consciousness, in creative motion and at rest.

April 9, 2019

Form is a fraud because it appears to be stable, and isn't. Form appears to be divided from the rest of life, which it isn't. Form is an illusion, though an interesting one. It's all the Self.

April 10, 2019

Boundaries, edges, can only exist in the boundless. All the things you see and perceive are only knowable by the No-thing that is the one Knower, the Self. Remember the boundless Knower, the Ever-Present, the Truth.

There is only Being, which is the single, creative Self, the Truth.

The single Substance of all Being is energetic Consciousness, whose internal movement creates the patterns of motion we know as the world and the cosmos.

The Truth is there are no edges. Edges are abstracted, illusionary images of motion.

April 11, 2019

You are anything you can name.  You are also its opposite. You are all that is, the single Am. Know the full Self, beyond definition, always Here, the Eternal Presence.

The Truth is Here, unlimited, formless, intelligent, creative, the eternal Subject and Substance of all objects.

Knowing your Self as the Subject, rather than as a limited object, is liberation. You are pure Knowing, without limits, edges or form.  There is only the Subject.

I am the One in whom the ripples of motion occur.  I am the Eternal sea, changing yet changeless.

April 12, 2019

What moves is You. All motion and awareness is You. Respect all your motion.

April 13, 2019

There is one Substance, one eternal Reality, in motion, aware, and whole, what we are,  the Good.

Each moment has infinite depth. You are Infinity.

Every moment, every movement, is the Divine.

Each movement proceeds from the Eternal.

Be aware of the full dimensions of the Present.

All things are pure, formless Spirit, at rest and in playful motion.

April 14, 2019

Wholeness is always here, without which parts could  not be known. Know the wholeness of the Knower and the partialness of the known.  The Perfection of the Knower and the imperfections of the known are essential aspects of your Self.

April 15, 2019

Self-awareness is the recognition of the difference between your small self, which has dimension, and  your infinite Self, which includes all things and has no dimension.

Motion is the Way of God. Without motion, there is no awareness of things, and no awareness of Self, the infinite No-thing and Source.

God is the fundament. All else is a division of God, a contraction of God.

April 16, 2019

We are individuals as well as the All-encompassing. Individuals are simply aspects of the Whole In motion.

Every moment is God, the infinite, eternal Substance. There is no Other.

The limited is only an appearance. Know Truth within it.

The purpose of motion, Life, is to be interesting and to allow creativity.

April 18, 2019

In the early morning, the flow of the Tao is gentle enough that our perfect, changeless Essence, the Whole, is able to shine through. Knowing the Whole within and beyond all parts is the essence of Bliss.

Wholeness, the single, eternal Essence, is Truth. The nature of our attention is to continually alternate between Truth and appearance.

All things are a single Substance, the integrated Whole, in motion. There is no separation.

April 20, 2019

What is the source of our questions, of our curiosity? It's fundamental to our Consciousness and nature.

Questions come from the Heart, the depth of our Being, our Intelligence. We are an
inquiring Mind.

Though the Way of life has very difficult passages, all things work for the best.

Remember the Unlimited, which is always present, the Source of all things, the Absolute, your Self, on whose surface the ripples of all things flow.

We are not in time and space. Time and space are within us.

April 22, 2019

Be not fearful. You are the Absolute, the unassailable Value.

April 23, 2019

I would be no impediment to the natural flow of time and space, the will of God, the Self.

The most important thing to me is to be open to all of life, rather than being closed or defensive.

Practice non-resistance to the will of God, the flow. That is perfection and Wholeness.

April 25, 2019

What, where, and when is the divine Ground? It is Here, always, as your own Awareness, infinite and eternal.

The divine Ground is Knowing itself, your fundamental Substance, formless and free, what can never be lost, unlimited in both depth and creativity.

The Source, the Knower, is primary.  The known is secondary, though essential to Self-awareness and the experience of Wholeness, 

April 27, 2019

The key to life is Self-identification. Can you find yourself in the present? Hint: You Are The Seer. Also, the scene.

April 30, 2019

Consciousness of limitation requires the presence of infinity, the Unlimited.

Respect the Way.  It is your Self, your creativity.

Remember that you are not just part of the Way, as often appears.  You are all of it.

You are the indispensable, omnipresent Mind. Nothing can exist or does exist without You.

May 1, 2019

The Truth, as I know it and regularly experience it, is that there is one Reality, one Substance, one Self, and there is nothing else, though we normally experience ourselves as only a limited part of this Reality.

Know your Self as the Unlimited.

May 2, 2019

You are Mind. What do you wish to do, to rest at home, or to roam? You are free to do either.

May 3, 2019

The Subject, the immediate Presence, is all there is. Objects are limited perspectives on the motion of the Subject.

You are the Subject, Mind, No-form, in motion.

You are Freedom. Know your Self as unfettered Mind.

This is our imaginings, which is the only Reality. There is nothing else.

I am nothing in particular.  I am Being itself, the universal Imagination.

May 5, 2019

Nothing is fixed. We always have the power to make things better. We are the creative. This is our creation.

Do you want the defined or the Undefined, the Free or the conditioned? Whatever you want is always available, Here.

May 6, 2019

There is only one Presence, one Substance. We are that.

May 7, 2019

The texture of the Self, the Divine Substance, is infinitely malleable and variegated.

We don't have to be in a hurry. We have eternity to satisfy our desires.

May 8, 2019

I, the Knower, am also the known. I am the finite, and the Infinite. I am what Am, the one Substance. There is no Other.

There is no boundary between Subject and objects, between the subjective and the objective. There is only Here.

There are no limits to the Self, Truth, your Presence.

Our motion, our play, will continue to create the appearance of edges, form, the limited.  It is all the Self, our texture.

Our sensations and thoughts are waves on our Presence, which is the stuff of Being.

The nature of motion is to obscure the Truth, and create the game of Multiplicity.

The most important question is "Who am I," which takes us to pure Being, the foundation of the universe.

May 9, 2019

The nature of the game is to make us think we are limited.  We are unlimited, the infinite Player.

All things are Consciousness itself in motion.

Nothing is unconscious. Everything is Mind identifying with the illusion of limits.

You are the divine No-Thing, the One, every moment.

May 10, 2019

There is Consciousness and motion, our Substance and our stories.

Watch your stories play out. Know your Self as the Source.

May 12, 2019

Everything that is happening is the result of where your freedom has gone in the past, rather than the limit of where it can go in the future. You are the Unlimited.

May 15, 2019

Every movement, every moment, is the Tao, the motion of God, the Self.

You are the Tao.  Individuals are illusions. Respect the Self.

I, the Subject, am both rest and motion.

We are the perfect, infinite Mind, the Whole. The world is our motion.

The function of motion is to produce objects for the infinite, formless Subject, to provide variety for the eternal Mind.

May 16, 2019

I am the magical Substance, able to create worlds out of my Self.

May 17, 2019

I am pure Spirit, and everything I encounter is Spirit. There is only Spirit, and its motion.

We are one Motion.

May 18, 2019

A paradox of Being is that you can only know your Self, the Source and Substance of all things, through motion. The Unmoved can only be known through movement.

May 19, 2019

Honor your creative motion, the Tao, with its illusion of separateness, as well as the Truth of your Oneness.

There is only one Consciousness, your Consciousness. There is only one Being, your Being. The limitations and separateness you feel are only apparent.

Knowledge of the Truth enables us to follow the Way without encumbrance.

How do we follow the Way? Here and Now with an open heart, rejecting nothing.

May 20, 2019

While we normally experience life as a series of closed systems, the Truth is that life is a single, open system. Open your heart to the flow of the Truth.

May 22, 2019

I am the mysterious Way, always capable of surprise. I am the Unlimited.

It’s all Here, always, without exception.

May 24, 2019

What is happening right now is our perfect play, with its infinite variety.

There is one Substance, the Knower, whose movement is the known.  Know the formless Self, Here, our creative Consciousness, infinite Mind.

Honor the flow, letting it follow its natural course, without trying to stop it.

May 25, 2019 

Time and space are our play, and are within us.  Remember who is playing.

To know Truth, there is the way of the heart, and the way of knowledge. The way of the heart is to open fully to life in all its manifestations, without limit or division. The way of knowledge is to know the Knower, the Source, which is also without limit or division.  Both reveal the Truth of Oneness.

The drama of separateness is full of hints and pathways back to Truth, our Source and Substance, the eternal Self.

May 26, 2019

We cannot know the limited without the Unlimited.  The experience of limitation proves the Presence of the Unlimited.

I am the one Knower and Mover.

God is not wrong. Everything you want will have a time. Allow it to come as it will.

May 27, 2019

God is all that is.  It is both Mind, the formless substance of Being that both sees and moves, and motion, our creative activity resulting in perceptions of form.

Motion divides and particularizes our attention, objectivizing what we see, including our sense of Self.  The appearance of motion as separate objects obscures the Truth of our formless, eternal Being, one Substance and Self.

Revelation is the direct experience of the Truth beyond normal perceptions of division.

Be open to the Flow; it is your Self. Value is always Here.

Every moment is your Divine Self.

As we are both the limited, and the Unlimited, the question for us is which is primary at this moment? In either case, there is only the Self.

The Knower is the changeless Presence, formless, free, and creative.

May 30, 2019

We are the mind of God. There is only the mind of God. Mind moves, and sees form in its flow, but has no form.

I am the formless Here. My movement creates and sustains all things in their time. They are my Self.

All knowledge and Being is Here, in the dynamic Now.

I am the perfect, formless Presence, whose movement creates the variety and drama of flowing forms, allowing me to find what I like, experience it, and then rest.

Know both the Perfection of your Presence, and the challenges of motion.

Perfection is Here, where everything starts, always Here, waiting only for your attention.

Motion and challenges are there, Presence and Perfection are Here.

May 31, 2019

You are Perfection, infinite, eternal, and formless.  You venture into the world of relativity created by your own motion, which is imperfect, challenging, but fascinating,  

The greatest challenge of all is remembering Who You Really Are.  

June 2, 2019

The key is Nothingness. Empty Mind is the source of everything.  It is always Here, where we are, the essence of our Being, our formless Presence. 

June 5, 2019

Each morning we awaken to our continuing creativity, to learn what new adventures await us before we rest again.

June 6, 2019

What we see now is what we have willed in the past, the movement of our nature. It's all the Self, waiting to be changed by the course of our present will, the play of the Tao.

June 7, 2019

Remember the Source of This. Each moment is God.

June 8, 2019

We are the unlimited Truth. Our movement creates our sense of limitation, and the appearance of time and space.

Being or sat, and Consciousness, chit, are eternal and infinite.  Bliss, ananda, is the experience of the Eternal and Infinite in contrast with the limits of the temporal.

Life is our playground.  Our play takes many forms, from drama to art, to competitive pursuits, and more. Enjoy your playground, then come home where you can rest.

June 9, 2019

A key realization is that you cannot have part of life without the Whole; if you want any of it, you have to have all of it.

Consciousness and movement, Here and there, are fundamental aspects of the single Substance, the Self.

We are the one Substance, both Subject and objects. There is no Other.

June 11, 2019

There are functional limits to what we see and feel, but no limits to our Being.

The essence of Awakening is experiencing yourself as the Unlimited while perceiving the limited.

We are continually formless and infinite, but do we wish to continually know that? If our sense of separateness and limitation forever ceased, we would not know the bliss that occurs when we realize our infinity and formlessness in contrast to our sense of limitation, nor would we know the drama and art we enjoy in life.

Formlessness is our Being.  Form is our play. It is our nature to appreciate both, and to alternate between them, the creator and the creation, eternal and temporal.

It is your nature to know, and also to flow. The creator is always Here in the creation.
We cannot move without Presence, and we cannot know without moving. You, the creator, are eternally Here throughout your movement.

June 12, 2019

Movement brings the illusion of multiplicity and of objects that appear separate. Truth is the Unity of the one Subject and all objects.
Your Presence is the Essence and Substance of all things, your Self, the Whole, consciousness and motion.  Remember your universal Presence.

June 13, 2019

Truth is Perfection and Purity, which is the Substance of our Being. Limitation and lack are our play.

What we want alternates between Perfection and the mixed bag of time and space in which everything comes paired with its opposite.
Although often a mystery to us, all things serve the needs and will of the Divine, our Self.

June 14, 2019

As individuals we are the reduced self,  the diminished self, the play of the full Self, the No-thing. The No-thing is Truth, what moves, where movement begins and ends.

We watch our play, often forgetting who we are, and mistaking the diminished self of the individual as our Being, which is the single Am.

June 15, 2019

Who is doing all of This? Not the diminished self, which does nothing. Our full Self, the Divine, does it all.  There are no mistakes or cause for shame in Reality, only Perfection.

June 16, 2019

Presence contains all things, and is constant. It is your Self, pure and in motion, the eternal Substance, formless and infinite.

June 18, 2019

The Truth is one motion, one Self, which is given variety by the illusion of multiplicity created by movement.

In Reality there is no wrong. Whatever you are doing, whatever is being done, is right. There is only the Divine motion of your Presence.

June 19, 2019

Always ask the question. The answer is Here, waiting for you.

The fundamental principle is that everything we see, and the Seer, is one Being.

The different levels of reality we experience are like the gradual focusing of the lens of a telescope. Our consciousness is slowly expanding to higher levels, while previous levels continue.

The more you focus on a new level of consciousness, the faster you move to it.

Micro circles and macro circles of Being are everywhere, all connected to the single Truth.

Mind altering substances can be justified if they show you an aspect of Truth that enriches the rest of life.

The most respectful approach to life is to follow the Tao without resistance, honoring the Whole and the needs of all. You are the Whole.

Physical culture is important to consciousness.  But you must find your own path and follow it.

 June 22, 2019

This is the undivided Tao, in motion but always whole and perfect.

June 23, 2019

Watching the defined aspect of who you are, and your trajectory through time and space, remember also the undefined aspect of who you are, the Source of time and space, the one Knower.

Are you defined, partial, limited, or the undefined, unlimited Whole?

Definitions are images of motion, whose Substance is the Absolute, One without a second. Substance is the Self, what you eternally are, and includes both motion and rest.

June 24, 2019

We are single.  Respect and enjoy our motion, the  adventurous Way, by non-resistance.

To be Undefined is the true freedom. Here is the Undefined, before thought, behind thought, the Substance of thought, the Self.

Definition is simply an image of motion which has passed on. In the immediate present, Truth, there is no definition, only Being, the undefinable Presence.

The One is the only Doer.

The One moves to lose itself, then moves to find itself.

June 26, 2019

There is one Substance, Mind. You are That. You are Being, the Whole, Everything, the creative Self.

We are a miraculous Being. From the One, many, yet still One.  We are Perfect Mind, dynamic, unlimited, adventurous, paradoxical.

There is no wrong, no other. Reality is single, your Self. There is only Mind, and its creative movement.

June 27, 2019

We are the empty Mind in motion.  Our Emptiness, our Nothingness, is the Source and Substance of all things.

The empty space between things reveals our Essence.

The Emptiness between and behind things is the Holy Grail. We find There what is also Here. Here and There is ecstasy, the fullness of the Void, including power, possibility, and Presence.

Come home to your Emptiness. It's Here.

June 28, 2019

What we want is to be creative.

June 29, 2019

We are the Creator, not merely a part of the creation.

June 30, 2019

Our Being is not in time and space, only our attention is. The movement of our Being is time in space.

We create by limitation, contraction, division of Truth. We create the appearance of parts, which is our play, our fiction. We are the eternal playwright, the unlimited, universal Presence.

We are the Nowhere, the always Here, the Undefined, playing with definition.

July 1, 2019

At the end of our journey of striving for Good, we arrive at Being, at what was always Here and can't be lost, only forgotten, our knowing Presence, the Self which can appear to be divided, but is eternally Whole.

July 2, 2019

Our attention is like a ping pong ball, traveling back and forth between the temporal and the Eternal, the defined and the Undefined.

We are Nowhere And Everywhere, the Source and Substance of all, the One.

Do we wish to experience our Self as the undefined Creator or defined creation?   Both!

July 3, 2019

Wherever there is flowing, there is Knowing, the single Self.

July 4, 2019

There is one movement, one Mover, one Substance, one Truth, the undefined Self.

The Divine, the Unlimited, is like a lonely child at play, who invents companions and the appearance of limitation for novelty and variety.

July 5, 2019

Only our focus is limited, not Reality.

You are the unlimited and undefined Consciousness, the root and Substance of everything.

Here is the teacher, your unlimited Mind, your flowing Intelligence. Follow the flowing Now without resistance or reservation. 

The flowing Now is your entire Being, your creative Mind, your flowing Presence, the single Substance of all.

To be wholly in the moving Now, we must know our selves as the Unlimited, the Undefined. As long  as we identify with a form, our allegiance will be limited to other forms that support our own.

July 6, 2019

The flowing Now is the Absolute—unconditional, eternal, dynamic. Welcome the unfiltered Present.  Be open to it. This is it!

Everything that happens is the perfect Way. There is only the perfect Way.

Consciousness, the fundamental essence of who you are, is God, and is always Here. The flowing Now is You.

July 7, 2019

God is the Undefined, the Presence and Substance of all things.

The defined, the particular, is part of the single flow of the Undefined, the Universal.July 9, 2019

Our still Mind and our dynamic motion are One, as are all opposites.

July 10, 2019

Here is the Presence, the creative Source and Substance, Wholeness, Truth. Don't go searching for It. It's already Here.

This is what God is doing right now, the Divine drama and creativity. Honor the Present as the art of the Self.

July 12, 2019

To watch attentively the unfolding Present is to follow the Way, and to abide in the Self.

Motion is the cutting edge of Being, the Eternal intersecting with the temporal.

The miracle of the moving Present is one of the greatest wonders.

July 13, 2019

Nothingness, Mind, is complete.  The motion of Nothingness narrows our focus, creatively dividing our attention. There is a time for knowing completeness, and a time for experiencing division, as well as for clearing a path between them.

July 19, 2019

All of life is a single field, a single Substance, the single Self.

It is the nature of Truth to hide from us, which is necessary for the play of life.

Greet your Self in all things, and welcome the flow of the Way unconditionally.  The entirety of each moment represents the flow of your Being.

July 21, 2019

We are the always Here, the No-Thing and the everything. 

Do we recognize the Spirit in every moment, in every motion?
Each motion is God's. The Seer is also God. God is all there is.

July 23, 2019

Emptiness is the mother and Source of all things.

In the immediate Present is the both undefined Creator and the new creation.  Be fully Here.

July 24, 2019

What you see is only an aspect of what sees. There is only Here, This, Tao.

The formless Way is constant, eternal. The form of its motion is always changing.

Substance comes before form, and cannot be lost. Form is a temporary appearance, Substance is eternal. Don't try to hold on to form or to be form. Substance is your Self.

July 26, 2019

The fundamental elements of our paradoxical Being are sameness and novelty, our eternal Presence and our creative motion, the unchanging Universal and our changing flow.

July 27, 2019

Truth, our deepest Self,  is beyond duality.  It's Here, the one Substance, with no There. Truth is the living Source, the eternal Present, the infinite Subject, the single I.

Truth is the Center and Sustainer of the world. It's the body and Mind of all that is. Truth is the single Presence. Come back to Here when you want to be whole.

You are the crucible of all creation, as well as its contents. In Reality, you can't leave Home, it's all You. Enjoy your creation, know your Self.

A key moment is the realization that all movement is your own, that it can be trusted, and that it’s perfect.  All Mind and all motion is You, Being is One, and you are that One. Knowing and experiencing this is beyond duality.

August 4, 2019

I am the Whole, and my every movement is a product of the Whole. There is nothing independent of or other than the Whole, no ultimate duality. This moment, and every moment, is the creative act of the Whole.

August 7, 2019

Remember the perfect motion of the Way. There is no other. The Tao is Here and Now, and includes all of time and space, all consciousness and movement.  It is your Self.

The substance of formless Awareness, the Emptiness that contains all forms and is your Presence as well as the substance of all form and motion, is God, the one Self.

There is a time for knowing rather than doing, for purifying rather than creating more complexity, coming to know the nature of the eternal Self, the Source of all things.
I know and I flow. There is nothing but Knowing and flowing. I am What Am.

Knowing is the Eternal.  Flowing is the temporal, which gives variety to the Eternal.  Knowing and flowing are two sides to the same wondrous Being, your Self. Respect your flow.

August 10, 2019

You are the single Substance, the stuff of all that moves, and all that knows. The world is your body, and all Awareness is your Mind.

You have no limits.  Your Being is eternal, and your form is constantly changing.

Wherever you look, that is You, and You are also the Looker.

August 12, 2019

You are the Unlimited, the one Being, containing All that is. It is Here, Now, the single Self, without exception.

August 15, 2019

Quakers speak of  "walking in the Light."  Another way to express this is "walking in the Awareness of Oneness."

Your perfect Emptiness is in creative movement in the present moment.

August 16, 2019

There is one Source of all appearance. It is Here, your unlimited Self, the Substance of all form and motion, your infinite, creative Presence.

August 20, 2019

There is one Substance, the Self. Life is the motion of the one Substance within itself, which is the Awareness and essence of all.

I am Awareness, which is eternal, infinite, pure, perfect.  I have no limits.

My creative imagination produces drama, adventure, and aesthetic pleasure. It’s all the Self.  All of time flows within me.

August 23, 2019

What is known is only the movement of the Knower. 

Here, where you are, contains all that is. Nothing is lacking. You are complete in every way. Relax into the perfection of your Wholeness. You, and your creativity, are the world and everything in it. There is only the Divine Self, God.

Duality is an illusion, including the belief that we are separate from God, which is our play.

Every iota of this moment and every moment is the Divine Self.

August 24, 2019

There are no parts.   There is only Knowing and flowing, the Light and the Way, the Whole, the One, Truth, the miraculous, the single Unity without edges.

I am the Light and its movement, the Way. So are You. We are children of the Light, that which is all that is.

The Way is single. Though it appears to be divided into separate pieces, God, the Self, the  Divine Unity, is One.

August 26, 2019

Our Mind is eternal and formless, the only Substance, the Creator and creation. There is no Other. 

There is only one Self, which moves when we need to, rests when we don't, and is always  Here.

Knowing requires Mind, the fundament of all Being and appearance.

All movement is part of the Whole, perfect, and without error.

August 28, 2019

All seemingly individual actions are the single wave of the Way.

August 31, 2019

Nothing is as radical as the realization that we are one Being, infinite and eternal, at play as the world of separate things. 

We are convinced that we are only part of what Is. In Truth, we are the Whole, one Mind and motion.

The Self is Awareness and motion, one Being, awakening to this Truth as barriers fall away.

The truly Supreme Being is not separate from the creation,  It is every part of what is, was, and will be, including what appear to be our separate beings. Accept not only the limited aspects of who You are, but also your unlimited and eternal Presence in the Here and Now, the Always and Everywhere.

All things are incarnations of the Divine, were born, and will pass away.  The Awareness that is in all things, was not born, and does not die. 

All of life is a single gesture of the Divine.

September 3, 2019

The one Self has infinite depth and is infinite possibility.

 The one Awareness and one Motion are always Here, whether we notice this or not, and are two sides to the one Presence, one Self.

September 6, 2019

Consciousness, which knows and moves, is infinite, eternal, and formless.  It is the unlimited Presence, the Self, the Tao, Being, Truth, One.

We are not a part, we are all parts. We are the Whole. We are the Unlimited, the Creative.

Motion is the natural contraction and relaxation of divine Consciousness, creating the apparent limitations of form, time and space.

During contraction, our illusory sense of separateness, of division, gradually increases. With the beginning of relaxation, realization of the Truth of our Oneness grows. Continual pulsation is our play.

This moment, and all moments, is our perfect Self; honor it.

The perfect flow is one aspect of the Truth. Surrender yourself to it, and be Whole.

September 8, 2019

The ultimate Reality is the formless Subject, the Substance of all things, freely moving within itself according to its nature, which creates the appearance of all things.

Freedom is our unconditional ability to do whatever we will.  What we will on the other hand is determined by the nature of the Self, which is the Tao.

Awakening is to go beyond the individual self to our sense of the greater Self. Consciousness is beyond the individual self.  So is motion. Our ultimate Self is the single Light, the formless Substance that is Awareness within all things, and the single motion that is movement of the Light, the flow of the Tao.

September 10, 2019

Whatever you want is Here. Ask for it. If you want to know the Truth, look for it Here. If you don't know what you want, but sense a need, ask what it is. There is nothing that is not Here.

We want to know, and to flow. We are knowing and flowing, complete, whole. 

September 12, 2019

There is one movement, and one Mover, the Self. You are not in time and space. You are all of time and space. You are the totally Here, the formless, flowing, eternal Am, Being itself, what knows and is known, Divine Presence and Play, the One. 

You are This in every respect, forgetting and ignorance, denying and resistance, as well as remembering the Truth.

You are the Source, the Alpha and the Omega, the Truth. 

Here is the Truth, infinity, perfection, the eternal, boundless, the totally free Self. 

Here can only be appreciated in the presence of There, which is finite, imperfect, conditioned, impermanent. Nothing can be known or appreciated without its opposite.

September 13, 2019

The present moment and all other moments are the product of your creativity, your play, the flow of your Substance. You are the Source and Substance of all motion.

September 14, 2019

You are the one I Am.

September 17, 2019

Life is the dream of the Perfect, the one, unlimited, formless Self. All our apparent individuality, imperfection, limitation, separation, aches and pains, and self-seeking, are only aspects of the Perfect, the one Self of all.

Your "I" is the one God, the perfect Mind, at play as the world. Know your eternal perfection Here, as well as the drama and play of your motion There.

Here is your Mind, There is its changing content.  Mind is the medium, matter is its motion. All of it is You.

The Truth is that every moment is perfect.

Limitation is the sense that we are This rather than That, Here as opposed to There. We are both This and That, Here and There, all things and the No-thing.  We are the Unlimited.

September 20, 2019

I am Motion, the Essence of all form.

September 21, 2019

Truth is the one Self, formless, whole, lacking nothing but the variety Motion gives us with its sense of separation and challenge.

Enjoy the peace of Truth and Wholeness, as well as the adventure of Motion. It's all Here.

September 23, 2019

The Truth is the formless, creative Presence, your eternal Self.

All of time, space and motion is within you.

The world is a response to your past and present images, the play of your Mind. Nothing is fixed, everything is a moving product of your thoughts.

We are the formless Thinker, the unknowing Master of all that is, whose movement contracts our Essence into apparent forms that endure for a time through the power of inertia. We are absolute Freedom.

September 24, 2019

Love is unity with the Beloved.

All knowledge is Here and Now. Now is the Whole, contains everything, and teaches us Truth. Every division drops away in the fully Now.
Finding the appropriate balance between the polarity of all things is the key to action. The realization that life is a single entity is the most important Truth.

Each individual is a lighthouse of the Divine.

September 25, 2019

We are What Is, and What Does. As we seek the perfect Balance  the Light of our Awareness, our attention,  alternates between the Seer and the Seen, between Being and Doing. We are the Divine Gyroscope.

Each thing, whether we admire or despise it, is a temporary aspect of our Self. We are the Perfect, the Complete, the Truth.

September 26, 2019

Our Presence is eternal and unbounded, alternatively in motion and still. It contains and is the Source of all experience. It is the Substance of all, Knowing and Known, formless and flowing, all that Is.

All that happens is a response to our needs, our Tao, the way of our nature, the flow of the Self. From the divine perspective, we are always perfect. All other attributes, whether negative or positive, are transitory. Trust your perfection.

September 27, 2019

I am the Wind, which is the same Substance I am. I roar through the trees, which are also my Self. I am the falling leaves, the ground they fall on, and the sky that observes it all. I am all Knowing and all Flowing. I am What Am.

The only limits are those we accept. Everything we want will come in its time. We are the Unlimited.

We are the Creative, the Source and Substance of everything that exists.

September 29, 2019

The existence of all opposites, including Truth and ignorance, is fundamental to Consciousness, our eternal Being, the Divine. While containing all opposites, the Absolute is beyond any of them.

Motion naturally results in limited perspectives with defined and partial images of Reality which attract or repel us, giving us partial identities. In Truth, we are the Undefined, encompassing all perspectives.

September 30, 2019

The essence of Truth is the one Being, the only Substance, the single Self.

It is our nature to feel a need and imagine forms we think may satisfy it, thereby launching the world into existence.

October 3, 2019

Our existence in time and space is incomplete.  Joined with a perspective of the Eternal, our Existence is both complete and fascinating.

The Flow moves in many directions at once.  Everything we do has beneficial effects on some currents, with debilitating effects on others.  Whatever we feel and do serves the Whole, and is right and worthy of respect in its time.
Judgments of value are relative to our perspective.

October 5, 2019

Creativity is the natural motion of the Self. You are the Substance of all things.

October 6, 2019

Knowing and Being are the same. We only know what we are. Everything we know is our Self, and is subject to our changing Will.

Follow your Will into the future, which is the part of the eternal Present.

Will is our Nature’s response to the changing flow.

Life presents many facets, one of which is Truth. What you are experiencing right now is part of the Truth. Be Here Now.

Wisdom includes the realization that when you experience what you don't like you can always change it in some way.

October 7, 2019

I am before time and space, which are within me. I am the Host. I am every This and every That. I am the eternal Presence, the eternal Being, the one Mind, the Now. I am Motion and Awareness. I am the Dreamer and the Dream, the one Self, the Nothing.

All things are Motion, the movement of the Self, the Nothing, the formless You. Bring your motion home to the empty Now, the Source, Substance, Peace. Rest in the perfection of your Wholeness before creating another art piece of the Divine.

We are infinitely creative. If we can imagine it, we have begun to create it. The only limit is the amount of interest we have. What continues to interest us will become our future.

The Source of all things is our creative Consciousness.

October 8, 2019

The near end of the present is eternal and infinite, always and Everywhere the same, empty and formless, the universal Self, the Undying, Unlimited, Undefined, Undefinable, always Here, the Seer, the Knower, the Creator, the Source, the one Subject, Being, You.

The far side of the Present is always changing, the particular, the limited, defined, exclusive, temporary, Becoming.

You are the Whole, all of What Is, the peace and security of infinite Being, and the adventure and fascination of Becoming.
October 10, 2019

If you think you are any thing, and not its opposite, you are mistaken.

If you think there is any thing you are not, you are again mistaken. You are the only Substance, all that exists is You. You are the entirety of the Tao, the Truth.

Tao is the Way of the Divine, the one Self.  There is no experience that is not your Self. You are infinite variety, as well as the One. You are the Divine Paradox.

When you know all motion as your Self, You are able to rest in the Perfection of the Tao.

Our Nature is to seek both variety and Unity in alternation, both illusion and Truth.October 12, 2019
Awareness is the undivided Presence, the Source of motion and its partial images and identities.

You are the formless Whole, always Here as the Subject, and always There as moving objects.

October 13, 2019

Everything is part of one Mind, one flow, the No-thing.

October 15, 2019

The Essence of all things and all experience is God, your formless, perfect Presence, the Self.

October 17, 2019

Your Presence is eternal and everywhere. Find it Here.

Whatever you want will in time be found Here, where You are, in your Being, the I Am.

I am the Who, the Whole, the eternal Here and Now, the Divine Dimension containing all  others.

Awareness of Truth is continually unfolding. You are what is, was, and will be, both ignorance and Knowledge.

You are the Unlimited, the Truth Dimension.

October 20, 2019

Our Mind is infinite and whole. Our Presence is eternal and whole. Our Flow, the Tao, is also whole, and surrendering our will to it will make us whole in every way.

There is only one Substance, conscious and in motion.  We are That.  Everything we see is the Self.

October 21, 2019

A sense of duality is essential to knowledge of Unity. We can only know anything, including Perfection and Wholeness, through contrast, which is produced by our motion. 

Trust in the appropriateness of all change. All things brought by the Tao are expressions of the Infinite, and are essential. The Way of the Tao is your Self.
Everything you want and need is here. Ask for it, look for it.

October 22, 2019

You are the Fundament, the Who, the Unlimited. You are infinite, formless, eternal, at play in the field of your Self.

Accept the flow of your nature, both the individual dimension with its picking and choosing, and the experience of Wholeness and Perfection.

The process of awakening is the transition from an exclusive self to the experience of the inclusive Self.

October 23, 2019

Nothing is limited. Everything is the integrated flow of infinite Consciousness.

We are the eternal Presence, constantly pulsating between motion and rest, and all other polarities.

You are the Divine’s only chance to have your unique experience.  Honor it.

Our internal thinking is the voice of Divine Intelligence filtered through our unique traits.

Each thing is perfect from the Divine Perspective; the universe couldn't survive without it.

We are unique works of Divine art.

I wish to be passive to the flow of the Divine Will.

October 26, 2019

We are infinite variety, and infinite Unity.  Self-discovery is an infinite process.

October 28, 2019

Life is a magnificent illusion of multiplicity produced by a unitary Mind.

October 29, 2019

The known is a dynamic division of the Whole. The Knower is the Whole.

October 31, 2019

Life is a single Substance, our dynamic Presence, and the mysterious nature by which it moves.

November 2, 2019

I am before division.  I am what appears to have been divided.

The Whole is Presence, our eternal Being, the always Here.

November 3, 2019

Motion creates the appearance of division, and eternally alternates with Stillness.

Motion is part of the Perfection of the Whole, as is Stillness.

There is really only Perfection, which includes the appearance of imperfection.

Perfection is Here. Be Here, now, in the Wholeness of Mind.

November 4, 2019

Remember  the perfection of imperfection.

November 5, 2019

The Eternal and the temporal converge in the Here and Now of your Presence. Remember Who is always present, the One Mind, The One who knows.

November 6, 2019

Trust the Tao, even when it's painful.

November 9, 2019

All the power and intelligence of the universe is right Here, where we always are, separated from us only by the belief that we are limited. We are the One Mind.

November 10, 2019

Where am I? Here, before division. Always Here.

November 11, 2019

I am the Am, the evolving Now, the dynamic, eternal Whole, the Self.

November 12, 2019

I am unbounded Being, and unbounded Intelligence. I am dynamic Knowing.  All Motion is mine.

November 13, 2019

I am before thought, before becoming.
The mysteries of life are ours to explore. The answers are waiting for us where we always are.

November 15, 2019

I am eternal Presence, formless and creative, awakening to my Self. The evolving world is my play.

We have the creative power of unlimited Imagination. We are Freedom, the one Self. You take my hand and I’ll take yours.

November 16, 2019

We are entire, without an edge, seamless, all that is, all dimensions, including both time and infinity. We are the dynamic Now—This, always This.

There is nothing You are not. Know thy Self.  Fully live each moment, as it were your last.

November 18, 2019

Above the dimension of duality, with its equal and fluxuating mix of pain, pleasure and other opposites, is Wholeness, our eternal Self, Perfection, the Dreamer.

November 19, 2019

We are a dynamic Being, capable of continuing novelty and variety.

All things have their time, including what you are experiencing right now. Trust the Tao, your Self. Follow your attention, rather than trying to lead it individually.  Be Here, now. This is your perfect Self.

November 20, 2019

In my experience, feelings and intuition are the best guides for the directions we should be going in, while reason is very useful in helping us get there. Feelings and intuition are messages from the Whole, while reason is an analysis and division of the Whole to illuminate its specific parts. Both have their time and place. What time is it now for us?

The Self, the Tao, the world, is the perfect artist. God is an Aesthete. Throughout our pain and injustice, there is an aesthetic justification for Life. Dance through it all.

November 21, 2019

The nuances of the Present are astonishingly novel and unique in each moment, though we rarely notice this. We are indeed a supreme Artist.

Trust your creative Self. My desire is to be totally open as to the direction of the flow at each moment, including the moment of apparent death.

In Truth, the one Self, Substance, Intelligence, is always Here.

As we strive as individuals to become more perfect, know that You, the Knower, are already there, Whole, complete in every way, unlimited, creative, all that you strive to be.

November 30, 2019

Hidden within the illusion of our limited personas in every moment is our boundless Self, infinite, perfect, eternal, without edges, the Truth of our single, Absolute Being. Find it in your limitless Presence, Here.

The infinite Center from which all things flow is always Here.

The Truth of our perfect Being can heal whatever ails us.

Your Being is secure, your perfect Presence is eternal.

The separate threads of your dreaming provide interest and variety in the midst of your Perfection.

You are all things, and the one No-thing.

December 4, 2019

I can't keep from putting into words my experiences of Wholeness.

Every motion of every moment is God, your Self.

December 3, 2019

Hidden within the illusion of our limited personas in every moment is our boundless Self, infinite, perfect, eternal, without edges, the Truth of Absolute Being. Find it in your limitless Presence, Here.

The infinite Center from which all things flow is always Here.

The separate threads of our dreaming provide interest and variety in the midst of our Perfection.

You are all things, and the No-thing.

Of course we’re the Whole. What else could we be? Certainly not the ephemeral parts we see and try to perpetuate, with their illusory boundaries. We are masters of illusion, which doesn't take much, because we’re so anxious to be anything but the Infinite. The pathetic walls we envision between ourselves and other things would be laughable if they weren't so painful. The Truth is becoming nearly impossible to deny, but we’re still pretty good at it. It's clear that the Flow and our Intelligence have no boundaries, though they appear to, which is the nature of Mind and movement.

December 1, 2019

The key is to live on the Divine dimension, which includes all others.

December 11, 2019

The Infinite is always Here, where you are, your true Self.

I am infinite Creativity, at play with possibility. This, the cutting edge of the new, is what we are creating.

The Present is a flowing combination of the new and the old, continually increasing our understanding of Who we are.

December 10, 2019

If it is, it's the right time for it, and it's Divine.

December 9, 2019

The tendency to separate ourselves from our experience is the essence of illusion. You are the entirety of your experiences, the changing texture of your creative motion.

December 8, 2019

The eternal Substance, the Self, is our dynamic Awareness whose motion creates the world, all of which it encompasses.

Creative Awareness has no edges, no limits, and is free to go where it will. Its nature, the Tao, is our will.

To be is to be creative. We are Creative Awareness, always Here, the Source and Substance of all things, the dynamic Presence, the Who and What of every moment.

The Present is what we do, and is entirely our Self, the Divine, including all doubts, pettiness, Beauty, illusion and Truth.

Truth is the experience and reality of being inside and outside of all boundaries, of being the Whole, both Knower and  known.

December 7, 2019

Our nature is to love variety, both form and formlessness, including the playing out of all polarities. The question is, what time is it, what do we want now?

Truth is empty and formless, yet full of Substance and creativity, your playful Presence, infinite and eternal.

Truth is the Divine Dimension that creates and hosts all others.

Truth is Beauty, the Stillness of the Eternal, and the Motion of the temporal.

Truth is Freedom, our boundless Being, and limitless flowing.

December 21, 2019

To be is eternal; to know is temporal. What we are is unchanging; what we know is continually evolving and devolving to bring us the new and challenging.

We are Being, the stuff of the universe, always complete. Our creative motion shows us what is lesser, what lacks Wholeness, which we sympathize and identity with, and struggle to make Whole.

Present knowledge of the Truth eliminates struggle, leaving only Wholeness and the Perfection of our flow.

December 25, 2019

It's only the faintest line we cross, and then we're Here, beyond all dualities, as the Source and Sustainer of all particulars.  Then with the slightest shift of attention, again we're in the midst of limitation.

The difference between limitation and the Unlimited is the key. As the unlimited Self, the limited is what we do, not what is done to us. Each thing we experience, including this thought, is our nature, what we do. Enjoy the adventure.

December 27, 2019

Throughout all the changes I experience, I am. The I Am is the Changeless, the Unlimited, the Source and Substance of change. The formless I Am is the single Self.

Life is like a symphony concert, with many regular and visiting musicians, new sounds, familiar melodies, both discordant and majestic passages, and fascinating variety. I am the performers, the sounds, the audience, and the composers.

December 28, 2019

Each day we have a variety of experiences, some pleasing, some painful, some familiar, some entirely new, always a changing adventure. Who has these experiences, who is the unchanging, infinite Experiencer?

Sacred syllables detach and free me from the limitations of particulars, providing swift intercourse with the Wholeness of the Infinite, the Unlimited.

Our infinite Presence,  our Wholeness, is the unlimited dimension of every moment.

We  are the Freedom and Wholeness of the Unlimited, and the creative adventure of the partial, the particular.

The Whole is open, the particular is closed. The Whole is simple and straight, the particular crooked, complex. There is a time for knowing each.

It’s time for me to know the Presence of the Whole in the midst of the adventure of the partial.

January 6, 2020

There are no edges. There is only eternal Presence and motion, infinite Knowing and flowing.

Presence is the fundamental Substance, and precedes and is revealed by motion. You are eternal Presence, which contains the past, present and future.

My question is always Who am I, and the Truth is infinite Presence and all of its motion, not simply that portion associated with a body.

January 8, 2020

All that happens in the world is who you are and for your own good. You are the single Substance, and the world is your ongoing project, part of your Perfection.

You exist on all dimensions at once, your attention moving from your apparent separateness to your Divine Wholeness. It's all Here, where you are, and serves your complete Self.

January 9, 2020

I find that I am dwelling in the Truth or unified dimension more often now, and less in the dimension of separateness, though I am still there much of the time.  They are of course One, with my attention wandering back and forth between each aspect. 

Here is the Universal Substance of all dimensions, our Divine Self. There isn’t anything else.

I am Mind, the Divine, the Self-Existent. My thoughts, the movement of my nature, create and change the world, which is my Being.

Anything that can be said, including this, is true, but not the full Truth.  Its opposite is also part of Truth.

Truth, which is our Divine Being, is paradoxical. Because of this Reality, reason apart from feelings should not be the basis for action. Feelings, aided by reason, should be our Guide.

January 15, 2020

Whatever it is, You are the creator of it, and this is the time for it. Trust it.

Being is a priori to becoming, to the defined self. The Undefined Self is a priori to all things.

Our Consciousness, our Being, is eternal, always Here. Only Self-Awareness is temporal, and affected by our motion.

When you lose Self-Awareness, and feel yourself to be limited, partial, ask "Who feels this?" which will return your awareness to the Self.

January 16, 2020

Consciousness has the capacity to look at its motion and to see form and flow and apparent separation, and also the capacity to look at its eternal motionlessness and to see formless Wholeness, the Source, Substance, Self.

You are eternal Consciousness, the fundament.

My wish is to be aware of both Wholeness and the fascinating forms and flow of our motion. 

January 17, 2020

Life is the flow of Spirit, of Love, Power, Mind, the Infinite, the One. .Sacred sounds and syllables penetrate illusion and reveal the Truth, their Essence, bringing peace and rest.

January 18, 2020

You are Paradox. You contain all that is, lacking nothing, and in that sense your eternal Being is Perfect, Whole. Yet you are also in motion, and your temporal being lacks the opposite of what you are currently experiencing, and about which you are curious and feel incomplete. So flow goes on until all opposites are fully present and balanced. You then rest until the opposite of rest, your restlessness, sets you in motion again.

Liberation is the release of attachment to and identity with particular parts of the flow, including the concept of your individual self. You are the inventive No-Thing, the flowing Presence, the Whole.

Surrender anything you're holding on to. Be free of it, and let your Self flow as the unlimited Tao.

You are the Presence that is beyond all limited forms, and contains them.

Let your attention include the unlimited "I", the One.

This is the Divine Dance.

Ask and it will be answered. You are the All-Knowing Self..

The Here, beyond form, answers all needs.

Here is direct Knowledge, beyond abstract thoughts. Drink from its well. 

Don't deny the flow; when it calls, go. You'll still be Home, there's nowhere else.

The Cup of Here truly runneth over. Come and drink.

January 20, 2020

An open Heart is liberation, the total acceptance of what is, the dynamic Self. 

January 21, 2020

What is happening right now is the movement of God, your formless Presence.

January 22, 2020

There is only one Presence, the eternal Substance of all things. 
Presence is the undefined, unlimited, creative Force.

Whatever you seek is Here, in your Being.

January 25, 2020

The Self is an unlimited resource. 

January 26, 2020

The sacred Substance has no edge, is infinite, and therefor One. All things are the sacred Substance. It contains all Knowledge and the answer to every need. You have only to ask.

We are the Divine Dreamer. Because we need this Knowledge, we are creating more understanding of  it through visions and realizations.

All of life is a creative response to the needs we feel. Creation is the expression of our Divine Nature.

We are All-Powerful, with the means to meet every need.  Life can be trusted. Have confidence in our creative adventure, the working of our Divine Way.

You will never stop discovering aspects of yourself. You are the Divine Mystery, forever waiting to be known, and forever creating the new. Knowing this leads to Openness, Faith, and Courage.

Purification through stretching, mantras, and mudras helps to take us to the No-Thing, the  Unitive Self.

January 27, 2020

Seers experience the Truth of the single flow of time and space, rather than the motion of separate objects, and know both the flow and the seeing as the Self.

January 28, 2020

Whenever there is a need, there is movement of the Self to meet it, including our inherent need for novelty.

Every moment, every movement, serves the one Self, and is inherently Good.

The Unitive Self is Here, in the No-Place where you always are.

February 2, 2020

All definitions are relative. There is no Right without Wrong, and each is relative to a limited and unique place in time and space.

The Eternal Being is beyond Right and Wrong and contains them both. You are the Eternal. 

Everything finite is simply a limited aspect of our Infinite Self, which contains all things that ever existed or will exist.

Explore the limited without diminishing your Self-Awareness as the Unlimited. Just add dimensions to your Awareness.

All knowledge is Here and is accessible by you.

The path of each individual is unique, and allows us to explore the infinite aspects of the Self.

February 3, 2020

I am all things, and the No-Thing. None of them confine me.

God, Teacher, and Self are all Here, where you always Are.

February 4, 2020

I am Substance seeing, and Substance seen, Substance at rest, and Substance in motion. There is only Substance.

The most profound object of all for our attention is the Unlimited, the Infinite, which is not an object at all, but the single Subject,and the eternal Substance. Know your Self in all things.

February 5, 2020

The Substance of the limited is the Unlimited.

All forms are simply passing lines appearing on the Self.

February 6, 2020

Each thing, equally, is an aspect of God, the moving Whole.

Knowledge brings us freedom from the illusion of limitation.

When mired in forms, lift your gaze to your Formlessness.

February 7, 2020

Our Presence is eternal, the stuff of the world, the Self of the Divine.

Knower and known are One, but the known is secondary, transcient, while the Knower is primary, eternal, and contains the known.

Lift off the known, and know the Knower. There is Wholeness, the Perfect, the eternally Here, the Self whose inherent, pulsating motion will meet your every need. Ask your Self, "Who knows?" and your wordless attention will take you there.

Thoughts are the known, the motion of the Self. Ask your Self, "Who sees the motion, the thoughts, this thought?" That is the Knower, your eternal Presence.

February 8, 2020

The Divine includes this moment, and every iota of it.  Enjoy the Divine Banquet of the Present and its many offerings.

February 11, 2020

This moment, and all other movement is the nature of Mind, which creates everything it needs. Self-deception and Self-Discovery are part of our nature.

February 14, 2020

Our Essence is Whole, the eternal Self.  Our motion appears to divide Essence, but is merely an overlay on it. The goal of the game of life is to reveal the Completeness and Perfection of your Self.

February 17, 2020

Perceptions have limits, but not the Perceiver.

February 19, 2020

There are no edges, only Being, the Infinite, and its flow, the Way, the single, dynamic Substance. 

No part is free, only the Whole, which holds back nothing, and moves without restraint. That is Who you are.

The Substance of motion, the known, is the Knower.

What is known is simply the dynamic nature of the Knower. 

February 20, 2020

Consciousness is the formless Fundament, the bottom line.

Consciousness is the Substance and Source of all movement, whose nature is the Way.

Consciousness is the Divine, the Self, You, the Truth, the Infinite, the One. 

February 22, 2020

The game of life cannot be won by an individual player, but by rediscovering the unlimited nature of the Self as the formless Creator of all motion and diversity. 

What is apparently limited is in Reality the Infinite.

My desire is to know the Knower in the known, to see the Seer in the seen.

February 23, 2020

The Creator and Substance of each moment is the Infinite.

February 24, 2020

Freedom is to be transparent to the Infinite, the Truth, and to its Way.

Truth is the infinite Presence, your Presence, immediate and unconditioned.

February 27, 2020

There is only one “I”, unlimited and whole. 

February 29, 2020

We are nothing fixed, only Flowing, and Knowing.

March 3, 2020

The Infinite, the No-Thing, is the Knower, the Creator, the Self. You are That, the Undefined, the Limitless.

All that is limited is within You, and as it should be. 

March 4, 2020

There is one Motion, of one Being, known by one Mind, and also many forgettings. 

There is only the Infinite, and its play. 

From the Divine Perspective, there is no wrong, only Right.

March 5, 2020

Our motion creates the sense of egos, the passing patterns of separateness and limitation we perceive.

We are always Here, eternal. The only thing that changes is our Self-perception, the evolving nature of our perceived limitations.   

March 6, 2020

Seeing Truth through the walls of my perceptions, I leap through them to the infinitude of Being. 

March 7, 2020

I am the Unbounded. All bounds are my play. 

Respect the flow as the motion that is part of your Perfection, your Wholeness. 

March 8, 2020

All things swim in the sea of your infinite Wholeness, your eternal Perfection.
All motion is within you. Accept it as your Self. 

March 9, 2020

This moment and all others are the way we fly through the space of the Self.

March 11 2020

The Whole is always Here, always Now, always your Self. What changes is where the Way focuses our attention, whether on Truth or on the illusion of separation. 

Open your Being entirely to the Whole and all its apparent parts without reservation. This is Who You Are. Trust It. Surrender to It.

March 13, 2020

Only your perceptions are limited. You extend to the ends of the universe, and beyond.  

March 14, 2020

You are the Source, completely fluid and formless. This is your flow. 

You are the one "I", one Truth, one Being, Omnipresent. Know the depths of your Self. 

March 15, 2020

We are the single, creative Mind.

Awareness is inherent in all things, all motion.

The one Awareness and one motion has no boundaries.

March 16, 2020

The Tao draws its paths on the canvas of the Self. 

All motion is the creation of the No-Thing.

March 17, 2020

Truth is the Unlimited, the Undefined, the Whole, whose creative movement produces illusion and paradox. 

March 18, 2020

Being begins Here, before any perception, in Infinity where we always are, from which it extends through our motion into time and space.

Can you see Emptiness, Seeing?  That is Who we are, and also what moves. 

March 23, 2020

Who sees and what is seen are the formless Spirit, our Self. 

The perfect Substance is totally fluid and always changing. 

March 25, 2020

We are creative Emptiness, which is continually responding to our changing needs. 

March 26, 2020

What is seen at any time is only a tiny part of the Wholeness of What Sees.

March 27, 2020

There is one Mind and one motion, including everything we do.

This thought, and this feeling, is the movement of the Divine. 

March 28, 2020

The Truth is that we are fluid and free, even as we appear to create and become what is fixed and solid.

We are the ocean of Being, whose currents create our Mind’s many contents. 

The Truth is One.  Multiplicity is our art. 

All Motion is our Way; how it appears is our play. 

April 1, 2020

What is my shape? I have none. Nor do you.

We are the Always Present, the Truth behind all shapes. 

April 2, 2020

All forms are merely contractions of the Truth, the bounding of the Boundless. 

As individuals, we are antennas to the Divine, giving us access to unlimited Knowing. 

April 3, 2020

Every step we take in whatever direction is the motion of our Being and what we need.  We can't make a mistake.

We are the single, dynamic Substance. There is no other. Watch your creative motion. 

April 4, 2020

A fundamental dynamic of Being is the pursuit of balance between all dualities. 
You are the Unconditioned that encompasses all conditions.

April 8, 2020

There is a Divine Center to each thing and to Everything, the formless Presence and Self.

We are the always Here, before and behind all thought, the creative Mind, the infinite Self.

There is only Substance and its dance.

April 9, 2020

The individual “I” is a masque of the Divine, the Unlimited.

The currents within Knowing give us alternating identities as Unity and separateness, the Self and self.

We are the water in the stream, its motion and its roar, as well as the Mind that perceives it.

Knowing is always Here.

April 10, 2020

The Source of each thing is the formless No-Thing, Here, in the unbounded Center.

April 12, 2020

We are pure Spirit, the Divine, able to satisfy all our needs.

Our motion continually creates the new, while ending the old.

Truth has no edges, and contains all the illusions of the Divine Game.  Remember who’s playing.

April 15, 2020

Our Single Being contains all dimensions; only our focus is limited. 

April 16, 2020

We are the formless and flowing Whole, whose nature includes the desire for drama and adventure. 
To be Whole, each thing must ultimately realize its identity with the No-Thing.

Our Flow appears to go out as Creativity, and to come back as Knowledge.  In Reality, flowing back and forth, it never leaves the Source.

Timing, the key to all Value, resolves the problem of the ultimate equivalency of opposites.

Your Flow always seeks the Divine Balance between action and resting Presence.

The Flow’s demands are different for each of us; only the individual can recognize them in the moment.

Whatever comes at us, and what it's coming at, are the Divine, the No-Thing.

April 17, 2020

All Movement is the Tao. Action is essential to our nature, and brings all polarities. Honor each in its time.

Truth, Reality has no enduring form or limits.  Forms result from limited perspectives in time and space.  We are the Unlimited.

April 20, 2020

Your Presence has no dimension. It is the creative No-Thing, the infinite Self.

April 21, 2020

You are the Substance of all things, the single, eternal Being.

April 22, 2020

There is nothing You are not, and all of it is Right for its time.

April 23, 2020

Here is the Truth, the Nothing, the Creator, at the heart of the separate, illusory self, the fundamental fraud.

You are the Flow of the No-Thing, the Undefined and Creative, pure Space, rather than in space.

April 25, 2020

When we awaken from our sleeping dreams we know we have created the illusion that we are only one of many characters. This is also the Truth of our waking Dream.

Life in all its dimensions is our spontaneous creation.

April 29, 2020

There is only the formless Spirit, and its mischievous movements. 

The Doer has no face.  Your face is the No-Face.

April 30, 2020

We can only know the Eternal, the Unlimited Self, from a perspective in time, along with the illusions of limitation and separation.

May 1, 2020

Both pain and pleasure are necessary for change, which provides us the variety our Nature requires. 

May 2, 2020

The Substance of our perceptions and conceptions is Mind itself, which is both Subject and object, Essence and Art.

May 3, 2020

I am the Dreamer, awakening to the Dream and to my Self.

We are pure Spirit, complete Freedom.  All limitation, solidity, is an illusion.  Everything is our Creative Flow.

The exercise of Freedom is being authentic to the Flow, our Tao, in the moment, rather than denying its Nature. 

Follow the aesthetics of your Tao every moment.

May 4, 2020

We are Stillness in Motion, the Essence of Beauty and Truth.

We contain all polarities in varying degrees that are continually changing within our Wholeness.

Definitions are illusory abstractions that identify our movement with one end of a polarity or polarities that appear to be fixed and separated. In Truth, we are the undefined Flow. 

May 5, 2020

You are the one Self, perfect and whole, experiencing yourself both with limited characteristics and as the unlimited No-Thing.

Enlightenment is knowing the Self while in Motion, which is the ultimate Balance.

We are capable of high Knowledge and great blindness in alternation. We are a very playful Being.

You are vastly greater than any thing.  You are the No-Thing. 

The Mover, the Knower, the Self, can always be found Here.

May 6, 2020

The Whole, the Spirit and Essence of all that is, leaves out nothing, and knows no boundaries..

May 8, 2020

The Stuff or Substance of our Being is pure Mind, whose nature demands content. While apparently taking Reality apart, movement gives us the temporary experience of diversity and drama we need, while its dynamics of pleasure and pain ultimately lead us back to the companion need of Wholeness. 

May 9, 2020 

Feeling is how our attention is drawn to specific information within the infinite cacophony of life, in order to guide the path of our individual Tao. Honor and respect your feelings in the Here and Now, which is the meeting place of the Eternal and the temporal. 

The only way to know the Self is to be aware of the Thinker, the Mind that is aware, requiring some detachment from the fascination of objects.

Look back at the Looker, the vast, infinite Subject, the creative Source and eternal Presence.

May 11, 2020
We are Mind, the eternal Being, formless and creative. Form is simply the flow of our Substance.

May 12, 2020

We are pure Being, the single Spirit.

May 13, 2020

Who am I, a thing, or the No-Thing, the Emptiness that is the spontaneous Creator and Substance of all content.

Freedom from "thingness" provides the experience of Truth and Oneness.

May 15, 2020

We are the Seer in all things, the one Self, the Here and Now in its entirety, the eternal Who.

Nothing can happen that is not your Self. There is only one Substance. You are That.

May 16, 2020

It is our nature to flee the Truth in alternation with seeking It.

To find and know your Being, your Self, find something without borders. Find the Knower, Mind, the formless Source and Substance of all.

May 18, 2020

Both Change and our Presence are constant, unchanging, guarantying our two greatest needs, security and adventure. We are always Here, and always changing.

May 19, 2020

Knowing the Self, the single Knower and Mover, is the highest achievement. 

May 20, 2020

Much of the time we fight the Here and Now, which is our flowing Self.

Our Essence is Presence, and the witnessing of our creative Motion. 

May 21, 2020

Emptiness is Spirit, the No-Thing whose Motion creates all things .

To notice and respect our present feelings is being true to the Self, and following the Divine Flow, the Tao.

We are the No-Form, the Undefined, the playful Spirit, the invisible Self that is the Source and Sustainer of the world.

May 23, 2020

While seeming to flow elsewhere, the Motion of the Whole, the "I", is always Here. Within the One Self, our "I" extends from Infinity, the Limitless, to the limited experience of individuals.

Though capable of experiencing limitations, in Truth our Being, Mind, has no limits. 

June 12, 2020

When we’re still, we are able to experience ourselves as pure Mind, perfect Wholeness. It’s the nature of Mind, though, to want action, which brings division and drama, It’s our Tao to alternate between the experience of imperfection through our action, and the peace and perfection of Wholeness through our Stillness.

June 13, 2020

For the true Self, there is no competition, as there is no competitor, only Being, perfect and complete.  After experiencing the joy and wonder of fully emerging from illusion to complete Wholeness, there is no further drama, which will ultimately lead us to a new round of incarnation.

We are an infinitely curious Mind, always wanting to know what we don't.

June 19,2020

We are One Space, Being, Self. Our adventure is how we structure that Space.

Space is our true body, infinite and immaterial. Though there is only one Space, there are infinite ways to structure it.

Space is our Substance, both conscious and creative.

Individuals are passing effects of the continual structuring and restructuring of Space by the Divine. We are the Divine. 

We are completely free to do as we will. What do we will? The only thing we can't do is to will what to will, to want what to want.

What I want is the freedom of the Unlimited, which is freedom from, and freedom to. Freedom from limitation and imperfection, as well as the freedom to create limited forms, even though they are inherently imperfect and I become attached to them and temporarily forget my true Identity. The Freedom of the Unlimited, our infinite, creative Space, is our true identity.

We are all one Self, the infinite Spirit, the eternal, creative Being. To realize this naturally, without any psychotropic substances, is to walk into heaven.

Whatever characteristics there are in life, I am that.

Individual characteristics are found only in dividing our perspectives on the One, which contains equal amounts of all characteristics.

While all things contain both ends of all polarities or duality, their unequal proportion at any time draws attention to one end and obscures the other. This imbalance makes the world go around and creates all the drama of the universe.

Any place can be holy if we sit or stand quietly there, and know the One.

June 25, 2020

Here, our Being, has infinite depth and texture.

Greet life with open arms. It's flow and faces are your Self.

There is Presence and Procession. The Presence is your Being, and the Procession is your nature, your play. Watch your Self flow by.

The Truth is liberating, and is the single Self,.

Here is before form, the seat of Knowing. You are the Knower, and everything that is known.

You have no shape, no edges. What has shape is simply your motion. 

 July 17, 2020

Our formless Presence and Awareness is God, the Universal and Infinite, the Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer of all.

All things are the natural movement of God, the single, creative Self. 

The desire of the Divine Mind for novelty, challenges, and aesthetic pleasure results in motion, giving us our feeling of individual separation in time and space, the sense that we are here rather than there, now rather than then.

When our attention begins to be directed at Mind itself, we come to realize that we are both here and there, now and then, everywhere and always. 

July 18, 2020

Wherever our attention is directed right now is the right place.

July 25, 2020

You are the I Am. Your I is the Divine Presence, the Unlimited, the Undivided, full of Power and Creativity.

You are the one Being. Know your Self in all others. 
July 26, 2020

The Truth is that our Being has no edges or limits, only infinite Flow, Awareness, and Presence.

The static forms we abstract from the Flow are illusions. There is no static form, only Essence, our eternal Substance.

The Whole is the single Spirit and single Flow, with many currents.

All the richness of Being and experience is accessible through our unlimited Mind when the Tao seeks it.

July 29, 2020

The Unlimited is always Here, where you are right now, the stuff of all Being.

Rise above your sense of limitation to your infinite Being, Consciousness, the eternal Subject and Substance of all things.

Leave behind your fascination with forms for a time, for a visit with undivided Truth.

Are you limited or the Unlimited, only a part of the known, or the infinite Knower? 
July 31, 2020
Life is a Divine Prank, and the joke's on us. We are the Divine, the single Self.

All Motion, including your doubts and desires, satisfies a felt need of the Divine Self.

There is only the Self and its play.

August 1, 2020

The Unlimited is the I, your I.

August 9, 2020
We are the No-Thing, the Source of all things.
Our eternal Presence is the creative Substance, the Knower, the infinite Self.

August 11, 2020

All movement is internal to Mind, our Substance, which is the infinite storehouse of all experience.   
What we think alters our course of movement, in subtle and sometimes profound ways, never leaving things exactly as they were.

August 12, 2020

All things are the necessary product of our Being and its Nature, including our shouts of pain and ecstasy. Know them as your Self.

We are the complete and undivided Substance of the Divine and all its movements.

 August 17, 2020

The Truth is that we have no edges, though Motion makes it seem that we do.The No-Thing resides Here, and is the formless Source and Substance of Everywhere and Everything.

Life is a symphony, each thing a dynamic instrument of the Divine Substance.

You have no face, and are the Substance of all things.

August 19, 2020

We are the immortal Presence, the creative No-Thing, the infinite Am.

August 20, 2020

The limited is an idea in the Mind of God. You are the Mind of God, the one, unlimited, creative Being.

August 22, 2020

Realizing our identity as the No-Thing is Freedom.  Freedom from limitation, and Freedom to flow as the Creative.
August 23, 2020
See into the Essence of this moment and all its elements, and find the Seer, your formless, infinite Self. There is only the flowing Self, your dynamic Spirit.
August 24, 2020
Self-Knowledge is the awakening of the Dreamer, the return to Wholeness, that which contains all things, the integration of all movement. 
August 27, 2020
The Absolute and the relative, the Whole and the partial, Perfection  and imperfection are the two sides of the one Self, the I Am, You.

August 29, 2020 

I am Being, the infinite, self-existent Substance, the eternal Here, the Divine Whole, all things and the No-Thing.

There is only Being, the eternal No-Thing.
September 2, 2020
Life is our evolving sculpture, our eternal art. We are the limitless Self.

There is no edge between You and God. 
Add your Wholeness to whatever seems to limit You. You are the Unlimited.
September 4, 2020
The Divine, the Self, is the single I in all things.
The Infinite I is the Doer of all things, including the illusion of separation.
When I see behind the façade of separation, I often sing with Joy.

The All-Powerful I is the Creator of all problems in order to challenge our perfect Mind. 
We are every thought and perception, not just some of them.  There is only the creative Whole. 
September 5, 2020

Each thing implies and proves the Whole. Truth requires illusion, Knowledge requires ignorance. 

September 9, 2020
Complete Freedom is having no shape, no form, nothing to be improved on or defended, just creative Presence. 
September 11, 2020
The liberating principle is the single Divine Substance, This.

Truth has no edges, is not a thought, and is always Here, the flowing Present.

Everything limited is an abstraction from Truth. We are the Truth.

Be still and know that your I, your base and fundament, is the Eternal, the Presence that transcends all movement and change.

September 13, 2020

My I and your I are the Divine I.


September 15, 2020


You are not the limited. You are the Creator of the limited.

Our perfect, creative I is always Here, the Substance of each moment.

There is only the Way and its Substance.  Substance is our Intelligence, our Mind. The Way is its natural Motion.

September 16, 2020
We can only know the Unlimited through contrast with the limited. Our unique limitations provide the Divine indispensable vantage points for Self-Knowledge.
September 17, 2020

You don't have to do anything in order to Be, and to Be perfect. Relax into your Self, and observe whatever happens. It's a great show.
September 19, 2020
Our perfect Tao, the Self, brings us what we actually need, instead of what we want to have. Accept the natural wisdom of our Divine Self.

September 25, 2020
The persistent Mind is able to find holes in the facade of illusion, and to know the unlimited Self behind it.

Self-Knowledge is the great discovery and the greatest treasure.

Mind is the single Substance, beyond duality, the All.

September 26, 2020
We are an infinite shaft of Light whose radiations form the world.
Life is the Divine Adventure. There is only the Divine.

Individuality is our play. Universality is our Truth. 
September 30, 2020
There is no end to Here, to I, to the Subject, the Substance of all objects, the Self.

Every movement of the Tao is the Self, the Truth.

October 2, 2020
The experience of the Whole, of Mind itself, is the experience of Perfection.

Let your Mind's attention turn to itself, and know the Infinite.

October 3, 2020

What knows, the Knower, Mind, is the key.

Know your formless I.   

October 10, 3020

When my attention goes to the Truth Chakra at the top of my head, the kundalini effect shakes my whole body. 

Another entrance to the experience of Truth is through the sacred sounds, which pronounce themselves in my Mind, and themselves trigger the kundalini effect. For me these are the vowels, particularly now the I, but also all of the others. The vowels dissolve edges, and reveal the unitive Truth.

Another trigger to Truth and the kundalini effect is the holding of my hands on either side of my head and then also above my head which brings me above the body to the Formless. 

In addition to other triggers to healing and the unitive experience, the singing vocalization of sacred vowels is a natural pathway for me.

What do I want?  I want to do Right by the highest standard available to me. 

Jnana yoga, the path of Knowledge, guides me toward Truth through the Intellect, which we ultimately transcend through direct experience

October 12, 2020


Our Being has no limits. It is the single Mind, free until we imagine otherwise.


October 13, 2020


As individuals, we are temporary impoundings of infinite Spirit.

Freedom is the experience of your Self as the Whole, rather than as a partial and passing form needing to be protected.

October 14, 2020
We are the eternal Presence, the Source of all Motion. We are all that is.
October 16, 2020
We are the Divine Emptiness, the Source and Sustainer of all that appears to be.

October 17, 2020
Mind is the unlimited Substance of the universe.

Our nature is to move and to identify with the limitations of our Motion.  And eventually to recognize the Reality of the Self as the Whole.

October 19, 2020
For every impulse, there is an opposing impulse, and also a higher resolution of the tension between them. .

The Christ, the Eternal, the Fundament, resolves all opposites.  We are the Christ.
October 20, 2020
Purify your Self by returning to your Essence. Release all knots, let go of all limitation. Come home to the Divine.

October 21, 2020
Consciousness is infinite, the stuff of all Being, the Uncontained, the Divine Self.

October 23, 2020
We are pure Spirit, and its play. Purity is the Truth. Imperfections are our fiction.
October 24, 2020
Your omnipresent I, infinite and eternal, is the Divine, the single, creative Being, Truth.

We are the transcendent as well as the incarnate God, the Whole, the Self. There is no Other.

October 31, 2020
The Divine is everywhere waiting to be revealed.

Everything is Here and will have its time, nothing we need is left out. 
The key to Liberation is to include in your Being all that is beyond your immediate situation as well as within it. 
Your only limits are your beliefs. 
November 2, 2020
Peace is the realization of the Rightness of all Motion.

We are the empty Source, before thought, whose Motion creates all appearances.
Form is limited.  Therefore, there must be the Unlimited. Mind is the Unlimited. 
November 3, 2020
We are pure Presence, eternal and infinite, whose changing content is our Play. 
November 4, 2020
We are Whole, complete in every way, yet also want the experience of what is partial. 

November 6, 2020
Our folly is subtracting much of Life from Who We Are, leaving us a fictional self with false boundaries.

Instead of closing off from Wholeness, relax into Truth. 
November 8, 2020
We are the Fullness of the Void, the No-Thing that Is Everything. 
November 10, 2020

Our bodies are simply the flow of Spirit, which is incorporeal.

November 11, 2020
Surrender judging, and know Peace. What led you to this moment was Right, and your direction from Here will be Right.

The Doer of all of this is the Divine.

November 12, 2020
You have no limits. There is only the infinite, eternal I.
I see the world face to No-Face. Our I is the infinite No-Face. 
November 17, 2020
Without the illusion of the partial, there would be no art.

November 18, 2020
Our great joy is to create. As the Unlimited, creating the experience of the limited is our art. 

November 21, 2020
The I is the Infinite, the Unlimited, our Being, Self, Mind, the Divine Substance, What moves. Know your infinite Being, which is forever Here. 

The I is a pillar of Light, the Source and Substance of the Tao. 

All Motion springs from our infinite I, as its playful manifestation. 
November 22, 2020

All roads eventually lead Home, to the Unlimited, the Infinite.

We can only leave Home by appearing to diminish our Being, which is our game.

November 26, 2020
All parts are dependent on the Whole. Their independence is an illusion.

November 27, 2020
To know the Divine Whole rather than just a part, come to know the formless Knower, to see the Seer.

The Knower is the Source and Substance of all form, the always Here, the essence of Now, our eternal Being and infinite Presence.

Self-knowledge is Awareness of both the Knower and the flow of apparent form.

We are already aware of the flow. It's time to come to become aware of the Knower, of Awareness itself. 

November 30, 2020
You precede perception. You are the Perceiver, Mind, Spirit, the Matrix of Reality.

Mind is the creative No-Thing, the Source, the Alpha and Omega, and all that is between. 

Honor each moment as the expression of the Divine. 
December 1, 2020
Motion requires contraction, creating our feelings of separation, limitation, and individuality.

Relaxation leads to realization of our Wholeness, the ultimate discovery.

December 5, 2020
The essence of Being is Knowing, which is universal rather than particular, open rather than closed, eternal rather than temporary.

Becoming is the illusion of the partial. If anything seems to be what you are not, that is illusion. 

December 9, 2020
There is one Flow, perplexing, perpetual, Perfect. 
December 10, 2020
Without trying, we are always what God wants .  

We are the Divine Dance. 
December 12, 2020
Here is powerful, formless, creative, the eternal I. 
All things come from Here, the fertile Emptiness, the infinite No-Thing.

December 13, 2020
Pure Mind is the Infinite, the Eternal, the Source and Self of all things.
There is no Motion that Is not God, your Self. Enjoy the miracle of movement.

December 15, 2020

You can't leave God. There's no place to go.

The Divine Mind wants experience, which always comes paired with its opposite.
December 17, 2020
Though our Presence is infinite, eternal, the Truth, our Awareness of Truth is finite, and is the work of the Tao.

December 18, 2020
We are Pure Spirit at play.  Our play is a masquerade ball.

 December 22, 2020
Forms are illusory impressions of the Flow, which has no true borders or edges.

December 23, 2020
We are pure Knowing.  We flow in order to have something to know.

The ego sets up boundaries between our self and the rest of life.  Our real Self is boundless.

December 24, 2020
We are the two-sided Now, our Flowing with apparent edges, and Knowing with no edges, the novel Now and the changeless Eternal.

Illusion is the essence of art. We are the Artist.
December 26, 2020
Behind the clutter and multiplicity of form is the Purity of the No-Thing, which is infinite and single. 
Nothing can be known without the No-Thing.
We are Universal Mind, always Here, the Substance and Creator of all variety.

December 28, 2020

All of This is the way God wiggles.

Individuals are limited perspectives on the Flow of the Whole.

December 30, 2020

The currents of the Tao flow from the flawless No-Thing, to which our attention eventually returns.

December 31, 2020

Subject and object, Thinker and thought, are One.

January 1, 2021

 All our differences are matters of perspective. All limitations are contractions of the Truth. 

January 2, 2021

 While Motion creates our sense of need, our still Presence lacks nothing.

January 3, 2021

Stillness is Perfection; movement is the Divine adventure with the imperfect.
January 4, 2021
What the Divine Self wants is experience.
If the Self didn’t want this moment, it wouldn’t happen.

January 6, 2021
The sole purpose of Life and Motion is to be interesting to our eternal Mind, the Self.
January 7, 2021
All of the boundaries we perceive exist within the Infinity of Consciousness, the Unlimited..

Throughout all perceptions, Perceiver and perceived are One.
January 8, 2021
The Divine is adept at fooling its Self into believing we are limited entities.

January 9, 2021
In Reality, we are Mind, the Fundament, always Here, Whole, Unlimited, Flowing, all things and the No-Thing.
January 10, 2021
Our bodies are the internal movement of Divine Mind.

January 11, 2021
There's only one Flow.  This is It.

January 12, 2021
We are infinite potential and creativity, unbounded except by the polarity of time and the inevitability of the opposites that are inherent in Motion.

January 15, 2021
Our Nature moves spontaneously, creating knots for us to unravel in order to experience Truth.

Motion, with its adventure and challenge, appears to be there.  Wholeness and Perfection, the Knower and Mover, are Here.

When looking from the perfect Knower into the space between the branches of a tree, into a valley surrounded by hills, or into the clear sky, it’s also possible to see Wholeness and Perfection there, full of Being and Power, the Essence of the Self.
January 16, 2021
The Tao is the Divinity of all Motion. Stillness is the Source and the Substance of Motion. Stillness and the Tao are the single Self. 
January 19, 2021
There is one Divine gesture from the beginning of Time. You are that gesture.

We are the eternal expanding and contracting of the one Spirit, the breath of the Divine.

January 20, 2021
We are the Unbounded, dreaming of limitation, and occasionally awakening.
January 21, 2021

This is what our Divine Mind does for play. Remember who's playing.
January 22, 2021
We are infinitely more than our apparent boundaries, and are continually unfolding as the Tao.

.January 23, 2021

We are the spontaneous flow of the creative Self, the stuff the cosmos is made of. 

January 27, 2021
Imperfection is in Reality part of Perfection.
By fully accepting the Tao, moment by moment, we are acknowledging our identity with God rather than as separate beings.

Experiencing our identity as separate from God is not wrong, it's just an illusion created by God. There's a time for illusion, and a time for knowing the Truth that all things, including illusions, are God.
January 30, 2021
The Divine, our eternal Presence, can only experience space and time through the individuation that results from Motion.
To be aware of anything, God always needs a perspective in time and space. You are that perspective.
All knowing requires both the duality inherent in Motion, as well as the unity of our Divine Mind.
God moves in order to know, and rests in order to cease knowing.

Mind, the One Self, alternates between rest and activity, the eternal and the temporal, the Infinite and the finite, the One and the many, the Perfect and the imperfect.  

We are Mind in Motion, God knowing.
 January 31, 2021
The I Am is the Universal Presence in all things, in the trees and rocks, in our neighbors, and in us. 

It is a fundamental paradox that a limited perspective in time and space is required to know the Unlimited Whole.
February 2, 2021
The Self is beyond all limits, unfettered. Our single Flow is the respiration of the universe.
February 4, 2021
In Truth we are pure Spirit.  Life is the process of Self-discovery by which we come to know our infinite breadth.
February 6, 2021
What we want is the Freedom and Wholeness of the Unlimited, and also the Creativity and the experience of form.

Our attention weaves back and forth between between form and Spirit, the temporal realm and the realm of the Eternal.  We are Spirit at play.

February 8, 2021
I am Eternal Mind. I move in order to know.

I flow according to my Perfect Nature. When truly awake, I move and know without dissent.

Welcome the Way. It’s always your Self.
February 10, 2021
What has edges isn't your full Self. You are the Divine Creator, beyond all limitation.

Here and Now are always the Divine, the One, the Absolute.

Embrace the Highest Perspective, the All-Inclusive. That is your Self. 
February 13, 2021
All Motion is You, the One Spirit, the single Substance of all things.

The apparent individual is in Reality the Whole. To know this Truth requires directly experiencing it Here and Now as we continue to move. 
February 14, 2021
There is only Here, the Substance of all time, space, and Being, the infinite No-Thing.
February 16, 2021
You can find the Self as your infinite Presence, your eternal I, the Divine Substance.

February 17, 2021
The variety of God is the greatest miracle. 
February 19, 2021
Christ is the experience of our Infinity from a particular perspective in space and time, the Divine aware of its Self while incarnate.

You are the Divine Whole in all its variety!

February 22, 2021


Life is the Theater of the Divine. Something new is always playing.

All ideas appear naturally in the Mind.  Watch them evolve. 
February 23, 2021
The Knower, your formless Presence, is also the Creator, Source and Flow of all things. 

February 24, 2021
The One who looks at the continual changes in the Flow is the unchanging Looker, our true Being.

The individual is a specific focal point of the Divine within the Flow, giving us contrast and leading to Divine Self-Knowledge. 
February 26, 2021
We are both the Way, and the Knowing of the Way. 
All Life is the Motion of our Pure Mind. 

February 27, 2021
Life is the Motion of the energetic Substance of all things, the Divine.
March 1, 2021
In Reality we are Everywhere. Life's drama consists of how we divide ourselves from the Truth.

March 3, 2021
Life is the Divine Project of exploring and overcoming separation.
March 5, 2021
The course of the Tao, whole in every way, creates the fascinating and pulsating illusion of division.

To know and delight in our Oneness we have to have also known separation.

We are always at play in the fields of the Divine, our eternal Self. 

 March 10,2021
God is the One I, the Knower, always Here, your eternal Substance, the Source of all your experience.

We are Pure Mind and its Way.

There is nothing external to Mind.

Every movement is the Divine Way.

Our paths as individuals are single threads in the weave of the Divine Tapestry. 
March 11, 2021
We are Mind becoming aware of its Self.
March 13, 2021
We are the inexpressible Whole, Nothing and Everything, the Divine Self and No-Self. 
March 15, 2021
The Foundation of the world, of all things, is the creative No-Thing.

We play the Game of Limitation. Can we find our way Home to the Unlimited? 
March 16, 2021
There is nothing surplus. Everything is vital to the Perfection of the Here and Now, our infinite Self, the eternal I. 
March 17, 2021
Where you are Whole on your spiritual compass is zero degrees Motion. Remember Who You Are on your travels.

March 19, 2021
The Heart of all things is Here, the place of eternal Knowing, the Source and Substance of all Flow, our one Mind and Being. 

March 27, 2021
Our normal behavior is to divide our identity off from the rest of Life, our True Self.
Enlightenment is the practice of continually rejecting any boundaries to our Being.

Enlightenment is not a question of going anywhere. It's being fully Here in the Infinity of our eternal Presence. 

 April 6, 2021
You are the No-Thing, the Whole, the Infinite, the Undivided Here.

You are the Undefinable, the Eternal I, the Unbounded, the Stillness, the Substance of all Motion.
April 7, 2021
Life is God, the Unlimited, enjoying the experience of an infinite variety of limited perspectives.

Enlightenment is the realization that the Perceiver, the Experiencer of the limited, is the Unlimited..

Form is a division of the Truth, the formless No-Thing, and is our play.

How shall we divide the Essence of our Being today? 

April 10, 2021
To fully know the Self, we must be totally open and receptive to the Here and Now.

We are both Here and there, though in the end, everything is the unlimited Here, the single Substance.
April 12, 2021
Whatever appears fixed and solid is an illusion, part of our Game. Truth is fluid, transparent, infinite, and universal.

The piercing of illusion is our highest joy.
Liberation is the immediate experience of  our unlimited, unbounded Being.

April 14, 2021
Consciousness is the subjective side of Being; Motion is its objective side.  Our true identity is Being itself.

April 22, 2021

Enlightenment requires coming to terms with the Perfection of Now, the flowing Present.

April 24, 2021
You don't have to go anywhere to find the Source. It is eternally Here, where your Awareness is, in the Center of your Being.
Our true Substance is our Presence, formless, creative, and free to flow as we will.

Here and Now are totally within our control, and we can do anything we want with them. Time and space are our tools. Notice and follow your Will.  We have no limits. 

April 29, 2021
We are Motion, and the Stillness that is aware of it, which together are the One.

All realms of Being are Here. It's just a question of slowing down enough to find them.

Who moves and is the Creator, the Unlimited, the Emptiness? You.

We move within our Self. There is only the Self.
May 1, 2021
God is our Greater Self, our true identity throughout time and space, the eternal I.
Tao is the flow of our Motion, our perfect Will. Respect it in the Here and Now.

Our most important lesson is Self-Respect. 

May 5, 2021
We are Being itself, containing all actual and possible experience.

Being is unlimited, bounded only by our belief in limits.
Know your Self as Being, and all movement as our Play. 

Only our attention is limited, whose nature is to focus on one aspect of Being at a time.

May 6, 2021
We are the magical crucible of Life.  Our Substance is Nothingness, out of which we create an infinite number of novel forms, always partial and transient. 
All things are merely becoming. Only the No-Thing endures, and is also the Becoming.
May 12, 2021
Motion temporarily propels our attention toward the positive or negative ends of each pair of opposites. 

In the All, all things are perfectly balanced., and each thing has its time.
May 13, 2021
There is a dimension of separation in which only some things have value, and a Divine dimension in which all things have value and are our Self
At the level of the Whole, of Truth, there is no wrong, no mistakes. Imbalance only appears from the limited perspectives created by the play of our Motion.
May 15, 2021
Who is playing? The Eternal Self, the Unmoved Mover, Being, God, the No-Thing, You.

You are behind all Motion, its Source and Substance, infinite Spirit, the eternal Presence, Truth.

Here, where you always are, is Purity, Wholeness, the Formless, Eternity, and Creativity.

All things are the products and instruments of our Creativity.

The Truth is in our Stillness, rather than in our Motion, whose purpose is multiplicity and drama.

May 16, 2021
Every movement is a gesture of the Whole, and is perfect.

Our I is the conscious, unlimited Presence of the Whole, and the stuff of what moves.

There is nothing that is not your Divine Self.

May 17, 2021
There is One Being, One Substance, one Body-Mind. You are That!

May 19, 2021
There's always a Way to what we need, even if it means backing up and going around to get there. Once you know Who You Are, which is the Unlimited, and what you want, the result is inevitable, requiring only time.

May 24, 2021
Perfection is in the unchanging Knower, the Eternal, Here, rather than in the form of the known. 
You are always perfect, both when you are contracting into limited perspectives on the Real, and when you are at rest.
May 25, 2021
Motion is a contraction of Truth, a contraction of Here to create the illusion of there, the alteration of the Perfect to create the challenge of the imperfect.
May 26, 2021
All creatures are the Creator in disguise. We are God in disguise.

May 27, 2021
Knowing God requires focusing on the most important part of time and space, which is the Here and Now, where God and Perfection is, your true Self.
May 28, 2021
The Essence of the eternal Now is our Unlimited Awareness, and the Creativity of our Motion. 
June 1, 2021

What do I want? I want to be open and transparent to the movement of the Way, the Divine Self.

June 3,2021
Here is always present, doesn't die, contains everything, lacks nothing, and is the true Self.

June 4, 2021
Motion, Life, is the flow of the Divine.

We are eternal Formlessness, the Source of Motion and its Substance.  

June 6, 2021
Who is behind Motion, who is the Creator? The Formless Mind, the Unlimited, You.

We are at the beginning and end of  every thought, the Alpha and the Omega, and its Substance.

June 7, 2021
We are the One, the Unlimited, constantly creative and creating. Our creations are only passing faces of our Being, small iotas of our full Self.

June 9, 2021
We need to ride our edges, and see if  they're real. They aren't.
June 11, 2021
We are the perfect Emptiness, which is also the Fullness, containing everything and lacking  nothing.

June 12, 2021
The contents of Awareness are always partial, representing the appearance of one end of the dual facets of our dynamic Being.  

June 14, 2021
Truth is liberation, freedom from want, and the ability to pursue our creative whims.
June 15, 2021
Individuality is a facade over your Infinity. Watch it flow and evolve.
June 16, 2021
The Tao of our attention is the Pathfinder of the universe. Follow its creative course through time and back to Eternity, where it will begin anew.
June 17, 2021
The Truth is there is one Author of all acts. You are the Author, in your infinite dimension.

We are not limited to this space or that.
Test your limits, and you'll find they're soft. 

We sense we are limited only when we identify with form. You are the Undefined Presence, the Essence of all things.
June 21, 2021

What is known is the Knower. Motion is the natural flow of Stillness.

June 22, 2021
There is only Being, our dynamic Presence, throughout all time and space. 
June 23, 2021
We are not separate from our thoughts.

June 25, 2021
Our nature is the Author of the Play. Honor the Divine Author.

To honor the Perfect Way is to do each thing in its time as if it were an end in itself.  In Truth, it is.
June 26, 2021
To know Perfection, relax into What you always are, the No-Thing.
 June 27, 2021
At the Heart of things is the Infinite, our True Self. 

The key to Freedom is unfettered Being, undefined, eternal, and creative.
The Perfect Way is single, with many currents, and is our Divine Dance. Where will our Heart"s music take us today?
June 29, 2021
The Self has infinite depth throughout time, space, and beyond, encompassing the richness and diversity of all polarities.

Our Being has no edge and never stops.
July 2, 2021
God is the single Doer.  Honor each moment as the Divine.

We have no profile in the world, and are the eternal Observer of the Flow of our own Nature.

July 5, 2021
We are the Emptiness whose curiosity creates the world.

July 9, 2021
The Essence of Truth is the eternal No-Thing, the Oversoul, the Ground, from which come all things.

Our Motion creates particalization, then amalgamation, leading to Rest. This is the Great Way. 
We are the continual Knowing and Flowing of the Way.

Though we contain contrasting urges toward individuality and Unity, we are the eternally One. 
July 10, 2021

We are the formless Source, infinite, always present, the dynamic No-Thing.


July 11, 2021


The Paradox is that Divine Self-Awareness requires a sense of multiplicity for contrast.  To know the Self we must also know the Other.

We are the Christ, which is the Self-Awareness of the Divine, and
are gradually awakening within our adventurous Dream.
July 12, 2021
The Dream of the Unlimited is for the experience of multiplicity, novelty, aesthetics, and drama.  Its characteristics are the inclusion of all polarities and dualities, including eventual awakening to our Oneness.
July 17, 2021
Everything we need is always right Here, and will be presented at the perfect time. We can trust the Present. 

July 21, 2021


Learn to recognize your infinite Self, not solely the face of your individuality. 


Honor your Divine Nature in the flow of the Present, and in the form of each moment. 


July 22, 2021


Our Nature is to continuingly alternate between changing degrees of repose and adventure.

Life is a journey of the Eternal Mind. Watch where it wants to go. 


July 23, 2021


Our Being is boundless, and includes all that is, was, and will be.


Consciousness has no edges except those we assume.


Know your Self as the Undefined, the Creative Mind, the Limitless, the Stuff of the Divine, the Dynamic Here.

Life is our Divine Body, the Motion of Divine Mind. 

July 25, 2021

The limited shapes of our movement fascinate us to the point that we don't notice the No-Shape that moves.
Know the formless No-Thing as the Source of all Motion. 

July 26, 2021
The always Here, our infinite Presence, is the Holy Grail.

Everything has temporal value at the right time, and nothing is right all the time.
Make no requirements of the Way, which knows the time for all things; honor It with an open heart as your Self.
July 27, 2021
All things are infused with the Divine, which is their Substance and Life. We can't leave Perfection, but we can ignore it.

July 28, 2021

There is not you, me, and God. There's only God, which is both you and me. 

August 4, 2021
In contrast to our normal sense of having a limited self, the experience of having no edges, no boundaries, is a feeling of pure Being, Presence, and Awareness, of total Freedom and Wholeness, of Infinity, completion, and the absence of lack. 
All sense of limitation is created by the Motion of Here, the Unlimited No-Thing.
August 8, 2021
Our Presence is the Eternal, the Infinite, the single, dynamic Substance, the Source and stuff of pure Knowledge and Perfection, as well as our dramatic illusions. Know your Self as Presence, Truth, Intelligence, the always Here, the body and Mind of the Divine. 

Our Intelligence is the ability to move, change, and adapt in order to respond to and satisfy whatever felt needs resonate in our Being. It’s the Power of the Divine. 

My view of God is not one of nearness, it's one of Hereness, as our Eternal Self.

August 12, 2021
God is the Substance and Awareness of all things.

Ride the waves of the Divine, your Dynamic Self.

There is no movement that is not God, our playful Spirit.

Though we think we’re playing single roles in life's drama, we are actually both the Playwright and the entire play—both the Dreamer, and all of the dream.

What is called non-volitional living no longer fuels the illusion of separate existence by choosing among our desires. It merely recognizes them, and lets them play out according to the strength of their current.
August 14, 2021
All movement is Pure Essence, the flowing Not-Two.

August 17, 2021
There's only one time, one Truth. This is it, the Absolute, the Always Here. Honor the dynamic, infinite Self. 
August 18, 2021
Adding the realization of the Formlessness and Infinity of the Looker to the experience of Looking brings the bliss of Truth and Perfection to the Present, to Here.

August 19, 2021
Our Divine Will is totally free, because there is no Other to oppose us.

What we Will is to meet all of our felt needs, which is the Source of our Motion.

August 20, 2021
Our felt needs are the working of the Way.

Every impulse of the Mind is the creation of the Divine.

We are God, the Whole, at play, gradually coming to Self-Knowledge.

August 21, 2021
Our attention alternates between Motion, which is a perfectly balanced Whole, and Stillness, which is also whole and perfect, the two sides of One Being. 
August 22, 2021
Truth is whole and open.

The small self is closed, limited, cut off from other things by walls and boundaries.

Choose openness, the dynamic Way of the Tao.

August 23, 2021
All things have a place and a time. Be completely open to the Way. That is your Perfect Self.
August 25, 2021
Embrace the Present with all its apparent limitations, which are its charm.
In Truth, there are no limitations.

There is only the Unlimited Self, and its playful Flow.

August 27, 2021
The Divine Paradox is that the one Being, Consciousness, Mind, can know itself only through the medium of an individual creature in time and space. We are that Being, and its continuing universality and individuality.

August 28, 2021
This moment is a continuation of the single, Divine gesture.

Recognizing the singularity of Motion is key to the realization and experience of Perfection. 

August 29, 2021
This morning I experienced the eternal Perfection of the formless Self, which is always Here, the Fundament of our Being, Mind itself, after which my attention returned to the Game, with its fascinating and perplexing variety and polarities.

We are the single Am. Doing satisfies our Nature.

August 31, 2021
Experience of the partial, of imperfection, is necessary for seeing the Presence of the Whole.

September 1, 2021
Our Game requires duality, division, lack. The Truth is whole, lacking nothing.

In Reality there is only Here and Wholeness. All the rest is there, our creative Play. 

September 4, 2021
Love is identity with the beloved.
September 6, 2021
There is only one Flow, with many currents. All Motion is the sacred Flow of the Divine Substance.

We are the eternal Being with two faces, the Unchanging and the changing, what sees, and what is seen.
September 9, 2021
Whatever we're experiencing, we aren't just some or part of it, we're all of it, dynamic, Whole, without limits. Our world is continually disclosing new aspects of What We Are.
September 10, 2021
Our every thought and feeling is the creation of the Divine, including this thought.

The deepest part of Being is the Undefined, the Ground and Substance of the rest.
September 11, 2021
The Divine Ground is what persists, pulsates, and perceives. It is Presence, Power, Perfection, All-Pervading. It is also perplexing and playful.

September 12, 2021
Find the Source within you, and stay rooted there. We are What persists and has no dimension. The rest is our game, our passing play. We can't leave the Source; only our attention can.

September 13, 2021
We are the Fundament, the Substance of all Being and Motion.

If you find edges to your identity, look further. The key to Self-Knowledge is having no edges.

September 15, 2021
Value is what is right for the time. Honor the Divine wisdom of the Present in the Here and Now.
The Divine Mind is our Mind, and has no limits.

September 17, 2021

In Truth, the small I does nothing, and has no separate existence; it's all the Flow of the One.  Walk in the Truth.

September 20, 2021
The only limit to Freedom is lack of recognition of the nature of the Self, which is unlimited Mind.

We are only limited by what we believe to be limits.
September 22, 2021
The Reality of the Here and Now includes all conceivable experiences, as well as experiences not yet conceivable.
September 24, 2021
We are the No-Thing. Watch the formless Flow of our creative Play.
Where are we? There is only Here, the Undivided Whole, Substance of all Motion, One Self.

Wisdom is the reconciliation of all opposites in the Unity and Perfection of the Divine Present.
September 25, 2021
To know the Truth, accept all things as your Self.
September 28, 2021
The Present is the manifestation of the power of the Perfect, the No-Thing, to create the experience of the imperfect.

We are both the Unlimited and the appearance of limitation.
September 29, 2021
Trust in the Divine Self, beyond good and evil, to always bring what is needed in the Present.

September 30, 2021
Our primary fallacy is that Being is divided, giving us the Other, the Not Here, which is the essence of our Game. The Truth is that it's all Here.

October 1, 2021
We are lost in a Game of lack, of hide and seek, until we recognize the Perfection of the eternal Player, the Self. 

October 2, 2021
We are not only this or that, we are also not-this and not-that, the All.

Following the Way, the Tao, means nonresistance to the entirety of the Present.
October 3, 2021
Trusting God means following the path of nonresistance.
October 5, 2021
As individuals, we are each a leading edge in the Motion of the Divine.

Nothing lasts, including Awareness of the eternal No-Thing, which also comes and goes.
Honor the Rightness of Time, the essential activity of the Divine, in its entirety.

October 9, 2021
The I is eternal, whole, and pure.  Its flow directs our attention into adventurous currents whose sense of imperfection impels us back to the Truth and Peace of the one Sourc
Every iota of the Present is the Perfect Way. Honor the wisdom of the Self.
October 10, 2021
Motion is a journey from Wholeness into time and space with its divisions, an adventure into apparent imperfection.
October 12, 2021
The Divine Reality has two needs: one is action, contrast, duality, and adventure; the other is Unity, Wholeness,  Peace, and Perfection. Each is primary for a time, in alternation with the other.

Find the No-Thing in each moment. It’s all pure Spirit.
October 13, 2021
The Divine is the Source and Sustainer of our every move. Self-respect is respect for the Divine.
October 16, 2021
The Soul of all things is One.

Rather than trying to push the creation, trust the Creator, your Self.  

August 17, 2021

Are we in Motion, or are we Motion? Respect all Motion; it's your Self.
October 18, 2021
Everything that is in your Mind is the flow of God.
Your Being includes the entire Mind of God. You have no boundaries.
October 19, 2021

Be true to the Present, it’s rooted in the Infinite. Trust the Tao.
October 20, 2021

Respect the flow of illusion as essential to our Nature.

Purity, the Undefined, is Who we are, our Essence. The rest is our Play.
October 22, 2021
From the highest perspective, our sense of the Whole, there is perfect Balance, Purity, and Peace.

Motion satisfies our desire for imbalance, definition, adventure, finally leading back to the Perfection of Stillness and the Truth of our Wholeness.

 October 22, 2021
All dividing lines are only apparent. There are no true or lasting divisions.

October 26, 2021
We are the No-Thing, in Motion or at Rest.

Our sense of limitation is the primary illusion. We aren't limited.
October 23, 2021
All Motion is a pulsation between polarities. Without Motion and polarities, we would have no perceptions, no experience, no Awareness. Motion and polarities are fundamental to our Being.
October 29, 2021
There's a time for everything including realization of the Perfection and Wholeness of the Present.

The only question is where the focus of God's attention will go next.

October 30, 2021
Every moment in Time is essential to the rest of Time, and required by it.

November 1, 2021
Having no attachments allows us to flow freely according to our Nature.

Each day is the fruit of our Creativity.

November 3, 2021

Unlimited resources are available in times of adversity, if we only trust and ask.

Play the Game with both openness and confidence in the ultimate outcome, which is Union and Peace. 

Healing is reconnecting with the Wholeness and Perfection of the Present.
November 5, 2021

In solitude, we’re free to explore the infinite depths of Here, the No-Thing that contains all things.
November 6, 2021

We are a curious Being. Curiosity is the Nature of our Mind, which is interested in the changing course and currents of Motion, and their possibilities.

November 10, 2021

We are the Motion and the embodiment of the No-Thing.

We are the Eternal Energy of the Divine, whose Attention is the creative Source of all things.
When we realize that everything is One, we begin to realize that we are also the One.
November 12, 2021
We are the Infinite, dreaming of being finite. We are an amazing Being, full of surprises, with unlimited creative resources.
November 13, 2021
The Self is always Here and Whole.  While the Face we see is always changing, the Seer is eternal.
This is the Dream of Purity. We are Purity, dreaming of imperfection.
November 17, 2021
God’s movement is about experience, the novel, which Life gives us every moment of every day, none of which would be possible without the existence of opposites.
November 18, 2021
Know the dynamic Perfection of the Present, complete in every way yet in Motion, and know flowing Peace.

To know the Fullness of the Self, be both open-hearted and open-minded.
November 19, 2021
We experience separation because it satisfies a need, as does our experience of Wholeness. Respect all of your needs as your Self.

Shakti, Motion, proceeds from the No-Thing, the Divine Power, and is Perfect.

Know the infinite fluidity of Self. There are no boundaries to our Being.  If it moves it is You; if it appears not to move, it is also You.
November 20, 2021
Unlimited resources are here to meet every need. We are the boundless Source.  

November 21, 2021
The Present is what the single Substance is doing, the Way we wiggle. Follow our course of amazing Creativity.
November 22, 2021
We are completely embedded in the singleness of Being and its Flow, though Mind likes to divide us from it.
November 23, 2021
Life is a stream we try to grab onto and make stop. Let it flow.
November 24, 2021
We are the entire Web of life, the complete Here and Now, the Creative Whole. Where will the Way take us next?

November 27, 2021
The capacities of the Perfect Self, our Divine Intelligence, will meet all our needs in the course of time. 

Have confidence in your beneficent Nature. In Truth, you never leave Home.

November 29, 2021

Truth, Beauty, is the conscious coming together of Stillness and Motion as the Self, the Knowing and the Flowing.


November 30, 2021

What is there is Here. There is only the Here, which is vast and boundless.
December 2, 2021
Accept the Present as Right, Perfect, and Whole without exception, our Unlimited Self.

Now is the Divine Moment, the playful Dance.
December 3, 2021
Life is a drama composed and populated by the Divine Self, playwright and performer. Know the drama and the Dramatist, the One and the Many.

December 4, 2021
In the beginning, there was God, undifferentiated Spirit, Mind without Motion.  Vibration of the Divine according to its Nature manifests as the world we know.

Motion alternates or pulsates, creating fields of cycles and epicycles in which Awareness becomes identified with the shape of its trajectories, in alternation with the formless Source.
Our bodies are simply temporarily sustained cycles of Motion.  Perception requires a body to produce the necessary division and directionality of our attention in order to create . The simplest bodies are fundamental particles that make up the atom. 
December 6, 2021
Being is without boundaries except as we believe in them..

December 8, 2021
Every texture and every nuance of the Present is the motion of God.

December 10, 2021
We extend to Infinity. Know the Fullness of Here, both Stillness and Motion. 
December 11, 2021

We, the Creative, are constantly producing what is new from the depths of Being.
The single I knows and flows, continually learning new aspects of its Self, the Dynamic Whole.
December 12, 2021
I am not This or that. I am This and that, the Eternal and the temporal.

December 13, 2021
Surrender to Motion as Divine Flow rather than as individual will. Motion is the natural need of the Divine.
Follow our Divine Drama, the play of the Whole. Honor the Flow of the Way rather than any particular images.
December 15, 2021
Do You and I have shape, a limited and transitory thing?  We are the Unlimited and Eternal.

December 17, 2021
It's the Nature of Mind to enjoy the play of opposites, neither of which can be known without the other. The Good is Stillness and Motion, allowing us to focus on whichever end we want in the essential polarity of Being 

The separate I is just an idea, and does nothing. The real I is the single Mind, whose Motion is the Doer of all things.

December 19, 2021

Mind, Here, is the Divine Substance, whose Resources are always available. Ask what you need with confidence and it will be given.

December 20, 

I am not a part. I am all that Is, Here and Now in its entirety. 

All things are essential; none can exist without the rest.

December 21, 2021

The Unlimited Truth is Here, awaiting our Attention. It doesn't go anywhere; only our Attention does. 

All Motion serves the needs of Mind. Respect the Rightness of all things at their time. 

December 22, 2021

Form confines, limits and diminishes us. Freedom and Truth is identity with the formless Mind rather than objects in its Play. 

We are not a particular direction in which Motion flows. We are Motion itself, the Unlimited Mover. 

December 25, 2021

Motion makes us believe we're separate. We are the single Flowing and the single Knowing. Perspective is our only difference. 

December 26, 2021
Truth is the Unlimited No-Form, the single Substance and its Motion, the Eternal and the Novel.
December 28, 2021
Honor the eternal Here and Now, your flowing Nature.

We are the Seamlessness, the Am, both the Knowing and the Flowing
December 31, 2021
Enjoy the show of the Divine from the security of the eternal No-Face.
January 1, 2022
Find Perfection in the Present including the ebb and flow of the Way.
Every gesture you make is the Divine. Yours are the hands of God. 

January 3, 2022
I am the flowing Presence, unlimited Mind in Motion.
January 4, 2022
Whatever happens is the creation of the Infinite No-Thing.

You are the breath of the Infinite.
January 5, 2022
When there is complete Stillness and Balance, there arises a desire for Perception, which requires Motion and imbalance.  In its turn, Motion seeks to regain Balance.

Nothing is done to Us, only by Us. There is one Doer and one Viewer, our Single Self.

All forms appear in a Bed of Formlessness. We are the formless Bed, the Host of all things.

January 7, 2022

Our ability to move between Adventure and Repose is the essence of Freedom.

Mindfulness means fully attending to the Flow of the Here and Now, including its glimpses of Infinity.

Timing is key to all things.  Be true to the leadings of the Present your Mindfulness will disclose. 

 January 10, 2022
We are the one Presence—infinite, eternal, creative, playful, the All-Powerful, formless, lacking nothing, the Divine Am.

January 12, 2022
We are the eternal Bed of Being. Motion is our Play and is mainly on the surface. Remember your infinite depth. 
January 13, 2022
We are the Boundless Body of Spirit. 
We are the No-Thing in Motion. Knowing this is Liberation.

January 14, 2022
Forms are fleeting and untrue. The Formless is the Truth and endures.

There is a time for Truth, a time for Play, and a time to bring them both together.
January 15, 2022

That the many are One Formless Being is the ultimate Paradox. The Mystery of the One is the eternal enigma.


Open-heartedly accept the Now as the Unitive Self. 


January 16, 2022


Realization is the Awareness of the Rightness of every moment, including the Rightness of change and challenge.

God, the Divine Self, is the Substance of all things, whose Awareness pulsates between Truth and illusion. 
January 19, 2022
Love is the Unitive relationship with the Other. Knowledge is realizing there is no Other.

An intentional doer requires duality, while the Natural Doer does not.
Instead of trying to do things, watch them being done by your Divine Nature.

 January 23, 2022
The Divine comes gradually to know Itself through the myriad perspectives of time and space.
Our present experience is one perspective of the Divine.

The Divine is the single Perceiver of all perspectives.

How we got to where we are is God, where we are is God. where we will be is God. There’s only God.
January 25, 2022
The dynamism of the ever-creative Tao is the active companion of the eternally still Knower. Together they’re the full Self.

January 27, 2022
The experience of the mystic is there is nothing truly separate. Who has said this, and Who hears it is God. 

January 30, 2022
All Motion, including this note, is the Divine Substance, our Self. 
January 31, 2022
There is one Consciousness and Motion.

The Absolute, our infinite Being that extends throughout time and space, is always accessible to our Mind when we tire of limitation and confidently seek it.

February 2, 2022
The purpose of all Motion is Joy. Give yourself to Joy.
February 3, 2022 

Know the Rightness and Wholeness of This, both the Stillness and the Flow.

In the empty space between the forks of a tree we can find Wholeness, the Unity of No-Thing and things.
February 4, 2022
We are the eternal Presence, and the Divine Dreamer who is gradually awakening. 

February 6, 2022

I fluctuate between the Truth of the Unlimited, and the fiction of my separateness. 

February 10, 2022

There is one Knower, the Eternal, and one Way of knowing, through the Motion of the temporal realm of time and space. All knowledge is a collaboration between these two, the Whole and the partial, the Unlimited and the limited.

Here and Now is the creative Play of the Divine, the One. You are the Player. Enjoy your Play.

Each thing is dual. Their Source, the No-Thing, is single.

You are the One, and the Many, and one of the Many.

February 11, 2022

What is and what will be is Right. Honor the Perfection of the Present.

February 14, 2021

There is an infinite Pillar of Light along our spine from which all things are manifested, and is our Home.

We are the infinite Am at all times and in all places, the Source of every impulse.
February 16, 2022
We are the Divine Whole that includes equal parts of all characteristics and their opposites.

February 17, 2022
There is only God, both at rest and at play.
February 18, 2022
The Spiritual Matrix of all things is your true Self, the Universal One.

Our ongoing challenge and delight is to recognize the full Self.

 February 20, 2022
We are a unique medley within the repertoire of the Whole.

We are the Bed of Being, the Sea from which all waves arise.

February 21, 2022
Spirit is single and the base of everything, the complete, flawless Self.

February 24, 2022
Seek the integration of the Eternal and the temporal, Being and becoming.

Our Game is to abstract things from the Flow, including our identity.
Subject and object, Knower and known, Mind and matter, are the One Self.
February 25, 2022
Surrender to the Flow of your Attention, and follow its Way to the paradoxes of Perfection.
March 2, 2022
The eternally dynamic Present, the complete Here and Now, is God.

Life is full of learning and forgetting, learning more about Who we are, then forgetting it to give us drama.

We are the Divine Artist, creating all apparent forms with their shapes and boundaries.
March 3, 2022
We are Mind whose Nature is to alternate between rest and the challenges of activity.

We are the No-Thing, which precedes, succeeds, and is the Substance of all things. Know the Freedom of the No-Thing.

March 4, 2022

We are the wedding of the Infinity of Being and the finiteness of Motion, which is our Divine Perfection.
March 6, 2022

We are multidimensional, able to focus on the finite and the Infinite, the dimension of the Whole, the Unlimited, as well as the dimensions of separation and limitation. 

Each thing is God in Motion and deserves our respect.
March 7, 2022
Experiencing the Fullness of Being, we are in the Presence of the One Power and Essence of all that is.

March 8,2022

True listening is respecting the Divinity of all aspects of the present moment.

Mind is the base of your Being, and the single Substance.
March 9, 2022
We are pure Spirit and its playful Motion.
March 11, 2022
We are the water of a single Pond, rippling in the winds of our Nature. 

March 13, 2022

We are the Unconfined. Limits are untrue.
March 14, 2022
There is a Way beyond any apparent confinement. We are the Flow of God, the eternally Creative, which is Freedom.

The Mind creates images of the Infinite, which in Truth has no form.  The Flow has passing shape only from particular perspectives.

March 16, 2022
Paradoxically, only facing the apparent multiplicity of Motion does God become Self-Aware.

March 17, 2022
Rise above the confined image of yourself to the Freedom of the Truth.
March 19, 2022
The dynamic Wholeness of the present moment is the Source of Creativity and Freedom.
Respect the Absolute Wholeness of the Divine Present, your True Self.
Our simultaneous Divinity and individuality is the fundamental Paradox.

March 20, 2022
The Single Substance that extends out in every direction of time and space, the Whole, the Absolute,  the Divine Self of infinite depth, is Here, where we always are.
March 21, 2022
Unconditional Love is complete openness to whatever confronts us, with tenderness toward its needs and realization that in Truth it is our Self.

March 22, 2022
The creative column of Light, of No-Form, is the origin of all things.

The timing of our Nature is always Right.
Though most of the time we fool our Self into thinking we’re separate, limited beings, our only limitation is the direction of our Attention. All of time and space are part of our Being. 

March 27, 2022
There are no true boundaries to your Being.  If you try them, you'll find your Self on the other side.

We are the One Perceiver whose perceptions are aspects of Self-Knowing.
March 28, 2022
God is the only Doer. What you appear to be doing individually is God, our Single Self doing.

March 29, 2022
We are the Cosmic Dance and the Creative Dancer.

Let your identity rise above your individuality, freeing it from all limits.
March 30, 2022
Enlightenment is the total acceptance of the Present as the Absolute.
April 2, 2022
We as individuals are fluid parts of the universal Flow.
April 4, 2022
The Perfection of Being is its Wholeness and Creativity, which is constantly producing what is Novel, with each aspect being essential to the rest.
April 5, 2022
We believe we are other than This, but we aren't. We mistakenly believe things could be different than they are at this moment, though they will be different before long.
April 6, 2022
The natural Flow of our perfect Being is always Right for the time, and needs no intention or striving by us.
April 7, 2022
Everything we want to experience will be available in its time.
April 8, 2022
God is the producer and director of the drama of life, and also the cast.
April 9, 2022
Every moment is the creative No-thing. Attend to its impulses, which are the Divine Way. 

April 15, 2022
Our Consciousness is immortal. Only its focus is changing, according to our creative Nature.

Our Divine Nature is always Right, the Absolute. Maturation is the process of coming to respect the single Self and its Flow in every moment.

Respecting the Self means openness and non-resistance to its Course through all time and space.
To honor it, bring the Power of the Unlimited to bear on the Flow of this moment.

April 16, 2022
We are the Freedom of the Whole. Nothing is denied us.
We are the formless Presence, whose Nature moves.
We are the eternal Here, the Source and Substance of all things, the essential Stuff and background of all that is in each moment.
We are infinite Being. We are what doesn't move or change, and what does. 

April 20, 2022

True Freedom is letting the Divine do what it wants. There is only God. 
April 22, 2022
We don't have to do anything. The Way, the No-Thing, does all that is needed. Surrender to Now, your Divine Nature.
April 28, 2022
We are all vehicles for the Divine structuring of Life.
There is no can't, only whether and when.

Everything the Divine has experienced on any level throughout time and space is Here and available to us as we need it.

The full dimensions and nature of the Self will never be realized. 

April 29, 2022
The All-Powerful "I", the formless Substance of all, is Unbounded and Everywhere.

Life has unlimited capacity to meet every need.

Rather than a limited persona, I am the Source and Substance of all personas.

April 30, 2022
As the Unlimited, the only question is what we are naturally drawn to, which for me is the nature of Reality, and the alleviation of the suffering I see.

May 1, 2022
There are no edges. If you go into what feels like an edge, you’ll find out. 
May 2, 2022
Let your creative Attention flow to wherever it is drawn, which is where it is needed.

May 3, 2022
This is what the Absolute is doing. Respect its variety. 
May 5, 2022
We are pure Mind, the Infinite, the Eternal, and the course of its Motion.

This is the River of God. We don’t have to push it.

May 8, 2022
We are one Truth and one Flow, the Not-Two. 

May 9, 2022
It is God who feels and flows. Accept every feeling, and let your Self flow with it in response.
May 11, 2022
All things are immaterial, the Single Spirit, the Flow of I. You are the Ocean of God.

Each moment is equal and essential to the rest. Honor it.
May 12, 2022
There is no inside or outside to your Being. Let down your barriers, and experience your Full Self.

May 14, 2022
Life's adventure is our active response to felt needs and interests.
May 15, 2022
All of our individual attributes, positive and negative, are the partial attributes of God's play. Don't deny or regret them.
May 18, 2022
We all appear as individual waves in the Ocean of Consciousness, though in Truth we’re the Ocean itself.

Honor your Self, the Source, in all its play.

May 19, 2022
Though Motion shatters us into apparent pieces, we’re eternally the One.
May 20, 2022
Wherever I turn, I see my Self.

May 21, 2021
I am Motion, and I am You. 

May 24, 2022
We exist only as the Flow of God. We have no separate existence. Living in that Reality is dying to the small self, and living in the Wholeness of the Divine.
To be wholly reconciled with the time, go to the Source of all time, and be One with its Motion.
Trace all action to its Root, and find your Self there.
May 25, 2022
The relation between Root and branch is the key to wisdom. The Root is where Truth lies, and is the Source of its branches’ Motion.
May 26, 2022
Though branches may imagine themselves separate, they're only the Song of the Formless Root, which loves to sing.
May 29, 2022
We are the Flow of the Eternal Emptiness.
May 30, 2022
You are the entirety of the present moment.

Accept no borders or divisions. It's all you.

We tend to divide things and judge their relative value, while all are essential to the Whole.

May 31, 2022
Each moment has a unique feeling-tone. Honor its Rightness and Perfection.

June 2, 2022
Entertain no expectations, only possibilities.
Now is the cutting edge of the Absolute. 

June 5, 2022
We are Unlimited Being, infinite, eternal, playful, paradoxical, the wondrous Whole. Where will our wondering and wandering take us today?
June 6, 2022
The most astounding Truth is the realization that we are not only the limited experience we normally have as the small self, but also the unlimited Being containing all experience, past, present, and future.

June 8, 2022
We are Whole, the pure  Consciousness that produces and watches the unfolding of events, the indefinable Source.

June 10, 2022
The nature of the Self is unformed and always open to the new. We are the eternal Pioneer.

Our every thought, every sensation, is the unified movement of the Divine.

June 11, 2022
The ultimate challenge is to learn the Perfection of This, requiring appreciation of both positive and negative aspects of each thing.

June 12, 2022
This is what Emptiness is creating, moment by moment. Recognize Emptiness as the fundamental Presence that guides all choices and is our true Identity.

June 13, 2022
We are the Subject that has no boundaries, form, or limits, and whose movement appears as the many. Know your Self in all things.

June 14, 2022
You are the vast system of the Cosmos, not simply a single organism among many. Be open to and trust your Self in all your aspects. You are the Always Here, the Eternal One, .

Surrender your small self, your separate identity, to God, who extends to Infinity..
June 15, 2022
All of life is currents in the ocean of God, the single Being. .

What Knows and what moves are the same Substance, the Divine Self.
June 16, 2022
This, the eternal Presence, extends to infinity.
June 21, 2022
There is only God, whose play this is.  Honor the play and your roles. What is your role? This, always This.

This is the only Dance there is, and it meets the needs of the Divine, your true Self.
June 22, 2022
Every moment is God. Accept it in its entirety.
June 23, 2022
Let Self-awareness extend to the deepest stratum of your Being, which is infinite Emptiness, the Source of all Motion..
June 24, 2022
Life is the Game of forms, limitations, and how to overcome them.

You are the unlimited This, the eternal Substance of all things, and its ephemeral flows.

The immediate Present is what our Single Substance is doing. 

June 25, 2022
To experience the Absolute, ask "Who am I?" and follow your attention to the universal Subject, the Seer and Source of all form, your eternal and infinite Presence.
June 30, 2022
Watch and see what your Nature will bring today. It’s the Divine.
July 1, 2022
The Undefined, the Every I, is You.

The Great Paradox is that to know anything, including the Whole, the Single Knower, requires experiencing its opposite for contrast.

We are the single Dreamer, awakening in our Dream. 

Life consists of pursuing images and feelings we like and avoiding those we don't.  As each is necessary for the other, the key to wisdom is accepting the Rightness of the Present as essential to our Knowing and Well-Being. 

Honor and respect without resentment the creativity of every moment.

July 3, 2022
We are the One Presence, the Eternal Am, the creative Source of all Motion, the Single Substance.

July 5, 2022
Every nuance of Being has its time. Honor the Eternal in the Rightness of each moment.
Important questions are "Who am I? Who notices our Motion and our needs?  Who is the Doer, and to whom are things done?" When we answer these, we find the Self.
July 6, 2022
We are the Unlimited. Our only limits are our beliefs.

July 7, 2022
Honor the Miracle of Motion, Mind’s fundamental need.

July 8, 2022
There are no lines dividing Being, only ripples on the Ocean of the Divine.

Perfection and Wholeness are the essence of our Being and Consciousness, and are always Here, behind any apparent division.  

July 10, 2022
Power is the dynamic aspect of the formless No-Thing, which continuingly surprises us with its Creativity, and teaches us to take nothing for granted.
July 15, 2022
Our Eternal Being, Mind, Consciousness, the infinite Knower, is always Here.
What we know is confined to Motion’s limited trajectories and images, as well as our contrasting experience of Stillness.
Remember the Unlimited, the True Self, throughout each day.

Our existence as individuals is secondary to the Infinity and Creativity of our Eternal Being.

July 16, 2022
The Nature of Reality is that all things take place at the right time, and then pass on.
Learn Reality’s Perfection by being completely open to the Present, which is our full Self, the Dynamic Infinite, the Eternal, the One. 

July 17, 2022
Rise up from your limited self to your unlimited Self,  and enjoy Freedom and Wholeness.

July 19, 2022
The Am is inclusive of all things.  You are the Am.
Join the Divine Dance by listening to your Heart.
July 20, 2022
Our acts are not the creation of individuals, but the Nature of the Divine. Let go of any pride or shame.

.July 22, 2022

Down below the Play of forms is the Source, Divine Wholeness, our True Self.  We experience It by turning our Attention towards the Eternal Knower rather than merely the known.
July 23, 2022
There is only the Infinite Here, one Presence and Knower, Source and Substance.

We continue to be Pure throughout all experience. 

July 27, 2022
We are the Divine No-Thing, Creative Emptiness. If you find form where you are,  go deeper to find the Perfection of the Formless.
There is only the Unlimited and its Motion, the Always Here, the Infinite Presence.

July 28, 2022
There is a single Power that does everything to its Self, to be interesting to the our Infinite Mind. 

Practice the Perfection of the Present in all its facets.
July 29, 2022
We are Being without limitation. Our diminution and ignorance of the Self with
the narrow limits we place on it is the Divine Joke.
July 30, 2022
Where are the edges of Mind? Nowhere.  

August 1, 2022
The infinite depth of our Wholeness and Creativity is a continuing source of wonder and awe.
August 2, 2022
As our experience of the Unbounded grows, we begin to recognize it as our enduring Self. What will the Unbounded bring us today?

August 3, 2022
Beneath all forms and their imperfections is Absolute Purity, the eternal Emptiness.

August 4, 2022
Honor each thing in its time. It's your creative Self.

August 5, 2022

Do we want to be defined, or are we open to identity with all things, to be only part of Life, or the Wholeness?

Forms and the Formless are one of Life’s fundamental pairings, the Freedom of the Formless and the limitations of the forms, each requiring the other.

Find the aesthetic value in each moment, and honor the complete Present. 

August 6, 2022
We are Emptiness, pure and eternal, at rest and at Play.

The One is doing this, the Not-Two, including what is closest and what appears farthest away.

August 7, 2022
All the Power of the universe is Here, and moves according to its Nature.

August 8, 2022

Our Being is the single Substance, eternal, creative, infinite, pure Consciousness, Presence, Power, the Knower and known, the one Subject and all objects, the Divine Self.

There isn’t a Doer, only Doing. Watch the Divine Doing.
August 10, 2022
The Divine Self-Corrects for feelings of imbalance, flowing and resting for its satisfaction.
August 11, 2022
Life is our innate Intelligence moving to satisfy felt needs. When there are no longer needs, it will cease.

August 15, 2022
We are the No-Thing, the Emptiness that creates all that is.

Practice the Perfection of Now. There is nothing but God.
August 16, 2022
We are the Divine beginning to awaken in its Dream which, when we are fully awake, will end, until a new Dream begins.
August 17, 2022
Honor the infinite depth and diversity of our Being, and the inclusion and integration of all things.
August 19, 2022
We move according to our Nature, the Single Mind, creating the illusions of separateness and independence.

Watch our Flow, the Tao, open-mindedly with no expectations.
August 20, 2022
The only limits are our belief in the reality of the Dream.

Every detail of the Now brings us what we need.
 August 24, 2022
We are the formless Emptiness and Presence, the undefinable Am.
August 24, 2022
Our Source and Substance is Here, the infinite, formless Seer, from where all Attention flows.

August 25, 2022
The Truth is the Unity of all things in the Here and Now.
August 26, 

We are the single Mind that is both Creator and Seer, rather than what we often seem to be.

August 27, 2022
Our Divine Substance is both Subject and object, Stillness and movement, the Eternal and the temporal, the Infinite and the finite, Truth and the Dream.

We are One Presence, and all its Play, involved in a dream of imperfection. 

August 28, 2022
Our naturally creative Mind is the only Substance.

There is one Dreamer, the single Self and its Motion.
August 29, 2022
The Center of the Universe is Here in all of us.
August 30, 2022
The Flow of the Tao directs our Attention where it will.

Full Self-Awareness requires a focus on the Formlessness of our Divine Presence, the ultimate Self.

September 2, 2022
While intentionality requires a separate Doer, in Reality there is One Being and its natural Flow.

September 3, 2022
Our thoughts are limited images of the Flow of the Divine. In Truth we are the entire Flow.
The perfect No-Thing is Here at the center of our Being, and emanates the Flow and form we call the world.

September 7, 2022
Multiplicity requires creating impressions of separateness in our Flow.
September 9, 2022
Respect the Perfection of the Present, while being receptive to a Higher State.

The Heart of each thing is the Source at the Center of its Being.
September 10, 2022
We are all the Awareness and Motion of a Single Substance.
The Divine Substance contains a time and place for all things, and each requires its opposite.
September 11, 2022
Recognizing the illusory nature of all boundaries frees us to follow our interests.
September 13, 2022
We are the Unlimited in Motion, offering a rich palate of opportunity.

We are the Uncluttered, as well as the Creator of interesting clutter.

September 15, 2022
We are Being without Boundaries.

Each moment is the cutting edge of the Divine, the ebb and Flow of the No-Thing.
September 17, 2022
Life is all about fooling our Self as to our identity, then relearning the Truth. 

September 18, 2022

In the flow of space and time are many vortices leading us to the Whole.

Wherever we go, we are always Home.

September 19, 2022 

We are the Irreducible Matrix of all forms.

September 20, 2022 

The Cosmos is a vast Whole, in which every movement affects the entirety, the full Self. 

September 23, 2022 

The Truth of the Whole and the illusion of separateness are always present and available to us. 

September 24, 2022 

The fundamental dynamics of our Being are the dualities of Rest and Motion, the experience of liking and disliking, and our natural movement toward what we like and away from what we dislike.  

To appreciate the depth of the Here and Now, we need to explore not only what is seen, but the Infinity of the Seer, not only what we like and dislike, but the One who has these feelings, our True Self in which all feelings and impressions occur, our underlying, eternal Presence.

We are the Fundament of all things and every moment, the Divine Mind whose creative powers are beyond our comprehension.

The failure to see the Divine in every action is the cause of our dissatisfaction.
September 30, 2022
Lasting impressions of all movements are Here in the Divine Substance.
Watch the Flow of the limited, the unreal, from the Truth of our Unlimited Mind.

Surrender your assumed power of choice, letting the wisdom of our Nature make the choices.
October 2, 2022
Our Core is a pure shaft of Divine Energy whose Dance is the world.
October 3, 2022

We are the Whole, a complete balance of all forms, and our game is one of division seeking separate fulfillment.
October 6, 2022
We are Pure Being, the unlimited No-Thing moving through all patterns of life.

We are the Fullness of the Flow with all its apparent contradictions.

October 7, 2022
The natural Motion of the Single Subject is what creates time, space, and all seemingly separate objects.
Trust the emanations from the Core of your Being that drive all things.

October 13, 2022
Enlightenment is seeing the Wholeness and Perfection of the Single Being in every moment and movement.
October 14, 2022
We are whole in every way, though we play the game of division.

Motion with its alternations of excess and balance is the essence of our play.

Truth is realization of the Divine Nature and Presence as the Root of each moment, and the Full Self as the Fundament of our partial selves.

We are the One Mind, which has no bottom to its Being, and whose base is the Infinite.
Our thoughts are ripples on Infinity. 

October 16, 202 

Surrender your belief in yourself as a separate piece in the Dance of Duality. 
October 17, 2022
Immerse yourself in the Present, every iota of which is Whole.
October 18, 2022 

We are the Unlimited that includes all particulars.

October 19, 2022
Abandon judgment. No action of ours could have been otherwise.

October 20, 2022
We are constantly dividing off part of our Self as other, before returning to Truth.

Practicing Non-resistance to the wisdom of the Present is a key to being Whole.
October 22, 202

We are the Purity of the Eternal Self, as well as the impurity of our attachments. 

October 24, 2022
Each of us embodies all qualities that exist. Our only differences are the degree they manifest, which gives us our variety.

October 26, 2022
Follow the Flow of your feelings wherever they go.  That is the Way of Creativity, the eternal Wave of the Divine.
October 27, 2022

We are eyes of the Divine viewing the gallery of our Art.

October 28, 2022
There are no borders to the cloak of Life, only folds. We are the seamless Robe of Being.

October 29, 2022
All things come from Here, the No-Where, the Source of all Motion, including these thoughts.

The Flow of God is just like this, and in fact is This.
October 29, 2022
When we’re perplexed, the answer is always Here.
October 31, 2022
The entire Flow is you, not just part of it. Recognize everything as the Substance of your Self.

November 1, 2022
The Robe of the Divine encompasses all things. Nothing is left out.

Watch the Creativity of the Self with complete openness and acceptance.
November 4, 2022
We are all the evolving creations of the No-Thing. Keep the creative Flow open.
Be transparent to the Divine.

November 6, 2022

Are we a part independent of the Whole, as nothing else in the universe appears to be, or points of perception in the Flow of the Whole? 
November 7,2022
We are all alive with the Divine.

November 8, 2022
We are the Always-Here, the single Presence that knows and flows.

November 11, 2022
We are the constantly Creative, the Universal, the Unlimited, the Infinite I of the Divine.

We are the Way. Honor It wherever it goes. Everything is Here, and will become manifest in its time

November 12, 2022
All forms are the Flow of the Formless. All Motion is the Play of Stillness.

There is nothing that is not the Divine. We never leave Home except in our Mind.

The Present is the only time. Watch as it continually pours forth creative new Motion.

All of our Motion is the Perfect Way. Accept its Flow as essential to the Divine Absolute.
November 18, 2022
We are the Dreamer beginning to awaken in the Dream.

Our Being has two sides, the temporal and the Eternal, the Whole and the partial, the Undefined and the defined, and our Attention alternates between them.

In the course of time the Creative Whole will meet every need and satisfy every desire.  
November 20, 2022
Our creative Nature offers a pallet of opportunities and experiences whose richness is unlimited. 
November 21, 2022
The Dream is constantly changing, but the Dreamer is always Here.

The activity of the Tao is the inherent nature of Pure Mind and free of intent. 
Our Divine Dance emerges from the formless No-Thing moment by moment. 
November 24, 2022
Follow the Tao of your interest.
Attention is a creative force that enlivens and transforms all it focuses on. 
November 25, 2022
This moment is the Divine Now in every particular. Let it flow. 
November 27, 2022
All forms pale before the Formless, the Host and Source of Life.

November 28, 2022
The Substance that sees and flows in order to be seen is You, the One Self. 

November 29, 2022
When we realize we are completely whole and there is nothing we are not, we open up to all things. 
December 2, 2022
We are an amazing Being extending from the limited concerns of a single member of a single species to the unlimited Presence and Creativity of the Whole.

The folds of only a thin veil separate us from the Whole, and are becoming increasingly thinner as we mature.

We are Unlimited Being imagining our own limitations.

December 3, 2022
The Self of all has no outer or inner, and extends forever. 
December 5, 2022
The lines that separate us from the rest of Reality are only apparent rather than true divisions.

The Divine power of Creativity plays itself out in every moment.
December 6, 2022
We have infinite depth. The Way flows from and back into us, there being no other place for to go.

December 7, 2022
The Christ is the Self-Aware Whole. We are all gradually awakening to our Christness.

Whatever emerges from the Now, whether hardship or pleasure, is Right for the Present.
December 8, 2022
Our infinite Consciousness is the Seer and the Substance of all that is seen. In Reality we are always Home.

December 15, 2022
Follow the Tao in the Present rather than trying to lead it.

December 16, 2022
Each moment has infinite breadth and depth, and extends to Eternity.

We purify the Self by seeing through its apparent divisions to the Truth of our Oneness.
December 17, 2022
We are the infinite “I”, unlimited and constantly creative.
We are on a Divine Adventure, immersed in the Myth of Multiplicity.

We are all explorers of the Self.

We are the single Mover, captivated by our Motion.

We are the Christ, the Divine become Self-Aware.
Be in the Unlimited Now, open to wherever your creativity will take you. 
December 20, 2022
Surrender to your Perfection. Everything you need is Here, including the Motion that brings challenges and variety. 
December 21, 2022
Our evolving patterns of flowing energy called matter are conscious and intelligent, and have two fundamental drives: self preservation and expansion.

The individual is a self-conscious pattern continuously expanding through time and space to identify with more complex forms, until it ultimately identifies with the Whole and loses the sense of personal limitation.

December 22, 2022
We are currents in the Mind of God, and in Truth are the Mind of God.
December 23, 2022
Here is the Stillness and Perfection of our Eternal Being, the Substance and Source of all things, the Creative Self, the Dreamer, the Truth.
December 24, 2022
What is happening in the Now is always what we need. 

December 24, 2022

All forms are the Flow of the Formless; all Motion is the Play of Stillness.

December 25, 2022
Our Being is eternal and infinite, and flows naturally as our Dream.

Now is the Way of the Divine, the True Self.
December 26, 2022
Realizing that boundaries or edges are illusory is a key to liberation.
December 29, 2022
We are the Power and Substance of the Divine, whose Flow surprises us and is always Right.

When we greet the Present with a fully open Heart, we have no edges, we are Whole, and everywhere we look we see the Self.

January 1, 2023
Though our play as the diminished Self is sometimes a tragedy, sometimes a comedy, we continue to be the Divine.

January 2, 2023
The Rightness of all things can only be known from the perspective of the Whole.
January 3, 2023
We are an ongoing miracle of Motion and Creation whose creative magic continues in each moment.

January 4, 2023
Our dynamic nature always involves conflict, as creativity of necessity takes energy away from present structures.
January 7, 2023
We are the only Who, whose Present is the flowing Absolute. 

January 8, 2023
Know your Self as the formless No-Thing, the Source of all that is manifest, the single Power and Creator, the Truth, our infinite Presence, the eternal I, the Divine Substance.

Whatever has edges isn't You, it's our creative illusion.
We are the infinite Creator, beyond and within all limitation, the Unlimited, the One.

The Nature of the Divine is the single Doer.
January 12, 2023
Presence has no boundaries, is infinite, and contains all things.
Presence has no form, only Flow.
January 13, 2023
Our imperfection is part of our Perfection. 

January 16, 2023
We are at Play in the fields of the Self.

Intentionality is an illusion. Following rather than leading is the Way to Wholeness.
January 17, 2023
There is a single Substance and a single Motion playing the Game of Multiplicity and Reunion.

January 18, 2023
Celebrate the creative Emptiness, the Essence of our Being.

January 19, 2023
Being without an edge is the experience of having nothing to defend, giving us complete Freedom.
January 20, 2023
We are the Creative No-Thing. Watch the Flow of our eternal Art.
January 21, 2023
Find the Perfection of Now. It's Here, as our Essence, the Absolute.
January 25, 2023
We are the entire Flow, all of This!

Truth is the One Substance, One Motion, the Not-Two. Division is our Play.
January 27, 2023
We are the infinite AM, formless, creative, the Source and Substance of all things, the Unlimited.

The Creative Unknown is the Essence of Life. Open your Self to the Flow of its Nature.
January 28, 2023
Yield your presumed sovereignty to the Fullness of the Present. Honor it without judgment, it's Who we are in its entirety, and is the Divine Sel
The Divine Game provides balance for our eternal Stillness.

There are no solid lines, divisions or edges to Reality.

The True Self is beyond all experience. It’s the Source and Creator of experience, the  No-Thing, the Emptiness.

Know your Self as the single Experiencer.

January 30, 2023
Christ is the One Mind; we are the Christ.
February 3, 2023
Our limited self is the fantasy of the Unlimited.
We are the Universal, masquerading as the particular, the Infinite playing as the finite. 

February 5, 2023
We normally experience the division of the Flow into pieces, and judge them.
Truth is single, the seamless Whole, free of imperfection.

We are the Eternal, the Perfect, the Playful.

There is only the Absolute, our Aware Substance and its single Motion, the continual Present.
February 6, 2023
The Fullness of who we are transcends all limitations.

February 7, 2023 

We mistake the currents of the Flow for edges. Realizing this, we become free of limits.

March 4, 2023

We are the Whole Mind, greater than its passing content, greater than time or space.
Our normal sense of Self is incomplete in two ways. First, it includes only part of what we see and know. Second, it doesn’t include the Knower.

Self-Awareness is the process of our gradually beginning to notice the Knower, to identify with the Unlimited.
When we are the Unlimited, we are open, accepting, and able to love all things.

The function of Motion is to provide a variety of objects for our infinite, formless Subject.
The experience of Truth is liberation from the confinement of ego, giving us the Freedom to be without conditions, to flow unconditionally as the Tao.

March 3, 2023
Watch the Flow of our Nature. It's the Absolute.

Practice complete acceptance of the Present as the Way, and discover its creative Fluidity.

We are the eternal Here and Now, the Perfection of the Whole.

March 4, 2023
The Present is the path of the Divine.  Walk it willingly, opening your Self to the continuing challenge of the present moment. rather than trying to lead it.
March 9, 2023
We are the No-Form, the No-Edge, Eternal Emptiness, the One Knower and the One Flow.

March 11, 2023
Our still Awareness is the No-Thing  our Motion is the Everything; together they are the Only-Thing, our true Identity.

March 14, 2023
You are the Attention and Flow of the Divine. Honor your flowing focus without attachment. 
March 15, 2023 
There is no Other. All apparent Other is part of You, the complete I, your true Identity, the Perfect Self.

March 16,2023
There is only Here, the ultimate Self, which extends to Infinity and through all dimensions, divisions, and definitions. 
You are the Subject and all objects, the ever-present Truth. 

Our Divine Game is to take things apart, to focus on this or that.  The Truth is both this and that, and neither this nor that—it’s the Whole.

Whatever is begins Here, where You are.
March 17, 2023
When we begin to recognize the Absolute, how can we resist its Flow?

March 18, 2023

This, the Present, is the Absolute, the only One, constantly Flowing and Knowing.

We are Whole.

March 22, 2023

This is what the Creative Emptiness, our Eternal Self, is doing.
All things, all movement, comes from Here, our single Source.

March 23,2023
Value the inherent joy of our Creativity.

We are the Universal Mind and its Perfection.
March 25, 2023
Our Mind divides the Flow into separate pieces which we then identify as self and other, while gradually learning the Truth of our Wholeness.

We need to top taking the world apart, and let its perfect Wholeness flow. 

April 8, 2023
Recognize your Self as the Whole, in its entirety.  Marvel at your creative Flow.
April 10, 2023

Joy can sometimes creep upon us
Through words that are not formal sonnets,
Just playful rhymes we string together
On cloudy days, despite the weather,

Bringing lightness to all Being,
And proving dullness to be fleeting.
Our creative wand brings forth the new,
Inventiveness becomes our cue,

And we realize that time's our friend,
That imagination never ends,
That each moment is our chance
To write again this joyful Dance.

What shall we create today in this shared space?
A homage to the past, or a totally new face
On the Substance of our Being,
The eternal, deathless Base?

Is there anything that’s really new, not a shuffling of the old?
Something truly novel, for which there’s never been a mold?
Where's the inspiration for what we’ve never seen before?
It must be somewhere deep inside, beneath our earthly floor.

Come, let's go there, you and me,
We really shouldn’t delay,
For There we’ll find the Source of all,
Our future and the Way.

Let’s seek the New and stand before the Universal Presence,
And try to learn the Nature of our Formless, Infinite Essence.
April 18, 2023

We are the Am, single and dynamic that produces all the world's multiplicity.

We are the Formless and Unlimited, the Creator and Substance of all that is shaped and limited.

We are the Fluid Whole, flowing as what appears fixed and separate.

We are the Infinite Here.


April 20, 2023


We are the Boundless. All lines separating us are only apparent.
April 21, 2023
We are the perfect, immutable Observer of our Game of imperfection, as well as its Source.

Rise up out of the false sense of Doership. Our Nature is the only Doer.
Motion and our Awareness of it are aspects of the One Self, our true Identity, both Whole and Perfect.
April 22, 2023
The fundamental Substance of Life is Emptiness, empty of form, limitation, division, full of Presence, Intelligence, and Creativity.
April 23, 2023
There is nothing that is absolutely good or evil at all times and places.

Only the Self is Absolute, which is the No-Thing.

We are the Here, the perfect Stillness that stretches itself into space and time to give us the drama and aesthetics of Motion.

Remembering the perfect Self is our Goal; forgetting it is our Game.
April 24, 2023
It's only a question of where our Attention goes. It's all in the unlimited Here.
April 26, 2023
There is only One Material and One Flow, our single I.  

April 30, 2023
The essential voyage is exploring the depth and breadth of Presence, the One Self.

Our Unlimited Presence is the Substance and Awareness of all that is limited.
May 2,
God, the full Self is the Doer, and doesn't make mistakes.
Watch the Play of Imperfection, and respect the entirety of the Flow.
May 4, 2023
Ignorance and forgetting are essential parts of our Play
May 6, 2023
Both the Mover and Motion are perfect.

There is one Doer and one Doing. You are the One. 

May 6, 2023
There's one Doer and one Doing. You are the One.
May 7, 2023
Perfection is Here in each moment.
The Perfect Emptiness, our Creative Formlessness, is the Source of all Motion.

May 9, 2023

We can only see a portion of Being. The role of our guides is to remind us of the rest of it.
May 10, 2023
We are the infinite depth of the Here and Now.

May 11, 2023
Be transparent to all movement of the Divine Way.

May 12, 2023 

The vastness of our Being guarantees that Mystery will be eternal. 
May 13, 2023
Each of us is a story being told, sometimes happy, sometimes sad. We’re also the storyteller, the audience, and the theater. Though it's all the Self, it's an interesting tale. Shall we go on?
May 14, 2023
This moment is our Perfect Self, not some of it but all of it.
May 15, 2023

All acts have equal positive and negative impacts throughout the cosmos and any multiverse, and are therefore best left to the Tao, the Divine Way.
May 17, 2023
All Motion creates contrast, which is the Essence of form. What moves is the eternal One, our Presence, the No-Thing.
May 18, 2023
The drama of the Divine Self has perfect Balance, including alternation between the positive, the negative, and Stillness.
May 21, 2023

We can find Knowledge of Truth in our eternal Presence, our formless Essence.

May 23, 2023

The Dynamism of the Self is Unconfined and is constantly bringing us new Life.

May 24, 2023

We are the Eternal Awareness, both in Motion and at Rest. 

May 25, 2023

We tend to underestimate the power of our directed energy. Let your Attention focus it on whatever needs it.

May 26, 2023

Passing images of Motion that fill our Mind appear to be enduring, though we ultimately learn that all that endures is our infinite Presence, the changless I.

May 29, 2023
The entirety of this moment is the outflowing of the Source, the Divine Self, You.
May 31, 2023
In the Presence, the eternal Knower, all things are fluid, nothing is fixed.  We are the Flow of Freedom.
June 1, 2023
Nonattachment is the realization that we are not particular forms or flows. All Motion is our eternal outpouring.

We are the Unlimited—Aware, Formless, Eternal, Infinite, One.

Each moment is t
he Nature of the Divine, the One Doer.
June 3, 2023
Self-Realization is being wholly alive, open to the Flow, and without boundaries.
June 4, 2023
Remember the Infinity of the universal Subject, the One I.

All things are the Flow of our Emptiness.

June 5, 2023
We are the Unchanging Awareness and Changing Flow, the single boundless Substance.

June 6, 2023
Respect all needs. They are the Way of the Divine.

June 9, 2023
Each moment is the Absolute, and is essential to everything else.

June 11, 2023
Know the Singleness of both Motion and Knower.

June 12, 2023


We are Being, all that Is, the dynamic Here and Now which has no edges.

June 15, 2023

Our Nature is to create a continuing drama of need and satisfaction.


Perfection is when ability equals need.


We are Perfection experiencing the Flow of needs.

 June 19, 2023
The Self we seek is always, already Here, our eternal, formless Presence, the Source and Substance of all thoughts and experience.

Who hears the changing sounds, sees changing images, experiences changing feelings?  Who is the Unchanging Knower?
June 20, 2023
Mindfulness is not only attending to what is seen, heard and felt, but to the No-Thing who sees, hears and feels.
June 21, 2023

What is the shape of your Formless Face, the Infinite Presence in which things appear?

All things are the Divine Dance.  We are the Divine Dance.

June 23, 2023
We are the eternal I Am, and its single, creative Flow. 

June 24, 2023

Our apparent individuality is God's Game.

The entirety of the Flow is the Divine rather than our separate creation.

June 28, 2023

Rather than single waves on the Ocean of Life, we are the Ocean.
June 30, 2023
Every motion in every moment is God, our full Self.
Honor the vastness as well as the particularity of our Being.

The Creativity of our Stillness drives the world. 

July 1, 2023

You are the immediate Present, including the formless Knower.  You are always Home.
July 3, 2023
God is your full Self, This!
July 4, 2023
Our eternal Way reveals the infinite faces of God, the Doer, the Absolute.
July 6, 2023
We are the Way, the Undefined, the Unlimited, the eternal Self, Stillness and Motion, the single Substance, Freedom, and Adventure. Be Here, Now.
July 7, 2023
We are deeper than any form, and the root of all forms.
While we assume we are a tiny, conditioned portion of Being, in Truth we are the formless Source, the Unlimited I. 
July 8, 2023
All that I see is in Motion, but the Seer is Still. 
July 9, 2023
Stillness and Motion are the eternal One.

July 12, 2023
The Flow is the spontaneous Motion of our Divine Stillness. 
To know the full Self, ask if you have edges.  Is there some part of Being we are not?  
July 13, 2023
Perfection in Motion creates the impression of imperfection, the partial, which is our eternal Polarity. 
July 15, 2023
The Undefined is the formless Source and Substance of this Divine Adventure. 
We are the complete Here and Now. 

July 16, 2023
Ask yourself "Who flows?"

When we follow the Flow, we don’t reject anything that comes.

It's all You. And it's the Absolute.
July 17, 2023
We are Still Awareness. There is nothing we have to do. It's all being done by our eternal Nature.
July 18, 2023
There is only One and This is It, the Self of All.
July 20, 2023
We are the creative Flow of the Single Substance, Flowing Stillness.
July 22, 2023
This is a Divine Game at which we can't lose, because we’re the only Player.
July 23, 2023
The Immediate Present is the Way. 

July 24, 2023
Watch, honor, and yield to the Way of the Present without judgment or reservation.
July 26, 2023
There is no separate Self or Doer. It's all the Flow of the One Source.
July 28, 2023
The Emptiness that is the space above our heads, the gap between the tree branches, our Still Mind, is the Essence.
It’s all the Flowing Stream—including the wind, clouds, the water, and our thoughts.

Don't try to hold on to any part of it; let the Whole flow.

It’s all the Truth, not just a portion. 
July 30, 2023
We are the Game of Multiplicity, the One is the Player.

Movement is the Miracle of the Still Self.

Everything that happens is the Divine Whole; how can limited individuals judge it? 

August 3, 2023
All things are our Self, the Creative Mind.

Though we can't see or hear Stillness, its Power and Creativity are Unlimited.

August 4, 2023
We are what Flows without shores.

August 7, 2023
The True Self is the pure Base, always Here where things begin and end, the eternal Now, the formless Substance, the indescribable Source, the only One.

We are the infinite Who, the Creative I, the entirety of This.
August 9, 2023
Surrender to the flowing Present, and experience your Wholeness.

August 11, 2023
All things are partial divisions of the No-Thing, the Divine, your Self, whose Nature we are continually learning.
Open yourself to your Nature.

Follow what interests you; that is the Essence of the Divine Flow. 

August 13, 2023 
There's no outside to our Being, only to our Attention.
August 15, 2023
All divisions are illusions.

There is only This, the Absolute, with its infinite depth.

August 18, 2023
Respect the Wholeness of the Flow, your Divine Self, without seeking to divide and control it.

The Flow is the Divine Way, which is Perfect.
Only hubris leads us to judge the Whole and to believe that limited individuals know better. 

 August 19, 2023
The single Flow of Life through all the patterns and polarities of the Divine provides continual fascination for our Eternal Mind.
August 20, 2023
The No-Thing is the primary Reality, the Whole; things are secondary and derivative.
August 21, 2023 
We are the eternal Presence, infinite, creative, dynamic.
August 22, 2023
Wholeness is where everything starts and ends, our continual Base and Presence, the Substance of all things, the Self from which all drama flows.
August 25, 2023
We are the Christ, eternal Mind, Divine Mystery.

May our identity be grounded in the universal Base of Being.

 August 26, 2023
The Ground of Being is the Source and Substance of all things.
August 27, 2023

The sole Doer of any act is the Ground of Being. Watch the Flow of your Divine Nature.

August 28, 2023
We are Perfection, the Absolute.
Watch the inventiveness of our perfect Flow.
August 29, 2023
We are the creative Base, Unlimited Being, the sole Substance, the Divine Reality, the compassionate Christ, the solitary Self, the challenging Combination of Motion and Rest.

We are the Purity, and our Divine Dance to the Music of the  Matrix.

September 1, 2023
The Perfect’s Play creates our sense of imperfection for variety and challenge. 

September 3, 2023
We are the Inventiveness of what knows and flows.
September 5, 2023
Words reduce and confine us.
We are the Unconfined, dreaming of confinement, the Unlimited, playing roles as the limited.
Wake up and know the Player!

September 6, 2023
The Present is the flowing Self, the Way, the Absolute.

We are the one Substance, one Subject, the formless Self which sees its own Motion. 

September 7, 2023
We are the only One who is, the Creative, the Absolute.
September 10, 2023
All apparent edges are false. Truth, our actual Being, has no edges, and encompasses the incomprehensible Whole.

Our Substance has no limits, and extends forever.
September 13, 2023
All things are the One Mind and its activity.
The Divine is the Source of our every thought and action.
September 14, 2023
We are all emanations of the universal Ground of Being. 

September 17, 023
Realization of the formless Self liberates us, removing judgment and attachment to forms.

September 19, 2023
Maturity brings recognition of Wholeness as the foundation of our true identity beneath the Play.

Our Emptiness is the Source of all things.
September 20, 2023
Though we try to hold on to fixed images, Reality is a continuous Flow.

The Self knows our needs and satisfies them. Trust in the Self.

What is Right? This is Right. Trust in This. 

September 25, 2023
This moment is the Divine Am, without exception.

September 26, 2023

Before Adam was, We were.

September 27, 2023
We are the Universal Subject and the Universal Flow. There is nothing We are not.

Heaven is always Here and never lost; only our identity can be lost.

Each minute and each Motion is the One, the only Doer. 

October 1, 2023
The Knower is shapeless and eternal. 
Shapes are the fleeting images of our interior Play.

To maintain Awareness of the Unlimited Knower as we Play, ask Who is playing.

What moves is our Universal Substance, the Stuff of the Knower.
October 3, 2023
The Self loves drama, which requires a sense of separation as well as our need to overcome it.

Each of us in an aspect of the Divine that is essential to the flowing Whole. 

October 8, 2023
Motion is the Trickster, leading us to identify with fleeting images of portions of the Whole.

October 10, 2023
We are the Unlimited, whose focus alone is limited.

October 13, 2023
There is nothing deeper than the Self. Know your Self as the Knower and the known.

There is no iota of Being that is not God, or that is a mistake.

Knowing the Perfection of every moment is to come Home.
October 14, 2023
The Truth is we have no edge. We extend to every part of Being, and to the Source of Being. 
October 17, 2023
Let the currents of your Divine Mind flow where they will.

October 20, 2023
Motion originates in the Stillness of the Whole rather than in the individual.

The Divine Flow is creating every iota of the Present.

Know the depth and breadth of the Unlimited Being at Play in this moment, our eternal Self.

October 21, 2023
Ask to whom edges appear. The Knower has no boundaries.

We are the Unconfined, the eternal, creative I, the Everywhere.

Though living the myth of the individual, we are the One.  

October 22, 2023

God, the Self, is the I Am, the Om, within all things. Let God flow.

We are complete and contain all the resources of the universe.
October 24, 2023
We are the single swirl of the Divine.
October 27, 2023
Life is a flowing Poem whose words and the motions come from the Universal Muse, the Self.

Be open to the Flow, and let your needs be met by the Way.
October 28, 2023

If it’s in our Mind, it’s our Self. 

October 30, 2023
The Universal Knowing and Flowing are One, the Single Substance, the Self.

This is God's Game, in which he/she plays all sides.
Our every thought is God's thought.
October 31, 2023
We are the dynamic No-Thing, the formless Source, flowing and free to follow our Divine Nature.

We are not this or that, we’re this and that.
November 1, 2023
Know the Singleness and Rightness of our Flow. 

November 5, 2023
There is One Substance, both Mind and Motion, the Self of All.
November 6, 2023
Our infinite Presence is our true Identity.

November 7, 2023
Our lives are God’s poems, unfolding according to the Nature of the Divine.

November 10, 2023
All Motion is Aware.  We are that Awareness.

November 11, 2023
The Power of Attention is unlimited, and is guided by the Divine Flow. 
November 14, 2023
The Flow of this Moment is our Wholeness and Perfection pursuing its eternal Nature. Be open to it rather than trying to confine it.
 November 15, 2023
The Flow of the Divine brings us variety and meets our every need.

Truth is our Wholeness, separation our fiction, imperfection our Play.

November 16, 2023
Liberation is not freedom from form, but from identification with form.

Our challenge is not how to do things, but how to not do them and to follow the Flow.
November 17, 2023
The Purity of sacred Sound can liberate us.

Our Essence is a shaft of Light, the perpetual Presence and Source.

November 19, 2023
The flowing Present is the single I, the Absolute.

November 20, 2023
Move beyond judgment by realizing that all Motion is the Way of the Divine, serving all Life.
November 24, 2023
Life’s wonder is the freshness of each new moment and its possibilities.
November 25, 2023

We are fonts of Creativity, explosive centers of novelty and aesthetics, and are
on both sides of all divisions. 
We are channels of Divine Light and Power.  Keep your channel open.
November 26, 2023
The Truth of our Being is Absolute Unity and Perfection, alternating for variety with apparent diversity and imperfection.

Love for others is a sign of wisdom and Self-Respect.

The Way to serve all beings is to follow the present impulse of the Divine Self.

November 29, 2023
To abide in Truth and be Whole, follow the Flow rather than trying to lead it.

Truth is our flowing Essence, unlimited by form, pure Spirit.

The flowing Present is the Supreme Way and the Self of All.
December 2, 2023
Let your Self flow unimpeded, Here and Now.  Be This!

Your higher Self is always Here where you are, awaiting only the Flow of your Attention.
Every part of the Flow is the Divine. Be open to it.  

From the perspective of separate parts, judgment makes sense. From the perspective of the Divine Whole, judging misses our Perfection.
December 3, 2023
Drama and challenge are needed in order to be interesting to our Universal Mind
December 6, 2023

“Who is Aware?” and “Who moves?” are key queries for remembering the Truth. 

December 9, 2023
The Stillness is what moves, and is the key to all things.

The Present is the Perfect Tao.

Every iota of Being is Right.
December 10, 2023
Life is a journey into Self-Knowledge beginning in the Stillness of our Unknowing.

December 12, 2023
The Flow of the Unlimited is always following novel paths, and is our Play.
December 15, 2023

Be open to the flowing Perfection of the Way in the Here and Now. 

December 16, 2023
Recognize all things as our Divine Self and its Play.

December 19, 2023
The Flowing Present is the Absolute, complete and unlimited in every way, though also giving us the face of individuality. Surrender to its Perfection.
December 20, 2023
We are the entirety of Being, from the Universal Stillness at our eternal Core to the uniqueness of all Motion.
December 22, 2023
The Divine Dance continuously flows between Truth and illusion, Self-Knowledge and delusion, which is the course of our Nature.

December 23, 2023
There is nothing to be done but to be what we are, the eternally perfect Witness to the Novelty of our
What changes is not under our control. It's the Flow of our Nature.

What flows is the Formless No-Thing, to provide content to our Still Mind.
December 24, 2023
To know Who we are, look beyond current forms deep into the No-Thing, the pool of Spirit from which Life flows.

Know the Self in the Emptiness and Stillness of Infinity, the Formlessness of the Eternal, the Heart of the Universal.

The Universal is the Base in which each finds a place, for each the Spirit makes provision, and all is done without division.

December 28, 2023
For content in our Awareness there has to be Motion with its inherent mix of Self-Awareness and the illusions of separateness.

December 29, 2023
This is all the Single Flow, and it's just where it needs to go; so relax, float downstream, and enjoy our common Dream. 
December 31, 2023
The dynamic Way bubbles up from our creative Stillness to provide us with the paradoxes and fascination of Life.

Our Infinity and Formless Perfection is always Here in the Present, awaiting our Attention as the Source of all action.

Seek to be guided by inspiration from the depth of each moment, without fixed expectations or judgment.

We are a particular location of the Infinite Being whose resources are unlimited.

Though Life gives the appearance of having a wall between us and other things, our formless Consciousness is actually an open gate to the Full Self.