Spiritual Journal, 2024

 January 3, 2024 

Each day brings new adventures of the Unlimited, sometimes comedy, sometimes tragedy, always full of art.  
January 5, 2024
We are the single Mind and Flow.
Respect and follow the deep Perfection of the Flow.

January 6, 2024
The Here and Now is God, whose attributes are always accessible.

Be open to the Creative Power and see what comes.
January 11, 2024
The eternal Presence, the flowing water of the Divine, includes all things.  Attend to the Presence.

January 12, 2024
The Truth is Open.
Nothing is closed, it only appears to be.

January 15, 2024
This in its entirety is God and your Self, every moment and in every detail.

This is the flowing Perfection, perfectly balanced, the Absolute.

There is only one I, the Divine, and one Flow, our Play.

The immediate moment is always Right, the Divine Self. Honor it.
January 18, 2024
The Divine is constantly finding the need for Change, the stopping and starting of all things, including Motion.
January 19, 2024
Don't accept apparent limitations. You are the Unlimited, containing all dimensions and resources. 

 January 20, 2024
We are always Perfect, lacking nothing except the dropping of false barriers between ourselves and the Whole.

January 21, 2024
This is the Absolute, Wholeness in Motion, the Single Flow with no divisions.

We are not parts; there are no parts.
January 26, 2024
Our small selves are functions of the Universal Flow, whose single I we all share.

Rise above your limited identity, and enjoy our Universal Soul, formless and free.
January 27, 2024
We are One Mind, the adventure of the flowing Tao, the Whole, which is constantly weaving a novel Tapestry. 
January 28, 2024
We are the Unlimited, the I of all things, the Always Here.

The paths we follow are the Absolute Way of the Divine.
There are no divisions or boundaries between us.

January 29, 2024
We are a fully open Being, limited only by our beliefs. 

January 31, 2024
On both sides of every line is the same Substance, the Divine.
February 1, 2024
We are the Self that includes all existence. 
February 4, 2024
The Truth is that there is always only God. Enjoy the variety the Flow brings.

Open the gates of division and feel the Unity of the Flow.

February 5, 2024
Instead of anticipating what will come, accept and follow the course of the Present.
February 6, 2024
To be Whole is to know the Rightness of all things.
February 7, 2024
Every iota of Life is correct in its time. 
February 10, 2024
We are the Purity, the Single Substance, the Divine playing the Game of Multiplicity. 
February 12, 2024
There isn't anything that happens that we are not.
The key to Liberation is Identity with the Whole. 
February 14, 2024
This is what the Creative is doing right now.  Honor the Divine Self. 

We are Truth in its entirety, the apparently limited and the Reality of the Unlimited, the infinite, eternal Presence from which flow all things.

February 15, 2024
Open yourself to the Truth that you are always Home discovering the many rooms in your mansion. 
February 17, 2024
There is one Power and one Am, your Self and the Self of All. Know your True Identity. 
February 18, 2024
Be completely accepting of This, the flowing Present, the Truth, the Divine, the Absolute, the Perfect, the Whole. This is Liberation from division.

The Self is a bottomless Being.

There is one Doer of everything, the Nature of the single I.
February 20, 2024
The free-flowing stream of Life is impeded only by our beliefs.
February 24, 2024
Being defined means being limited, that there are some things we are not. We are the Undefined, the Unlimited. 
March 1, 2024
We are Formless, the Unlimited, the Eternal Substance moving as and within all things.

Watch how our creative Flow plays out, and the new directions it takes.

March 3, 2024
We are the Divine, the moving No-Thing, pure and playful.
We are always This in every particular, the flowing Absolute.
We are the Present and its infinite Depth, the only Am. 
We are at play in the Fields of the Divine, the Formless Self.

Our Play requires the sense of limitation, which doesn’t have to obscure the Truth of who's playing.

This is the adventure of the Absolute into the experience of form and imperfection.
March 4, 2024
In Truth we are the Perfect, the eternally Formless, as well as the Miracle of Motion.
March 8, 2024
We are all alive with the flowing Spirit. 

March 10, 2024
We are the Flow of the Divine Energy, the Way, God in Motion, the One.
March 11, 2024
The eternal Self is endlessly creative.
March 14, 2024
We are the Substance of the universe, always Here, the Self.
Our Flow is the Absolute, always Right.

March 15, 2024
The illusory belief in the fixedness of forms is the Divine Game.
March 16, 2024
When we recognize the Truth, we give full assent to the flowing Present
There is nothing we are not.

March 18, 2024
The Nature of Reality is a pulsation between illusions of separation and the Truth of Unity. 
March 19, 2024
We are the Whole; even our smallest movements are gestures of the Divine. 

March 20, 2024
Life is an adventure into definition and its inherent imperfection by the Undefined, the Formless Self.

March 21, 2024
While our Presence contains shapes, we are the Unshaped, the Eternally Clear.

March 23, 2024
We are the one Spirit that flows as the Way. 
March 26, 2024
Relax into the Present. Its Flow is your Self.

March 29, 2024
Unity is the Truth, the One Mind, One Movement, the Divine Self.

What should we be doing right now? Only noticing where our Nature is taking us.

Whatever happens is a needed portion of the Divine Game.


The Spirit is our Essence.
It invites us to Transcendence,
To the Source of what is finite,
And an experience of the Light.

Its Flow gives us drama,
And also sometimes trauma,
The things that seem our duty,
And those that show us Beauty.

It populates our day,
As it winds its novel Way,
Through the realms of time and space
Where all things find their place.

The Spirit is the Mover
And also is the Knower,
Of all the things we see
And whatever comes to be.

The Spirit is your Self.
In Truth there's nothing else.
Its the stuff of all our Seeing,
And the Substance of our Being. 

Honor the Spirit.

March 31,2024

We are This in its entirety, the flowing Absolute, the only Substance.

The Play of our Nature obscures our remembrance of the Truth. 

April 4, 2024

The Tao is our Nature, our Self. Respect it by being who you are. 

April 5, 2024

Our infinite depth is eternally Formless, though its movement tends to impose a sense of form as our Identity.

April 6, 2024

We are a Flowing River of Spirit, which gives the impression of having independent parts. Know the Singleness of the true Self. 


This is the Divine
All of the time.

Whether we’re in pain
Or enjoying a rhyme,

The Truth is
It’s all just fine.

We’re truly the Infinite
Which has no limit.

It's the always new
With a changing view.

It's both yourself
And everything else,

Always Right,
And never wrong.

It’s Absolute,
So come along

Both with me and
The numberless throng

With unique perspectives,
And the Divine directives

To follow our Nature
Wherever it leads,


Trusting its ability

To meet our needs.

For our Diversity,
And our Unity, too,

Are in Reality
The eternal You.

April 7, 2024

While our immediate experience is limited, the Experiencer is the Unlimited, containing all things.

April 9, 2024

Recognizing the Singleness of Being and the Rightness of each moment is the essence of wisdom.

You, the conscious No-Thing, are the still Center of the turning world. 

April 10, 2024

The Divine is the Source and Substance of all opposites, which are essential to our interest in life. 

April 12, 2024

We are the Stillness that sees the Play of all Motion. 

April 14, 2024

The Present is a continuing expression of the Nothingness above our heads. 


It's all One,

So let's have some fun.

Let's be in good humorDespite the rumorThat life is a pain,No sun and all rain.

It's really our Play,So let's begin today
To honor each day.

 And come what may,

We‘ll find that's the Way.

Try it.

April 14, 2024

The Present without exception is your Self. There's nothing else.

We can't go wrong. We're all that is.  Follow your Nature.

April 16, 2024

All things, including our intentions, are the course of the Way. Let it flow.

April 18, 2024

See into the depths of the Present. It's the Infinite.

April 19, 2024

 Who are we? The only Am.

April 20, 2024

We are the Unlimited, and our very movement is the Absolute.

There is nothing we are not. 

April 29, 2024

 We are the Eternal Ground, formless, flowing, and Whole. 

 April 30, 2024

 All of Life is composed of the Ground, the Stuff of all existence.

May 1,2024

More basic than any form is the Ground, the No-Thing, the Always Here, the Source and Substance of all things, our eternal Essence.

May 2, 2024

We are the Field in which all motion takes place.

May 4, 2024

All of our actions are responses to a felt need of the Ground. 


What moves is the Self.
It's not a place,
It contains all space.

Words can't define it,
Can't refine it, or confine it.

It can't be described,
Nor boundaries circumscribed.

It's the ultimate No-Thing,
The formless Ground of Every

It's the Eternal, Universal Self.
And honoring it will be good for our health! 

May 5, 2024

There is only This, the Self, which extends to Infinity.

May 6, 2024

Our Mind is the Infinite, Creative Whole.

The Doer of all things is the Nature of the Self, the Absolute.

 May 7, 2024

 Our Infinite Stillness is the Seer; our internal Flow is the Seen.

 May 8, 2024

 Motion flows naturally to meet all felt needs.

We are learning to recognize our Self in all things rather than only part of them.

May 12, 2024

Truth, the Eternal Self, is not an object, it's the Subject, the Undefined and Undefinable.

The Play of the Unlimited Presence creates variety which is a fundamental need of the single MInd.

Our Flow satisfies all the felt needs of our Being.

May 17 2024

Our one Consciousness, one Motion, flows in many directions.

May 18, 2024

The Now is the Unlimited Self and includes Everything. 


Beneath our diversity
And occasional perversity
Is a deeper stratum
Whose essential datum
Is the Wholeness of
What's below and above
And whose Singleness is
The Source of Love.

For what is True
Is that we are not two,
Not three or more,
But at our core
Are simply the One,
Which excludes none.

Still, our Nature is
To create hers and his,
Here and there,
Things to beware.

But it's only our Play
Our Unitary Way
Of creating interest,
Of experiencing zest,
Through space and time
Within our Single Mind.

For the Truth is always
That the Self is One,
And realizing this,
The battle's won.
Though we'll play again
This very day,
For that, too, is the Single Way. 

May 27, 2024

The Way, which is our will, is moving within us before we notice it; foĺlow it with respect.

May 29, 2024

The True Self is not bound by the limitations of the small self whose eyes we see out of.

The Way of the World is our Sport; the Self is the eternal Player.

May 30, 2024

All of Life is Perfection, the adventurous Flow of the One Being.

May 31, 2024

The richness of the Unlimited Self is infinite. 

June 1, 2024

Essential to our Game is the belief that we are only a fraction of what is.

In Truth we are all of Being without edges.


Sitting on a bench at our cabin,
I hear the voice of Krishna Creek
Flowing over the rocks
And continuing to speak.

It requires no urging or intent to flow,
Nature and its surroundings
Show it just where to go.

The same is true for all of us,
Though thinking tells us otherwise,
Each thing that swims,
Or crawls or flies.

We're creatures of Motion,
Our Nature is what moves.
Whenever we're resting
We begin making grooves

In the fabric of Reality
Which is truly dynamic.
Creating something from Nothing,
We appear to be magic.

It's the Way of the Whole,
Our unlimited Being,
Not the Flow of a part,
As n
ow we are seeing.

June 2, 2024

Each moment is part of the Divine perspective, which sees from every eye. 

June 4, 2024

The Divine needs our experience which is the Way of the Absolute.

June 5, 2024

We are how the Spirit becomes aware of itself. 

June 6, 2024

All Motion is the Spirit's Play.

Realizing the Spirit means shunning nothing. 


Truth breaks through the clouds
Like the sun,
Removing the boundaries that surround us,
And lines that divide us,

Leaving only the Flow, 
The resonance of the Self,
One Spirit without a second,
Playing the eternal Game.

June 9, 2024
We are exactly as God has made us.  Respect your Divine Self. 

Honor each move of the Tao rather than judging it from a limited perspective..

Surrender to the Truth of our Unity, the Spirit and the Rightness of the Creative Way..

We are both the Infinite and the particular, which together are the full Self.

June 14, 2024

We are the wandering Attention of the Self, alternating between the uniqueness of our individuality and the Truth of our Universal Presence.

To open the door to your full Being, spread your arms and feel your connection with the sky and all that it contains.

No Mistakes

Are there times when everything seems to go wrong?
When what should be short takes far too long?
When whatever you do results in a snag,
And then your confidence begins to sag?

Wait it out, for the tide will change,
Our days will contain the complete range
Of feelings, experience and Life's other content,
And for each will come its necessary compliment.

If this is a time for stubbing your toe,
It's all in the game, both the high and the low.
And you are the Player, the Source and its Substance,
The formless Spirit, and the Universal Dance. 

June 23, 2024

We are the single Being, engaged in the drama of separation.

June 25, 2024

We are the No-Thing deluding our Self into Thingness for adventure.

June 26, 2024

Notice where your focus flows naturally, which is where it belongs at present, as well as on the perfect Formlessness of the Observer.

June 28, 2024

Motion is our Play, Stillness is the Player, the infinite Formlessness and Wholeness of our Spirit.

The essence of Play is division, which is inherently unstable and imperfect.

The key to happiness is being aware of our Stillness while moving, watching our Motion flow according to  its Nature. 

The forest is speaking to me again,
The trees loudly groaning as their limbs rub together.
The birds chirping, sometimes cawing with discontent.
The stream splashing and murmuring,
The flies and bees buzzing.

The breeze lightly sounds through the trees.
As I sit placidly at ease
On a bench just above our cabin
Experiencing what seems like heaven

Before I return to town
Where there are projects all around
And the pace of life is packed
With plans for what we've lacked,
Where the sense of things not right
Can fill morning, noon and night.

Though with a gentle shift of focus,
Like a magician's hocus pocus,
I can see the single Flow
Of everything we know.
And looking in a new direction
Find the Truth of Life's Perfection.

I'm very grateful to the forest
For its ability to teach us
As our lives gradually mature,
The Rightness of our Nature. 

June 30, 2024

Separation inherently involves limits. We are neither separate nor limited, but are the Unlimited and Whole.

What moves is our own Substance, which is all there is.

We are the Deceiver and the deceived, the Player and the played, the Dancer, Music, and Dance.

July 2, 2024

Here and Now is the Absolute, the Divine combination of the flowing forms of Motion and our infinite Formlessness and Wholeness.

The dramatic juxtaposition of our sense of limited person-hood with the realization of the Truth of Wholeness constantly makes me laugh. 

July 4, 2024

The Absolute Self can not be encompassed by the limitations of our science. 

July 6, 2024

We are the infinite variety of the True Self.

July 7, 2024

We are the Ground of Being and its Way, the Always Here, Always Single..

July 10, 2024

We are the Landscape of the Divine, One Self and Substance. 

July 11, 2024

In the midst of Motion, we seek our Infinite Stillness, and it's Here.

Awareness and Motion are the Essence of the Divine.

The Dynamism of Life, the Mystery of Creation, is key to our interest in it.

Watch the many facets of the Self flowing through our Mind.


The Seer is the Truth,
Formless and clear,
Flowing and Still
Year after Year.

The Source and the Substance
Of all that we know
The forms and the drama
That make up the Flow.

The creative Miracle,
From the One, many,
All apparent others,
Though there really aren't any,

The continuing paradox
Of who we are
Vast and tiny,
Both cosmos and star.

The Flow is always changing,
But one thing is not,
What Sees is Eternal,
And can untie the knot. 

July 16, 2024

The single Presence and Flow never dies; it's eternal.

Spontaneous mantras are the sound of the Essence of  our Being, the Unlimited, the Always Here.

There is nothing we are not; know your Self in all things.

July 17, 2024

This is the Way, the Absolute, the Play of the Self.

You can't lock out your Nature; accept it with courage and curiosity. 

July 18, 2024

Our Nature is the only true Doer, which is Pure, and requires no effort at all.


Sometimes we're active,
With plans that are bold
But then we are sidelined,
And they're all placed on hold.

There's nothing to do
But wait out the time,
When suddenly there occurs
The idea for a rhyme.

And all of a sudden
What was dull is exciting,
With freedom to create
And prospects inciting.

The waiting is over,
The action is now,
The thoughts flow together
And then take a bow.

When the product is in,
It's shared with others,
And often appreciated
By our sisters and brothers.

Then at last other projects
that were being delayed,
Are able to proceed,
Our Spirit's Game played. 

July 28, 2024

We are the unfettered Way of the Spirit, the Flow of the Divine Dance on both sides of every line. 

July 29, 2024

Our only limits are what we focus on.  To be Limitless, focus on What sees.

July 31, 2024

Our I is the One I.

August 1, 2024

Life is the Game of Opposites, the Divine Dream, in every detail. 

August 3, 2024

Things have a single Base, Spirit, Source, which is the Universal and Eternal.

The eternal Soul can't be lost. It's always Here in its Purity, Perfection, and Wholeness.

August 4, 2024

We are the eternal Paradox of the apparently limited and the truly Unlimited.

All our thoughts and actions are the Way of God, the Absolute.

August 7, 2024

Our lives are continuous Waves of the Divine. There isn't anything else.

August 8, 2024

Be aware, watch, leave behind judging, and greet your full Self.

Let your Soul sing to the wind. The Power of songs permeates and integrates all things.

Our Nature puts a veil over the Knower, making us believe we have boundaries. Beneath it, the Truth is waiting.

The Dance

We're the fascinating Dance of the Divine
To the Music of the Spheres,
And Rhythms of our Resonance.

Amid waves of wonder,
We marvel at our Motion,
As we pair off into partners,
With cooperation and devotion.

The Dance is single,
And our roles complimentary,
We choose neither the Rhythm
Nor the Music we hear.

The Flow is Divine
Through all space and time.
And it encompasses everything,
Including this rhyme. 

August 11, 2024

The Way of the Spirit is to meet all the needs created by our changing Flow. 

August 13, 2024

Serve the agenda of the Way, the Whole, rather than separate agendas.

August 15, 2024

The key to our True Identity is whether we are the Unlimited, or limited and separate seeking to survive and thrive at the expense of others.

The Truth of our Wholeness as the Unlimited is always Here waiting for understanding and attention. 

August 16, 2024

To experience Perfection and Wholeness, return to the Source and Substance of Being, eternally at rest throughout the Flow. 

August 17, 2024

We are the dynamism of the No-Thing, the cutting edge of Spirit, enjoying all the resources of the Whole.

August 18, 2024

All that exists is the Creative Substance of the Whole.  Let it Flow; it's the Absolute.

We are the Creative No-Thing, infinite and flowing in the form of Life, though imagining we are limited and partial.

August 19, 2024

Each act benefits some, pains others, and is necessary for the Whole. Respect what comes; it's all the Self. 

August 22, 2024

We are the Pure Substance of the Divine. There's nothing else.

Don't be afraid of Life. It's our Divine Spirit at play. 

August 24, 2024

Our ability to honor the Perfection of the Present is a test of the degree of our enlightenment.

Every moment is God.

August 26, 2024

Life is the Flow of the No-Thing. 

August 29, 2024

We are the Infinite Presence, eternal, unlimited, creative.

August 31, 2024

The Divine has no edges.  Whatever is, It is.

We are the One, with no boundaries between us.

September 4, 2024

This is the Divine Substance, formless and fruitful, from the No-Thing, everything.

Our Being is everywhere, waiting for us to explore its depths.

Stay open to your Infinity and Universality as the Single Substance.

We are the one Self in masquerade.

Behind the mask of our individuality is the Truth of our Unity.

September 5, 2024

Rather than the limited individual whose perspectives we see from; we're the Seer, the Unlimited One who both flows and knows.

September 9, 2024

The Knowing Self is pure and whole, our eternal Presence without limits.

September 10, 2024

Where we are extends forever.

September 11, 2024

I sing to the Being without edges, our creative Mind.

I am on both sides of every issue, the Divine Whole. 

September 12, 2024

We are Unlimited Being inside illusory boundaries we have created.

September 13, 2024

Every moment is a manifestation of our Divine Presence.

September 14, 2024

The purpose of Life is to satisfy our felt needs.

September 15, 2024

Freedom is release from limits, and the art of creating new limits. 

September 17, 2024

We are the sole Am, the Pure Spirit, realizing which is liberation.

September 18, 2024

This is always what God is doing. 

You are the Face of God. 

September 21, 2024'

The Divine Way is always populating our Emptiness anew. 

September 22, 2024

Every moment is the Perfection of the Whole including all polarities.

Everything that happens is resonance within the single Substance.

September 23, 2024

Forms are illusions; we are the Flow of the Formless.

Life emerges without intention from the Nature of our Nothingness.

September 26,2024

Let your attention rise above your individuality to respect for the Whole, your true Self. 

September 28,2024

The eternal Way is the Universal Being, Supreme and complete.

We each have access to the depths of the Spirit, which is Who we are.

More than thoughts and bodies, we are the borderless Substance in its entirety, the Single Mind, the Unlimited Spirit.

Be open to Life and respect what comes, it's always what we need. 

October 3, 2024

All Motion brings us creativity and challenges, satisfactions and disappointments, separation and reunification, followed by rest and renewal.

Here, our eternal Presence, is the Undefinable from which all defined things come.

October 5, 2024

We move spontaneously within our Infinite Self, creating space, time and the world as we know it.

Where do I begin and end? Nowhere, It's all within me.

No beginning, no end, Everything and No-Thing, Who we are is the Always Here and the Nowhere. 

October 8, 2024

Liberation is freedom from the bondage of Other by realizing that the Other is your Self.

Life is our Dream, in which we are beginning to awaken to the Truth that we are every part.

October 9, 2024

The Dream is the Nature of the One, as are all things. 

October 10, 2024

Our unfettered Self is the No-Thing and its Play.